Arduino Step by Step Getting Started

18h 42m 17s

This is the original, legendary Arduino course on Udemy, by Tech Explorations, fanatically supported by Dr Peter Dalmaris.  It is trusted by thousands of students, and contains over 16 hours of content, quizzes, Github code repository, thousands of active student discussions, and countless downloadable and linked resources. Please don't be confused by other courses with a similar name.

Read more about the course

This course is for the new Arduino Maker. 

Do you have a passion for learning? 

Are you excited about becoming a Maker with the Arduino?

If you answered "yes!" to both, then you are ready to get started!

In making this course, I emphasized the importance of getting the basics right and learning to mastery. As an educator for over 15 years, I know first-hand that hitting a roadblock because you lack the fundamental knowledge to progress can be demotivating. 

In Arduino Step by Step Getting Started, I make sure that in the more than 16 hours of video content, mini projects and quizzes, we cover all the basics so that you can enjoy learning about the Arduino.

By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of the capabilities of the Arduino Uno, the best Arduino for people getting started, and you will be familiar with the capabilities of several of its cousins. 

You will be comfortable with the basic prototyping tools and their usage, the basics of the Arduino programming environment, language and programming.

You will be able to use a variety of components. From simple buttons and LEDs, to visible color and ultraviolet light, and other environment sensors.

Apart from knowing how to use the components that I demonstrate in this course, you will also learn how to read datasheets, how to use libraries on your own, and how to learn the skills you need to create the gadgets you want, on your own. With knowledge comes freedom, and I will help you get there.

I invite you to review the free lectures in the first section of the course to find out more details about it. 

If you are excited about becoming a Maker with the Arduino, join many other Makers and me in Arduino Step by Step Getting Started!

I look forward to learning with you!

  • A Windows, Mac or Linux computer
  • An Arduino Uno
  • Electronics parts like resistors, LEDs, sensors, as listed in Section 1 of the course
  • Essential tools: a mini breadboard, jumper wires, a multimeter, a soldering iron and solder, wire cutter
  • Be excited about electronics!
Who this course is for:
  • Students over 10 years of age, or younger with with adult supervision. Young students should be supervised at all times when using a soldering iron.
  • Students with a little or no prior experience with electronics or programming.

What you'll learn:

  • Build simple circuits around the Arduino Uno, that implement simple functions.
  • Write simple Arduino sketches that can get sensor reading, make LEDs blink, write text on an LCD screen, read the position of a potentiometer, and much more.
  • Understand what is the Arduino.
  • Understand what is prototyping.
  • Understand analog and digital inputs and outputs
  • Understand the ways by which the Arduino can communicate with other devices
  • Use the multimeter to measure voltage, current, resistance and continuity
  • Use protoboards to make projects permanent
  • be productive with the Arduino IDE, write, compile and upload sketches, install libraries
  • Understand what is Arduino programming, it's basic concepts, structures, and keywords
  • Detect and measure visible light, color, and ultraviolet light
  • Measure temperature, humidity and acceleration
  • Measure the distance between the sensor and an object in front of it
  • Detect a person entering a room
  • Detect a noise
  • Make noise and play music
  • Display text on a liquid crystal display

