NativeScript + Angular: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps
With Angular (2+), you can already build highly reactive and engaging web apps. Wouldn't it be amazing to use that same tech stack and knowledge to build real native mobile apps for iOS and Android? NativeScript enables you to do exactly that!
Read more about the course
You build a normal Angular app and manage your entire app logic via Angular + TypeScript. Combine that with NativeScript's TypeScript/ Angular modules and the strong NativeScript build system to generate Android and iOS apps which you can (and will in this course) deploy to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
But even better than that: You're also able to use that same "Native App with Angular" codebase to build a regular web app out of it as well.
1 codebase, 3 kinds of apps. Pretty sweet!
In this course, you'll learn:
What exactly NativeScript is and how it works
Which core building block a NativeScript app has
How to build nice user interfaces with NativeScript layouts and UI widgets
How to add mobile navigation (forward-backward, tabs, side drawer) in a NativeScript app
How to style your app with CSS (yes, the mobile app, too!)
How to fetch user input
How to handle state and data in the app (incl. storage on the device)
How to send data to a server and fetch it from there
How to implement authentication
AND: How to do all that in a way that works in both native mobile apps as well as a web app - with one and the same codebase
To succeed in this course, Angular knowledge is a must-have. You need to know how Angular works, how you build and use components, what dependency injection is and how it works and how the general Angular architecture (with NgModule etc) works.
A brief refresher on some Angular core concepts is provided but if you got zero Angular knowledge, you'll very likely not be able to follow along.
You absolutely DON'T have to be an expert though!
Solid Angular knowledge is a must-have (How it works, dependency injection, Angular app structure)
NO prior NativeScript knowledge is required
- Web developers who want to build native mobile apps, too
- Developers who want to use one codebase for three kinds of apps
What you'll learn:
- Build real native mobile apps for iOS and Android with web technologies and the Angular framework
- Share code to build a web app AND native apps from one and the same codebase
- Learn how to use the NativeScript ecosystem and features
Watch Online NativeScript + Angular: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Course Introduction | 01:44 |
2 | What is NativeScript? | 02:48 |
3 | Under the Hood of NativeScript | 02:50 |
4 | What is Angular & Course Requirements | 02:04 |
5 | Our First NativeScript App! | 06:28 |
6 | Course Outline | 02:54 |
7 | How To Get The Most Out Of The Course | 04:18 |
8 | Module Introduction | 00:33 |
9 | What is Angular? | 02:43 |
10 | Single Page Applications (SPAs) in Angular & NativeScript | 03:10 |
11 | Understanding Components | 01:38 |
12 | Installing Angular with the Command Line Interface (CLI) | 04:30 |
13 | Installing our IDE | 05:00 |
14 | Understanding the Angular Project Folder Structure | 08:15 |
15 | The App Component | 07:05 |
16 | Creating our First Component | 04:06 |
17 | Cross Component Communication with Property Binding | 05:24 |
18 | Understanding Directives & String Interpolation | 04:06 |
19 | Handling User Input | 04:09 |
20 | Understanding Event Binding | 02:14 |
21 | Executing Methods with Local References | 01:50 |
22 | Understanding Two Way Binding | 05:57 |
23 | Passing Data Up With a Custom Event | 03:59 |
24 | Implementing Routing | 07:11 |
25 | Setting Up Services | 03:16 |
26 | Using the Service with Dependency Injection | 02:49 |
27 | Working with Lifecycle Hooks | 03:26 |
28 | Adding a Person with Services | 02:45 |
29 | Navigating Between Components | 02:04 |
30 | Removing Items "On Click" | 03:09 |
31 | Implementing an Active Push Mechanism | 05:35 |
32 | Sending HTTP Requests | 10:04 |
33 | Showing a Placeholder Whilst Waiting for a Response | 02:06 |
