Angular Basics (v15)

8h 58m 31s
May 18, 2023

Modern Angular best-practices and patterns from years of evolution. Scalable architecture, immutable data structures, state services and brand new Standalone Components. Build an app start-to-finish whilst fast-tracking your Angular skills.

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# Title Duration
1 The Missing Introduction to Angular 12:53
2 Component Architecture, State and One-Way Data Flow 14:02
3 Project Setup and Walkthrough 06:26
4 Understand Angular Bootstrapping 07:13
5 Interpolation and Expressions 07:00
6 Property Binding Syntax 07:38
7 Event Binding Syntax 11:22
8 Template Ref Variables 05:18
9 Create a Child Feature Module 06:55
10 Create a Smart Container Component 05:13
11 Use the NgOnInit Lifecycle Hook 08:29
12 Type Definitions with Interfaces 06:01
13 Create and Render a Dumb Component 06:19
14 Pass State to Dumb Components via @Input 06:34
15 Scoped Styles in Components 11:00
16 Style a Host Element 04:53
17 View Encapsulation: Shadow DOM and Emulated 05:29
18 Set Inline Styles with Style Bindings 06:30
19 Complex Inline Styles with NgStyle 06:20
20 Set Classes with Class Bindings 04:56
21 Complex Classes with NgClass 05:17
22 Use a Pipe to Format Currency 05:01
23 Use NgIf for Conditional Rendering 05:30
24 Use <ng-container> for Virtual Elements 02:38
25 Use the NgIf, Else and Then Syntax 04:34
26 NgIf Syntax with <ng-template> 05:45
27 NgFor and Iterating Collections 05:19
28 Improve NgFor Performance with TrackBy 04:38
29 Access NgFor Index, Odd and Even Variables 04:37
30 Advanced NgFor Syntax with <ng-template> 04:47
31 Use NgSwitch for Case Rendering 08:37
32 Advanced NgSwitch Syntax with <ng-template> 03:36
33 Create a Form Container and Dumb Component 07:36
34 Use NgForm with a Template Ref Variable 03:44
35 <input> Binding with NgModel 05:03
36 Radio Button Binding with NgModel 07:54
37 <select> and <option> Rendering and Binding 07:16
38 Textarea Binding with NgModel 01:35
39 Add Validation Constraints and Form Status 05:48
40 NgModel Template Refs and Validation States 07:12
41 Show Error Messages on Validation Change 07:39
42 Style Invalid Input Fields Globally 04:31
43 Form Submit with NgSubmit 06:57
44 Disable Submit and Safety Check Submissions 02:32
45 Trigger Validation Messages On Submit 07:46
46 Control NgModel Writes with ngModelOptions 04:08
47 Trigger a Form State and Validation Reset 03:55
48 Show Visual Feedback on Form Submission 03:01
49 Emit Form Payload to Smart Container via @Output 08:08
50 One-Way Data Binding to NgModel 10:37
51 Create an @Injectable Service 03:58
52 Share State in Components via Services 07:40
53 Class Methods as State Selectors 05:41
54 Immutable State Creation 07:17
55 Immutable State Updates 12:02
56 Immutable State Deletions 05:13
57 Configure and Proxy a Local HTTP Server 04:58
58 Read Data with HttpClient GET 09:46
59 Store State with Observable Pipes 10:38
60 Branch off an Observable to Access State 07:38
61 Create Data with HttpClient POST 07:19
62 Update Data with HttpClient PUT 09:14
63 Delete Data with HttpClient DELETE 05:40
64 Error Handling with catchError() and throwError() 11:11
65 Retry Failed Requests with retry() 02:47
66 Use retryWhen() to Delay Retries 04:58
67 Set HttpHeaders and RequestOptions 07:36
68 Root Module Routes with forRoot() 08:40
69 Create Nested Child Routes 02:59
70 Redirect Routes to New Paths 04:03
71 Handle 404 Not Found Routes with Wildcards 02:41
72 Lazy-Loading Feature Modules 07:49
73 Declarative Navigation with routerLink Directives 06:15
74 Dynamic Route Params and ActivatedRoute 06:48
75 Pass Custom Data to Routed Components 08:15
76 Programmatic Navigation with Router.navigate() 05:21
77 The Idea Behind Standalone Angular 07:20
78 Bootstrap a Standalone Component instead of NgModule 05:36
79 Providing a Route Config via importProvidersFrom 05:59
80 Import NgModules into Standalone Components 03:50
81 Lazy-Load Component-Less Route Configs 04:33
82 Providing Standalone Directives, Components and Pipes 10:15
83 Code Split and Lazy-Load at the Component Level 04:34
84 Scoped or Component-Level Providers and “providedIn” 03:45

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