Complete Angular 2 JS
18h 50m 51s
This Angular 2 video course is probably the most complete on the Internet to date and this means that it is time to seriously start studying the second Angular. The course covers everything from installation to mini project deployment. You will learn all about components, directives, services, forms, authentication, and more - and in the end: You will learn how to deploy an application! And that is not all. This course will show you how to use the Angular 2 CLI on an off-the-shelf project, allowing you to quickly master the knowledge gained in practice. Angular 2 is almost in its release phase, so don't miss the chance to explore all the benefits and be the first developer to use it.
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 01:13 |
2 | What is in Angular2 | 01:56 |
3 | Creating an Angular 2 Project | 03:28 |
4 | Editing our First App | 07:38 |
5 | Understanding the Project Structure | 02:25 |
6 | Why TypeScript? What is TypeScript? | 06:41 |
7 | Getting Started with Components | 04:14 |
8 | How an Angular 2 App gets started? | 04:17 |
9 | Understanding AppModules | 00:51 |
10 | Using Templates & Styles | 03:32 |
11 | First Summary | 06:59 |
12 | Creating a new Component | 03:24 |
13 | About Unique Selectors | 06:44 |
14 | Using multiple Components | 11:23 |
15 | MUST WATCH - How to proceed with this Course? | 06:37 |
16 | View Encapsulation and Styling | 08:07 |
17 | Inserting Content with ng-content | 05:39 |
18 | Databinding Overview | 07:43 |
19 | String Interpolation | 12:33 |
20 | Property Binding & Event Binding Overview | 09:21 |
21 | Property Binding | 03:16 |
22 | Binding to Custom Properties | 05:10 |
23 | Event Binding | 06:51 |
24 | Binding to Custom Events | 05:20 |
25 | More Information on Property & Event Binding | 05:59 |
26 | Two-Way Binding | 13:31 |
27 | The Component Lifecycle | 11:21 |
28 | Component Lifefcycle Usage Examples | 07:14 |
29 | Template Access with Local References, ViewChild and ContentChild | 01:48 |
30 | Project Setup | 15:02 |
31 | IMPORTANT - Required Changes | 13:36 |
32 | Creating the Header Component | 04:50 |
33 | Creating the Recipes Component | 02:21 |
34 | Creating Recipe Model & List Component | 14:00 |
35 | Recipe Detail & Databinding | 10:15 |
36 | Shopping List Component | 02:59 |
37 | What are Directives? | 04:21 |
38 | Attribute Directives | 03:19 |
39 | Building a Custom Attribute Directive | 06:30 |
40 | Element Interaction with HostListener & HostBinding | 10:26 |
41 | Directive Property Binding | 01:44 |
42 | ngIf | 13:51 |
43 | ngFor | 12:48 |
44 | ngSwitch | 02:21 |
45 | Angular 2's De-Sugaring Mechanism | 08:21 |
46 | Building a Custom Structural Directive | 08:01 |
47 | Using NgModules | 06:46 |
48 | Ingredients List with ngFor | 09:33 |
49 | Custom Dropdown Directive | 12:46 |
50 | Introduction | 06:03 |
51 | Chrome Debugger & Sourcemaps | 10:38 |
52 | Augury | 02:52 |
53 | What are Services? | 04:09 |
54 | Example - Logging Service | 14:12 |
55 | What is Dependency Injection? | 11:31 |
56 | Example - Injecting the Logging Service | 10:28 |
57 | Multiple Instances vs One Instance | 03:08 |
58 | Services & AppModules | 05:00 |
59 | Using NgModules | 07:00 |
60 | Injecting Services into Services | 00:56 |
61 | Using Services for Cross-Component Interaction | 04:32 |
62 | Course Project - Creating the Recipe Service | 10:09 |
63 | Course Project - Creating the Shopping List Service | 02:14 |
