RxJs 6 In Practice (with FREE E-Book)

4h 28m 50s

If you are a developer just getting started with the Angular ecosystem, or even if you already have some experience with it, the part that you will find the hardest to wrap your head around is RxJs.

And this is because RxJs and Reactive Programming have a steep learning curve that makes it hard to just jump in into an existing program and learn these concepts by example. With RxJs that approach will simply not work. Instead, we need to start at the beginning and learn some baseline reactive design concepts first.

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This Course in a Nutshell  (note: this course includes the Typescript Jumpstart E-Book)

This course is a complete practical guide for the RxJs library (Reactive Extensions for Javascript).

In this course, we will start by presenting a couple of baseline concepts, and then we will provide you with an extended catalog of RxJs operators that will in practice cover the vast majority of your daily needs.

Also, the goal here is not to cover every single operator, but instead to choose an extended subset that contains the most commonly used operators, and provide practical examples for each.

Another goal of the course is to show how RxJs is meant to be used for building programs using Reactive Design as opposed to an imperative programming style.

Course Overview

We will start by quickly introducing RxJs: we will cover the notions of Stream and Observable, and we will answer common questions such as: what is RxJs, when to use it and why, what problem does it solve?

We will then write our own Observable from first principles: we will implement our own HTTP observable that will allow us to handle backend HTTP requests while supporting error handling and cancellation.

After this quick introduction, we will dive straight into the practical examples covering a large variety of operators. We will cover the operators by explaining their behavior using the official RxJs marble diagrams, and then we will complement that with a practical example.

We will first start with the Map and Filter operators, and quickly move to more complex operators such as shareReplay, concat, concatMap, and other commonly used observable combination strategies such as: merge and mergeMap, exhaustMap, switch and switchMap. We will provide practical examples for these operators that include backend save operations and search typeaheads.

We will then cover several RxJs error handling strategies, like catch and recover, catch and rethrow or retry.

We will also cover the notion of subject and give examples of several commonly used subjects, such as BehaviorSubject or AsyncSubject. We will then use a subject to implement a very commonly used reactive pattern: we will implement a centralized observable store from first principles.

We will also cover many other commonly used operators, that include but are not restricted to: withLatestFrom, forkJoin, take, first, delay, delayWhen, startWith, etc.

At the end of the course, we will implement our own custom pipeable operator from first principles: we will implement a debugging operator that is going to be very helpful for debugging our RxJS programs.

What Will You Learn In this Course?

By taking this course you will learn how to use the RxJs library in practice for building applications in reactive style. You will understand well the core notions that are the basis of reactive programming, such as Streams and Observables.

You will also be familiar with an extended subset of operators that in practice will provide all that you will need for building applications in reactive style using RxJs.

Have a look at the course free lessons below, and please enjoy the course!

Who this course is for:
  • Developers trying to make sense of the RxJs library
  • Developers looking to learn Reactive Programming
  • Developers trying to understand how to build Applications in a Reactive Design style

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# Title Duration
1 RxJs In Practice Course Helicopter View 05:54
2 Environment Setup - Get the Lessons Code Up and Running 07:09
3 Understanding RxJs - What are Streams? 05:54
4 What is RxJs? What Problem Does it Solve? 03:32
5 What is an RxJs Observable? A Simple Explanation 07:34
6 3 Core RxJs Concepts - Errors, Completion and Subscriptions 06:01
7 Learn How Observables Work Under the Hood, Build Your Own HTTP Observable 12:08
8 What are RxJs Operators? Learn the Map Operator 07:25
9 Building Components with RxJs - Imperative Design 05:09
10 Building Components with RxJs - Reactive Design 07:29
11 Sharing HTTP Responses with the shareReplay Operator 06:09
12 Observable Concatenation - In-Depth Explanation 07:49
13 Form Draft Pre-Save Example and the RxJs Filter Operator 08:24
14 The RxJs concatMap Operator - In-Depth Explanation and Practical Example 07:48
15 Understanding the merge Observable combination Strategy 03:38
16 The RxJs mergeMap Operator - In-Depth Explanation 04:13
17 The RxJs exhaustMap Operator - In-Depth Explanation 07:55
18 Unsubscription In Detail - Implementing a Cancellable HTTP Observable 07:26
19 Setting Up the Course Component 04:32
20 Building a Search Typeahead - debounceTime and distinctUntilChanged Operators 07:28
21 Finishing the Search Typeahead - The switchMap Operator 11:27
22 RxJs Error Handling - The Catch and Replace Error Handling Strategy 07:40
23 The Catch and Rethrow RxJs Error Handling Strategy and the finalize Operator 09:19
24 The Retry RxJs Error Handling Strategy.screenflow 06:09
25 The startWith RxJs Operator - Simplifying the Course Component 02:51
26 RxJs Throttling vs Debouncing - Understand the Differences 07:16
27 Implementing a Custom RxJs Operator - the Debug Operator 06:30
28 The RxJs Debug Operator - Implementation Conclusion 07:32
29 The RxJs forkJoin Operator - In-Depth Explanation and Practical Example 04:14
30 Subjects and Stores - New Section Kickoff 02:22
31 What are RxJs Subjects? A Simple Explanation 07:21
32 BehaviorSubject In Detail - When to Use it and Why? 07:18
33 AsyncSubject and ReplaySubject - Learn the Differences 04:04
34 Store Service Design - What Subject to Use? 07:56
35 The Store Pattern - Loading Initial Data, Selector Methods, Consuming Data 06:47
36 BehaviorSubject Store - Example of a Data Modification Operation 11:21
37 Refactoring the Course Component for Using the Store 03:51
38 Forcing the Completion of Long Running Observables - First and Take Operators 06:36
39 The withLatestFrom RxJs Operator - Detailed Explanation 07:34
40 Other Courses 02:18
41 RxJs In Practice Course Conclusion and Key Takeaways 04:47

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