34 | Wrap Up | 01:18 |
35 | Setting up NativeScript on macOS | 16:13 |
36 | Setting up NativeScript on Windows | 14:00 |
37 | Using Different Emulator Devices | 07:34 |
38 | Running the App on a Real Device | 05:25 |
39 | What's Up With The Extra .js Files? | 01:20 |
40 | Module Introduction | 01:56 |
41 | Starting the Emulators | 02:56 |
42 | How Does The App Start? | 06:22 |
43 | Understanding Components & Layouts | 08:48 |
44 | Building our First own Component | 06:41 |
45 | Adding Basic Element Interactions | 08:08 |
46 | Understanding the Styling Basics | 05:44 |
47 | Styling a Button | 06:13 |
48 | Understanding Layouts - Theory | 03:12 |
49 | The StackLayout | 09:53 |
50 | The FlexboxLayout | 15:23 |
51 | The GridLayout | 15:36 |
52 | Understanding the AbsoluteLayout | 07:25 |
53 | Implementing the Grid Layout in the Course Project | 06:03 |
54 | Splitting our App Into Components | 08:04 |
55 | Passing Data Between Components | 07:45 |
56 | Creating a List of Items | 04:31 |
57 | Making the List Scrollable | 03:14 |
58 | Using the "ListView" | 06:00 |
59 | Extracting & Rendering Dynamic Values | 08:08 |
60 | Debugging our Application | 12:14 |
61 | Wrap Up | 01:38 |
62 | Module Introduction | 01:02 |
63 | Understanding the Different Navigation Options | 03:56 |
64 | Planning the App | 02:32 |
65 | Creating the App Pages | 05:32 |
66 | Adding our First Route | 08:11 |
67 | Implementing Page Navigation | 04:30 |
68 | How to Add Forward & Backward Navigation to our App | 02:55 |
69 | Understanding the Router Object | 03:18 |
70 | Working with the "nsRouterLink" Directive | 02:08 |
71 | Adding an Actionbar and a "Back" Button | 13:29 |
72 | Creating a Shared Component for the "Back" Button | 05:11 |
73 | Adding Logic to the "Back" Button | 03:57 |
74 | Overwriting the Default Transition Effect | 04:15 |
75 | Adding the "TabView" Component | 05:20 |
76 | Displaying Dynamic Routing Content in the Tabs | 11:34 |
77 | Highlighting the Currently Active Tab | 01:54 |
78 | Adding a Sidedrawer | 07:18 |
79 | Adding the Sidedrawer Icon | 04:35 |
80 | Rendering the Button on Android Only | 02:20 |
81 | Forwarding the "Button is Pressed" Info to the App Component | 06:49 |
82 | Displaying the Sidedrawer | 08:00 |
83 | Implementing the Logout Logic | 04:59 |
84 | Passing Around Dynamic Data | 05:13 |
85 | Reading Dynamic Parameters | 09:04 |
86 | Using the Dynamic Parameter | 04:40 |
87 | Injecting Dynamic Values Into the Action Bar on Per Page Level | 07:57 |
88 | Opening a Modal | 11:31 |
89 | Getting Access to the "viewContainerRef" | 04:35 |
90 | Passing Data Into the Modal | 07:19 |
91 | Loading Routes Lazily - Theory | 01:45 |
92 | Implementing Lazy Loading | 12:51 |
93 | Loading Additional Modules Lazily | 06:48 |
94 | Adding a Missing Schema | 01:47 |
95 | Wrap Up | 01:53 |
96 | Module Introduction | 01:46 |
97 | CSS in NativeScript - An Overview | 02:11 |
98 | Understanding Platform Specific Inline Styles | 05:26 |
99 | Platform Specific Files | 07:12 |
100 | Setting Properties Via CSS | 04:26 |
101 | How CSS Works Behind the Scenes | 07:21 |
102 | Using a Theme | 05:42 |
103 | Working with SASS Variables | 07:05 |
104 | Styling the Action Bar | 02:50 |
105 | Preparing the Form Styling | 08:46 |
106 | Centralizing Common Styles | 03:19 |
107 | Styling Today's Challenge | 07:26 |
108 | Working on the Current Challenge | 04:52 |
109 | Adding the Grid to the Current Challenge | 11:54 |
110 | Populating the Grid | 08:45 |
111 | Styling the Grid | 07:35 |
112 | Opening the Modal when Tapping a Day | 13:15 |
113 | Fixing the Sidedrawer Button & Adding Icons | 10:10 |
114 | Adding Text Fonts | 02:33 |
115 | Integrating Images | 10:18 |
116 | Adding Icon Images | 11:14 |
117 | Improving the Logout Button Look | 01:39 |
118 | Wrap Up | 01:45 |
119 | Module Introduction | 01:55 |
120 | Configuring Form Inputs | 09:55 |
121 | Adding Form Validation | 05:27 |
122 | Did you Solve your Challenge? | 02:29 |
123 | Submitting Form Inputs | 03:13 |
124 | Adding a Login Form | 04:08 |
125 | Setting up the Reactive Form | 07:55 |
126 | Adding Validation & Reading Form Values | 08:34 |