64 | Course Project - Cross-Service Communication | 06:06 |
65 | Course Project - Cleanup | 05:59 |
66 | Introduction to the Angular 2 Router | 07:59 |
67 | Introduction to the Angular 2 Router | 09:11 |
68 | Loading Routes | 03:10 |
69 | Navigation with Links | 07:12 |
70 | Understanding Navigation Paths | 06:51 |
71 | Imperative Routing (Triggered in Code) | 04:27 |
72 | Route Parameters | 03:25 |
73 | Extracting Route Parameters | 08:50 |
74 | Query Parameters | 05:51 |
75 | Extracting Query Parameters | 01:02 |
76 | Query Parameters and the routerLink Directive | 01:43 |
77 | Child Routes | 07:13 |
78 | Child Routes | 06:09 |
79 | Required Adjustments in this Module | 06:55 |
80 | Setting up Project Routes | 05:49 |
81 | Adding Navigation | 05:25 |
82 | Child Routes | 11:53 |
83 | Adding Child Route Navigation | 01:45 |
84 | Passing the Recipe ID (Route Parameters) | 06:41 |
85 | Updating the Recipe Service | 08:11 |
86 | Making it all Work | 10:25 |
87 | Styling Active Links | 08:03 |
88 | Cleanup | 16:55 |
89 | Introduction to Forms in Angular 2 | 08:46 |
90 | Template-Driven Approach Basics | 07:20 |
91 | Registering Controls (Template-Driven) | 07:02 |
92 | Finishing Touches | 07:37 |
93 | Submitting a Form and Using the Output (Template-Driven) | 02:19 |
94 | Form Properties | 01:56 |
95 | Input Validation (Template-Driven) | 04:56 |
96 | Form State & CSS Classes (Template-Driven) | 01:54 |
97 | Default Values with ngModel (Template-Driven) | 02:58 |
98 | Two-Way Binding with ngModel (Template-Driven) | 02:33 |
99 | Form Groups (Template-Driven) | 04:43 |
100 | Radio Button Controls (Template-Driven) | 01:59 |
101 | Using the Form State, Providing a better UX (Template-Driven) | 02:06 |
102 | The Data-Driven Approach (Intro) | 04:20 |
103 | Creating a Form (Data-Driven) | 03:23 |
104 | Important Changes with AppModules | 01:51 |
105 | Synchronizing HTML and the Angular 2 Form (Data-Driven) | 03:38 |
106 | Submitting a Form and Using the Output (Data-Driven) | 02:00 |
107 | Input Validation (Data-Driven) | 03:12 |
108 | Using the Form State, Providing a better UX (Data-Driven) | 01:47 |
109 | Form Groups (Data-Driven) | 05:28 |
110 | Radio Buttons (Data-Driven) | 02:14 |
111 | Form Arrays, Arrays of Control (Data-Driven) | 04:09 |
112 | Creating a Form with the FormBuilder (Data-Driven) | 02:28 |
113 | Creating Custom Validators (Data-Driven) | 09:50 |
114 | Custom Asynchronous Validators (Data-Driven) | 03:14 |
115 | Custom Asynchronous Validators (Data-Driven) | 04:52 |
116 | Shopping List Form HTML Setup (Template-Driven) | 07:02 |
117 | Adding & Editing Mode | 03:08 |
118 | Submitting the Shopping List Form | 02:24 |
119 | Selecting Items & Property Binding | 01:41 |
120 | Displaying Data with ngModel | 04:51 |
121 | Editing Items | 06:27 |
122 | Deleting Items & Clearing the Form | 03:22 |
123 | Editing & Adding Recipes (Intro) | 02:57 |
124 | Recipe Form - Preparation - Fetching the Active Recipe | 04:52 |
125 | Creating the Recipe Form with the Data-Driven Approach | 02:10 |
126 | Synchronizing the HTML Code with the Form | 06:47 |
127 | Submitting the Form and Editing Recipes | 10:51 |
128 | Managing Recipe Ingredients | 06:44 |
129 | What are Pipes? | 06:19 |
130 | Using Pipes | 05:44 |
131 | Parametrizing Pipes | 01:44 |
132 | Pipe Documentation | 02:13 |
133 | Chaining Pipes | 03:30 |
134 | Custom Pipes | 01:17 |
135 | Example - Creating a Filter Pipe | 01:20 |
