Zero to Full Stack Hero

101h 29m 59s

PAPA React presents.. Zero to Full Stack Hero. It's NOT just another COURSE. It's the world's BEST COMMUNITY. From learning the Basics of Web Development to Mastering React!

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Its what you all have been asking for!


If you're starting from absolute ZERO, we got you! We are going to cover HTML, CSS, Javascript and a tonne of extra's that will propel you into the world of web development!


Flexbox, CSS Grid, Bootstrap, Material-UI + SO MUCH MORE to make your website a looker and the next big hit!


EVERYTHING in React. We got you covered. Even TESTING!


If there is one skill you NEED to land the frontend job, it's REDUX.


SSR made simple!


Think of the power of the Sun... Yep Firebase is THAT powerful and I'm going to teach you how to not get burnt and succeed with it!


Building iOS & Android apps?

We got you covered!


The ultimate backend bromance. We teach it all. EVEN STRIPE!


Languages like Java, C#, Swift are all considered strongly-typed languages, now Javascript can be one too. Master the superset and drastically reduce the bugs in your app today!


Mastering GraphQL will let you tap into you data like never before... oh, and it'll most likely result in a sweet pay rise!


The Number 1 stack for a reason!


My mission is to deliver an UNFAIR amount of value... YES you can expect more and more content for the foreseeable future!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to React 10:42
2 Component Based Design 09:05
3 Create React App 10:10
4 VS Code Extensions 11:21
5 JSX Introduction 11:04
6 BEM Naming Convention 12:41
7 Class Based vs Functional Based Components 09:35
8 Introduction to State 17:22
9 Introduction to Props 17:01
10 Styling Components 15:32
11 Creating Our First Input Form 13:45
12 Rules of Hooks 18:22
13 The useEffect Hook 22:20
14 Building Our First Custom Hook & How to use a useRef! 21:43
15 Introduction to Web Dev Essentials 05:59
16 Extensions you NEED to install right now! 11:07
17 HTML Introduction and Document Layout 14:14
18 Tags and Attributes 11:33
19 Adding Links and Images 16:39
20 Lists & Tables 16:40
21 An Introduction to Divs 06:59
22 Classes & ID's 10:28
23 Span & Inline 06:38
24 Introduction to Storybook - Image Optimization in Next.js 02:33:37
25 Getting Started with Tailwind CSS - Tailwind JIT - Dark Mode with Local Storage 03:15:48
26 Introduction to CSS and Using Dribble Design with Tailwind CSS by AVNEESH AGARWAL 02:19:41
27 JavaScript: Difference between const, var and let - Loops: while and for 19:51
28 JavaScript: Creating A Console Game (Thinking Outside The Box) by Ben Elferink 16:04
29 JavaScript: Having Fun With Math to Animate 42:15
30 JavaScript: JavaScript Interview Questions 45:25
31 Props & State - Class and Functional Components 04:25:15
32 React Hooks Fundamentals - React Hook Forms - CSS Modules 04:10:14
33 Recoil Mastery - Atoms / Selectors - Recoil vs Redux - 03:11:01
34 Built a Weather App - APIs - String Manipulation - useRef 03:30:15
35 Google Sheets API + React - React-hook-form - Form Validation 03:02:59
36 Intro to Framer Motion - JS Animations - Portfolio Ideas 03:06:21
37 Using Charts in React (ApexCharts) - react-firebase-hooks 03:03:11
38 Creating a React app with Webpack and Babel by LUKA RESETAR 02:09:54
39 Tasty Recipes of React by SHRADDHA HINGE 02:10:03
40 2D Game named Breakout made in React: Implementing 3rd Party Library called Phaser 01:19:25
41 Using State - Add & Edit State Items - Toggle Favourite (Boolean) and Render Filtered Lists 01:05:57
42 Async functions (with a TRY/CATCH instead of a promise) - Fetching Data 14:27
43 Responsive Navbar - Router, Switch, React-router-dom - NavLink - useState 46:31
44 Video Bookmark App in React: useRef Hook - Spread Operator - Event Binding 26:03
45 Introduction to useRef Hook in React - Document Selector in VanillaJS vs useRef by Asad Memon 04:39
46 Building an E-Commerce Site with Redux - Basket Implementation - Actions 02:59:40
47 Redux Basic Concepts - Building a TODO App with Redux Implementation by PEDRO GONCALVES 02:20:45
48 Introduction to React Native & Expo - Testing Suggestions - React Native Lifecycle Focus 03:35:27
49 Building a REST API with Express and MongoDB - Testing API with POSTMAN - Deploying 02:49:54
50 Firebase Hosting 101 (Images & Videos) - Media Types - Progress Indicators 03:01:39
51 Firebase Cloud Functions - Using Express on a Cloud Function - CORS 02:56:04
52 Drag and Drop it like it's HOT! (dnd) - Typescript introduction - Portfolio 101 04:23:32
53 Typescript Introduction with Next.js - Building a Menu the right way with Headless UI - Tailwind CSS 02:48:23
54 Building a Translation App with Firebase Extensions - Next.JS 02:51:54
55 Handling Different Authentication methods in Next.js - NextAuth 02:57:32
56 Stripe Session Checkout & Next.js backend - Nvm node version control 03:57:36
57 Next.js SSR vs SSG In Practice - API's - useRouter - How to Deploy a Next.js App to Vercel 03:01:35
58 Intro to GraphQL - Apollo Client & Server Setup - Next.JS - SSR with GQL - Queries 03:27:59
59 Productivity & Life Hacks 101 - Time Management - Beginner to Entrepreneur Roadmap 03:06:30
60 Databases 101 and Introduction to SQL by YAP QIANG 01:48:27
61 Freelancing 101 by PRIYANSHU SARAF 01:06:16
62 Learning Linear Data Structures in Node.js -On Learning, Tracking, 04:30:07
63 In Depth into Git Command Line Interface - Diving in Linux Bash Commands by KEVIN BARTA 01:46:43

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