Reactive Angular Course (with RxJs)
This course is a catalog of commonly used design patterns (and some anti-patterns) that every Angular developer should know. The goal of the course is to teach you how to comfortably design and develop applications in Angular in Reactive style using just plain RxJs, and nothing more. This course comes with a running Github repository with the the finished code, as well as starting points for different sections of the course in case that you want to code along, which we recommend as its the best way to learn.
Read more about the course
This course answers the common question: how far can we go in Angular while using only plain RxJs and nothing more, without introducing any state management library?
It turns out that the simple set of techniques taught in this course are very well suited for a wide range of applications, especially in-house built enterprise applications.
In this course, you will learn exactly how to use RxJs to design and develop both the service and the view layers of your application, and you will understand both the advantages and the pitfalls of the reactive approach.
Particularly when it comes to state management, it turns out that we can already go very far by leveraging only plain Angular and RxJs techniques, without using an additional state management library like for example NgRx.
These simplified state management techniques are adequate and sufficient for a large range of applications, and we believe that you should consider them first before thinking of adopting a full-blown state management solution.
How far can you go with these techniques? That's what you will find out in this course.
Course Overview
We are going to start our course by taking a small Angular application that is written in imperative style, and we are going to talk about some of the problems of that approach. Then, we are going to refactor the application and explain step-by-step how to implement it in reactive style instead.
We will explain in detail every RxJs operator that we come across in this course, the first time that we need each operator.
We are going to start with a fully stateless solution first, but later we are going to improve the user experience by applying some simple RxJs-only state management techniques. We are going to use these patterns in order to handle some of the data of the application, as well as the user authentication profile.
The key element needed to implement lightweight state management is RxJs behavior subjects so we will cover those in detail in the course. We will also provide step-by-step reactive style solutions for common UI functionality like loading indicators or error messages.
Table of Contents
This course covers the following topics:
Review of an application written in imperative style
Refactoring into stateless reactive style, understanding the benefits
Smart vs Presentational Components
Stateless Observable Services
The shareReplay Operator
Stateless UI updates (without state management)
Introduction to RxJs Subjects and BehaviorSubject
Decoupled component communication using shared observable services
Using Observables to have components interact at different levels of the component tree
Error Handling and error messages in reactive style
Loading Indicators in reactive style
Improving user experience with lightweight RxJs stores
Optimistic UI updates
Managing User Authentication state with plain RxJs
Local vs Global Services
Master Detail with cached master table in reactive style
The Single Data Observable Pattern: Avoiding nested ng-component tags
Refactoring a reactive application to OnPush change detection
Conclusion and key takeaways
What Will You Learn In this Course?
At the end of the course, you will feel comfortable designing and developing Angular applications in reactive style, by leveraging plain RxJs-only techniques. You will know how to apply simplified reactive state management techniques to different common use cases, and you will understand the advantages and the limitations of this approach.
You will be familiar with a series of commonly needed reactive design patterns, and you will also be familiar with a series of common pitfalls to avoid.
- Angular (beginner level)
- Typescript
- Some basics of RxJs
- Web developers looking to learn how to build Angular Applications in Reactive Style
- Angular Developers looking to learn lightweight state management techniques (using RxJs only)
What you'll learn:
- Code in Github repository with downloadable ZIP files per section
- Learn Lightweight State Management techniques (RxJs only)
- Understand the Core Principles of Reactive Programming in general
- Know how to build Applications in Angular in Reactive Style using RxJs
- Learn a Catalog of RxJs Application Design Patterns and Anti-Patterns
Watch Online Reactive Angular Course (with RxJs)
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Reactive Angular Course - Helicopter View | 07:32 |
2 | Setting Up your Development Environment | 08:07 |
3 | Reviewing a component written in traditional Imperative Style | 08:57 |
4 | Understanding potential problems of a program written in Imperative style | 05:20 |
5 | Design Pattern - Stateless Observable-based Services | 09:03 |
6 | Consuming Observable-based services using the Angular async Pipe | 12:19 |
7 | Avoiding Angular duplicate HTTP requests with the RxJs shareReplay operator | 08:39 |
8 | Angular view Layer Patterns - Smart vs Presentational Components | 10:14 |
9 | Data Modification Example in Reactive Style (Stateless Application) | 13:50 |
10 | Reactive Component Interaction - Section Introduction | 04:27 |
11 | Decoupled component communication using a shared Service | 07:50 |
12 | Loading Service Reactive API Design | 07:08 |
13 | Reactive Component Interaction using Custom Observables and Behavior Subject | 12:23 |
14 | Loading Indication Service - Reactive Implementation Finished | 08:29 |
15 | Understanding the Angular Component providers property | 13:26 |
16 | Error Handling and the Messages Component | 05:11 |
17 | Error Handling with the catchError RxJs operator | 07:21 |
18 | Messages Service - Implementation Finished and Demo | 12:13 |
19 | Local Error Handling in an Angular Material Dialog | 10:30 |
20 | Angular State Management - When is it Needed and Why? | 07:31 |
21 | Initial Implementation of a Store Service | 09:06 |
22 | Step-by-Step Implementation of an Angular Store Service | 11:31 |
23 | Store Optimistic Data Modification Operations - API Design | 07:53 |
24 | Store Optimistic Data Modifications - Step-By-Step Implementation | 13:59 |
25 | Authentication State Management - Section Introduction | 05:50 |
26 | Authentication Store - Step-By-Step Implementation | 07:31 |
27 | Adapting the UI according to the user Authentication status | 08:26 |
28 | Authentication Store - Browser Refresh support with Local Storage | 08:44 |
29 | Master-Detail UI Pattern - Section Introduction | 04:49 |
30 | Angular Master Detail Implementation - The Master Table | 08:02 |
31 | Angular Master Detail Implementation - The Detail Element | 04:18 |
32 | Angular Master Detail Implementation - Final Demo | 08:05 |
33 | Consolidation Exercise - Implementing the Course Screen in Reactive Style | 06:56 |
34 | Course Component Finished - Introduction to the Single Data Observable Pattern | 04:38 |
35 | Reactive Angular - The Single Data Observable Pattern | 10:48 |
36 | Single Data Observable Pattern - Default Data Values | 08:18 |
37 | Refactoring an Angular Reactive Application to OnPush Change Detection | 07:29 |
38 | Other Courses | 02:18 |
39 | Conclusion & Key Takeaways | 14:38 |
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