136 | Using NgModules | 05:21 |
137 | 'Pure' Pipe Limitations | 06:27 |
138 | 'Impure' Pipes | 00:38 |
139 | The Async Pipe | 01:47 |
140 | Required Adjustments in this Module | 03:46 |
141 | Http & Observables | 03:04 |
142 | Demo Data Source - Firebase Setup | 03:01 |
143 | Sending a GET Request | 03:28 |
144 | Using NgModules | 07:34 |
145 | The Power of Observables Operators - Map (ping Data) | 00:54 |
146 | The Power of Observables Operators - Map (ping Data) | 04:21 |
147 | Retrieving and Transforming Data with Observables | 06:55 |
148 | Using the Async Pipe | 06:18 |
149 | Error Handling with Observables | 03:29 |
150 | Wrap Up | 04:54 |
151 | Http Intro & setup | 00:36 |
152 | Storing Recipes on the Server (POST) | 01:59 |
153 | Fetching Recipes (GET) and Changing the Storage Method (PUT) | 08:39 |
154 | Finishing Touches & Bugfixes | 04:10 |
155 | Differences between Course Videos and Angular | 05:42 |
156 | NgModule Overview | 05:32 |
157 | Required Adjustments in this Module | 05:56 |
158 | Introduction | 00:52 |
159 | Project Setup | 00:58 |
160 | Setting up Routes | 03:35 |
161 | Backend (Firebase) Setup | 05:02 |
162 | User Signup | 04:43 |
163 | User Signin & Managing the User State | 05:32 |
164 | User Logout | 05:40 |
165 | Protecting a Route from Unauthorized Access | 02:47 |
166 | Finishing Touches | 04:52 |
167 | Introduction | 02:17 |
168 | Using Feature Modules | 01:06 |
169 | Creating a Feature Module | 03:50 |
170 | Creating a Feature Module for Child Routes | 09:08 |
171 | Lazy Loading of Routes | 03:50 |
172 | Implementing Lazy Loading | 02:26 |
173 | Using Shared Modules | 09:39 |
174 | Using a Core Module | 05:56 |
175 | Understanding Module Encapsulation | 03:11 |
176 | When to use which Module? | 04:30 |
177 | Performance and File Size Improvements with Offline (Ahead-of-time) Compilation | 02:32 |
178 | VIEW FIRST - About this Section | 03:47 |
179 | About the New Project Structure (same Video as in Custom Project Module) | 01:35 |
180 | Intro & What to Deploy | 01:06 |
181 | Setting up an App for Deployment | 03:57 |
182 | Deploying to Github Pages with the Angular 2 CLI | 02:04 |
183 | Deploying to Github Pages Manually | 02:42 |
184 | Deploying to AWS S3 | 05:04 |
185 | Intro | 09:04 |
186 | Installation | 01:20 |
187 | New Project - ng new and ng init | 04:08 |
188 | Building your Project - ng build & ng serve | 02:35 |
189 | Understanding the Project Structure | 06:12 |
190 | Linting your Code - ng lint | 01:04 |
191 | Unit Tests - ng test | 02:02 |
192 | Managing Project Content - ng generate & ng destroy | 06:54 |
193 | Putting it into Production - ng build and ng github-pages | 04:02 |
194 | Learning More - ng --help and Wrap Up | 01:55 |
195 | Intro | 02:28 |
196 | Dependencies & Typings | 08:52 |
197 | App Setup & Tsconfig | 03:57 |
198 | Gulp | 12:07 |
199 | Basic App Code | 04:02 |
200 | Typings & External Files | 03:25 |
201 | Setting up index.html | 03:02 |
202 | Configuring SystemJS | 06:52 |
203 | Development Workflow | 05:31 |
204 | Linting with the official Styleguide | 02:28 |
205 | Production Workflow (Bundling, Minification) | 10:25 |
206 | Adding Third Party Packages | 12:39 |
207 | Course Roundup | 01:02 |
208 | Introduction | 02:09 |
209 | Using Types | 06:27 |
210 | Classes | 04:47 |
211 | Interfaces | 05:44 |
212 | Generics | 02:44 |
213 | Wrap up & Modules | 02:37 |
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