127 | Showing the Validation Text in the Template | 08:30 |
128 | Switching Between Login & Signup | 05:51 |
129 | Wrap Up | 01:35 |
130 | Module Introduction | 02:22 |
131 | Analyzing the Requirements | 02:35 |
132 | Working on the Challenge Service | 04:13 |
133 | Adding the Challenge & Day Models | 10:35 |
134 | Using the Challenge Model | 03:59 |
135 | Using the Challenge Service | 07:29 |
136 | Rendering the Current Challenge | 03:33 |
137 | Working on the Today Page & State | 07:49 |
138 | Preparing the Update Day Status Logic | 05:47 |
139 | Updating the Day Status for Today | 04:55 |
140 | Reflecting the Day State on the Action Buttons | 09:04 |
141 | Adding Animations | 06:18 |
142 | Controlling the Settable Days | 05:37 |
143 | Setting the Day Status via the Modal | 05:10 |
144 | Reflecting the Current Day's State | 08:57 |
145 | Changing the Cancel Logic in the Modal | 06:38 |
146 | Resetting Today's State Correctly | 01:59 |
147 | Updating an Existing Challenge | 07:04 |
148 | Disabling the Edit Button | 02:04 |
149 | Wrap Up | 01:36 |
150 | Module Introduction | 00:47 |
151 | Setting Up the Firebase Database | 03:21 |
152 | Storing a New Challenge in the Database | 06:39 |
153 | Fetching Data From the Backend | 10:26 |
154 | Displaying the Loaded Data | 03:31 |
155 | Updating Challenges | 03:37 |
156 | Disabling the "Failed" Button | 04:35 |
157 | Wrap Up | 01:13 |
158 | Module Introduction | 00:45 |
159 | How Authentication Works | 03:44 |
160 | Signing Users Up | 06:34 |
161 | Logging Users In | 05:59 |
162 | Handling Errors & Showing Alerts | 09:11 |
163 | Creating a User Object & Storing the Token | 09:57 |
164 | Managing the User in the Auth Service | 05:01 |
165 | Attaching the Auth Token to Requests | 04:25 |
166 | Authenticating All Requests | 02:47 |
167 | Adding Logout | 02:49 |
168 | Checking the Authentication State | 03:07 |
169 | Adding Auto Login | 08:34 |
170 | Adding Auto Logout | 09:04 |
171 | Adding an Authentication Guard | 13:19 |
172 | Fixing the Redirection Path | 01:10 |
173 | Adding Authorization | 12:01 |
174 | Wrap Up | 01:30 |
175 | Module Introduction | 00:36 |
176 | The Publishing Process | 02:46 |
177 | Testing our App on Different Devices | 11:53 |
178 | Adding the App Icon & Splash Screen Icons | 03:42 |
179 | Further Resources | 00:56 |
180 | Publishing the iOS App | 05:30 |
181 | Publishing the Android App | 09:29 |
182 | Module Introduction | 01:11 |
183 | How Code Sharing Works | 03:48 |
184 | Creating a Shared Project | 03:55 |
185 | Analysing the Project Structure | 03:35 |
186 | Running the Apps | 02:08 |
187 | Adjusting the Auth & App Modules | 08:01 |
188 | Using Helper Services | 07:09 |
189 | Finishing the Auth Component & Adding Styles | 13:25 |
190 | Working on the Auth Form Styling | 08:03 |
191 | More Auth | 03:20 |
192 | Adding More Helper Services | 10:39 |
193 | Finishing the Authentication Part | 06:29 |
194 | Starting Work on the Challenges Part | 11:01 |
195 | Working on the "Today" Page | 10:46 |
196 | Working on the "Challenge Edit" Component | 07:41 |
197 | Fixing the Challenges Filenames & Imports | 02:53 |
198 | Adding the ActionBar | 08:04 |
199 | Reaching the "Challenge Edit" Page | 02:15 |
200 | Adding the Auth Guard & Auto-Login | 03:28 |
201 | Working on the "Current Challenge" Page | 10:44 |
202 | Adjusting the Styles | 10:00 |
203 | Resetting the Editing Page Correctly | 03:06 |
204 | Fetching the Current Challenge on Multiple Pages | 06:01 |
205 | Adjusting the Navigation Items | 04:36 |
206 | Navigating Back (Correctly) | 05:34 |
207 | Adding a Web Modal | 05:06 |
208 | Adding a Backdrop for the Modal | 03:21 |
209 | Adding Modal Actions & User Interactions | 07:00 |
210 | Reflecting the Day Status in the Modal | 02:50 |
211 | Populating the Grid Correctly | 03:27 |
212 | Logging Out | 03:12 |
213 | Adding a Loading Indicator | 09:22 |
214 | Finishing the Mobile Apps | 09:37 |
215 | Wrap Up | 01:26 |
216 | Roundup & Next Steps | 01:50 |
217 | Using the Official Resources | 01:34 |
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