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# Title Duration
1 What is this course about? 06:43
2 Parts you will need 18:03
3 Tools you will need 09:53
4 How to get the most out of this course 03:40
5 Update 2022 brief 03:04
6 Introduction to this section 00:41
7 The Arduino Uno over the years 13:12
8 Getting to know the Arduino Uno: Atmega328P, USB, Shields 11:01
9 Getting to know the Arduino Uno: Pins, power, clock 10:19
10 Using the digital output pins 13:15
11 Using the digital input pins 10:19
12 Using the analog output pins 08:16
13 Using the analog input pins 08:03
14 Introduction to this section 00:50
15 Serial (UART) communications 07:44
16 I²C (TWI) communications 08:25
17 SPI communications 07:35
18 Introduction to this section 01:02
19 Arduinos past and present 12:47
20 Classic Arduinos 01:24
21 Meet some members of the Arduino family 05:11
22 Introducing the Arduino Mega 2560 05:15
23 Introducing the Arduino Due 06:54
24 Introducing the Arduino Zero 05:18
25 Introducing the Arduino 101 03:40
26 Introducing the Arduino Pro Mini 04:57
27 Introducing Arduino-compatible boards 10:44
28 Modern Arduinos 10:17
29 Arduino MKR 06:11
30 Arduino Nano 05:26
31 Kits 02:06
32 Arduino Student Kit 05:22
33 Arduino Explore IoT Kit 08:16
34 Seeed Studio Arduino Sensor kit 05:20
35 DFRobot Beginner Kit for Arduino 08:42
36 Introduction to this section 00:33
37 Using the breadboard 13:57
38 Using jumper wires 07:11
39 The absolutely essential tools 08:02
40 Powering your Arduino with power supplies 04:02
41 Using the multimeter to measure voltage 07:27
42 Using the multimeter to measure current 05:29
43 The multimeter - Resistance and continuity 06:36
44 The Arduino Student Kit multimeter 23:40
45 Introduction to soldering - the soldering iron 11:25
46 Soldering - preparation and using holders 05:17
47 Soldering - using wire cutters and fume extractor 02:23
48 Soldering - Simple maintenance tips for your solder iron 03:08
49 A demonstration of soldering a header onto a breakout board 13:48
50 An introduction to protoboards 15:22
51 Introduction to this section 00:47
52 Arduino IDE 1.8 05:25
53 Arduino IDE 2.0 10:25
54 An introduction to the Arduino IDE 08:01
55 Getting and installing the Arduino IDE 07:46
56 The Arduino IDE - Understanding the Preferences pane 18:14
57 The Arduino IDE - Understanding the Menu items 12:50
58 How to upload a sketch to your Arduino 09:38
59 How to upload a sketch to your Arduino - For Windows users 09:15
60 Introduction to this section 01:03
61 An introduction to Arduino programming 05:11
62 Understand the basic parts of an Arduino sketch 14:34
63 Getting started with custom functions 15:31
64 Creating custom functions and the return keyword 06:04
65 Using variables 12:27
66 Understanding variable scope 07:06
67 Understanding constants 03:34
68 Introduction to control structures: The "if" statement 05:22
69 Introduction to control structures: The "while" statement 03:54
70 Introduction to control structures: The "For" statement 04:15
71 Introduction to control structures: The "Switch" statement 04:19
72 Digital output - how to control an LED 14:45
73 Digital input - how to read the state of a button 13:51
74 Analog input - how to read the state of a potentiometer 09:03
75 Analog output - how to create a fading LED 15:07
76 Introduction to the RGB (color) LED 08:54
77 Wiring the RGB LED 13:48
78 RGB LED: creating colors 02:30
79 Using a library to control an RGB LED with PWM 16:30
80 Learning more with the Arduino language documentation 05:02
81 Introduction to this section 00:44
82 Introduction to Arrays 11:08
83 Arrays, Example 1 12:20
84 Arrays, Example 2 14:08
85 Arrays, Example 3 06:00
86 Arrays, Example 4 06:48
87 Introduction to this section 00:47
88 What is a photoresistor and how to wire it 13:01
89 How to select the appropriate fixed resistor for a photoresistor 08:49
90 Using the Ultra-Violet light sensor 13:22
91 An introduction to the RGB Color sensor 05:48
92 Wiring the RGB Color sensor 12:54
93 Mini project: copy a color to an RGB LED using an RGB Color sensor 10:53
94 Introduction to environment sensors 00:37
95 Using a DHT22 sensor to measure temperature and humidity 14:43
96 An introduction to the Thermistor 06:51
97 Wiring the Thermistor 06:00
98 How to calculate the temperature from the thermistor resistance 05:29
99 Thermistor: getting a temperature using a library 05:34
100 Thermistor: improving the accuracy of analog readings with AREF 04:31
101 An introduction to measuring temperature with the TMP36 06:29
102 Wiring the TMP36 and a demonstration sketch 08:22
103 An alternate wiring of the TMP36 07:12
104 An introduction to the MCP9808 for very accurate temperature readings 11:46
105 MCP9808: Wiring 02:19
106 Using the MCP9808, demo and sketch walkthrough 03:55
107 MCP9808: A closer look at I2C addressing 06:46
108 An introduction to measuring barometric pressure with the BMP180 06:30
109 Wiring the BMP180 and first sketch walkthrough 05:52
110 A first demo sketch for the BMP180 09:46
111 A second demo sketch for the BMP180 07:52
112 Introduction to detecting acceleration 00:37
113 Introduction to detecting acceleration with the ADXL335 08:54
114 Wiring the ADXL335 08:54
115 Plugging the ADXL335 directly in the Arduino, and detect its orientation 06:41
116 Write the sketch for detecting orientation with the ADXL335 08:07
117 Introduction to this section 00:30
118 Introduction to the Passive infra-Red (PIR) motion sensor 12:07
119 A simple PIR experiment with an LED 12:06
120 A demonstration of using the PIR sensor with the Arduino 06:34
121 PIR sensor first demonstration sketch walkthrough 04:31
122 PIR sensor second demonstration sketch walkthrough 07:42
123 Introduction to sensing distance 00:52
124 Introduction to the ultrasonic distance sensor 11:45
125 Wiring and understanding Trigger and Echo 14:14
126 How to calculate distance 13:14
127 Introduction to sensing sound 00:23
128 Introduction to the analog sound sensor 10:43
129 A demonstration and sketch of the analog sound sensor 10:37
130 A demonstration and sketch of the digital sound sensor 12:34
131 Introduction to this section 00:31
132 Introduction to the buzzer 12:30
133 Playing music 06:57
134 Control the sound volume 05:46
135 Introduction to this section 00:34
136 Introduction to the LCD 04:37
137 LCD wiring in 4-bit parallel mode 13:57
138 LCD demonstration sketch 05:29
139 Display sensor data in the LCD 10:19
140 Connect LCD using the I2C adaptor 11:50
141 Using the RGB LCD and buttons shield 11:28
142 Why use 3 resistors for the RGB LED, vs. just one resistor on the cathode? 06:32

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