Python Programming for Developers

11h 14m 25s
April 18, 2024

Finally, a Python course that doesn’t insult your intelligence and assume you know nothing. Let’s face it, you know what a variable and function are - you don’t need me to tell you! That’s why this course is designed to be different. It’s a specialist crash course for developers that gets you up-to-speed in no time.


Why Learn Python?

  • Boost your existing skills - growing demand for Python developers
  • It's versatile - Mathematicians, scientists and engineers use it for various applications
  • Easier to master than languages such as C, C++, JavaScript, etc.
  • Universities teach it – both in computer science and other courses
  • Big companies use it – Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Reddit, Spotify, Quora, etc.
  • Runs cross-platform – Python apps work on Windows, Mac, Linux

What can you do with Python?

  • Scripting – easily automate repetitive tasks e.g. web crawling, sending emails…
  • App backends – use Python frameworks to build app backends fast with less code
  • AI & machine learning – number 1 language in this field – big library & data collection
  • Data analysis & visualization – perfect for today’s big data world
  • Computation & calculation – simple syntax & many powerful libraries – scientists, engineers, mathematicians can focus on creating algorithms, formulae, etc.
  • Desktop apps – Dropbox desktop app is written in Python! Need I say more?!
  • Education – Python is popular globally in schools, colleges, universities. It’s so simple that young kids can pick it up, but so powerful PHD students use it.

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# Title Duration
1 1- What is Python 03:22
2 2- Installing Python 02:21
3 3- Code Editors 00:59
4 4- Your First Python Program 02:26
5 5- Python Extension 02:53
6 6- Linting Python Code 04:15
7 7- Formatting Python Code 03:55
8 8- Running Python Code 03:00
9 9- Python Implementations 02:29
10 10- How Python Code is Executed 02:47
11 11- Summary 00:22
12 1- Variables 02:05
13 2- Dynamic Typing 02:37
14 3- Type Annotation 01:51
15 4- Mutable and Immutable Types 02:59
16 5- Strings 04:12
17 6- Escape Sequences 03:20
18 7- Formatted Strings 02:09
19 8- Useful String Methods 03:21
20 9- Numbers 02:10
21 10- Arithmetic Operators 01:48
22 11- Working with Numbers 02:38
23 12- Type Conversion 04:23
24 13- Conditional Statements 03:25
25 14- Logical Operators 03:07
26 15- Ternary Operator 01:18
27 16- For Loops 04:09
28 17- For..Else 02:39
29 18- While Loops 01:48
30 19- Functions 04:42
31 20- Arguments- xargs 02:28
32 21- Arguments- xxargs 02:05
33 22- Scope 03:38
34 23- Debugging 03:33
35 24- VSCode Coding Tricks - Windows 02:22
36 25- VSCode Coding Tricks - Mac 01:50
37 26- Exercise 01:30
38 27- Solution 04:42
39 1- Lists 03:55
40 2- Accessing Items 03:14
41 3- List Unpacking 03:52
42 4- Looping over Lists 02:55
43 5- Adding or Removing Items 02:57
44 6- Finding Items 01:29
45 7- Sorting Lists 04:36
46 8- Lambda Functions 01:50
47 9- Map Function 03:26
48 10- Filter Function 02:06
49 11- List Comprehensions 03:11
50 12- Zip Function 01:50
51 13- Stacks 04:25
52 14- Queues 02:51
53 15- Tuples 04:03
54 16- Swapping Variables 02:38
55 17- Arrays 03:12
56 18- Sets 04:04
57 19- Dictionaries 05:25
58 20- Dictionary Comprehensions 03:20
59 21- Generator Expressions 03:52
60 22- Unpacking Operator 04:06
61 23- Exercise 06:22
62 1- Exceptions 02:17
63 2- Handling Exceptions 04:11
64 3- Handling Different Exceptions 03:06
65 4- Cleaning Up 01:58
66 5- The With Statement 03:08
67 6- Raising Exceptions 03:22
68 7- Cost of Raising Exceptions 04:42
69 1- Classes 02:36
70 2- Creating Classes 03:46
71 3- Constructors 04:38
72 4- Class vs Instance Attributes 03:59
73 5- Class vs Instance Methods 04:06
74 6- Magic Methods 03:14
75 7- Comparing Objects 03:12
76 8- Performing Arithmetic Operations 01:32
77 9- Making Custom Containers 06:56
78 10- Private Members 03:41
79 11- Properties 07:31
80 12- Inheritance 04:24
81 13- The Object Class 02:24
82 14- Method Overriding 03:15
83 15- Multi-level Inheritance 02:43
84 16- Multiple Inheritance 03:23
85 17- A Good Example of Inheritance 04:32
86 18- Abstract Base Classes 04:51
87 19- Polymorphism 03:57
88 20- Duck Typing 02:51
89 21- Extending Built-in Types 02:27
90 22- Data Classes 04:37
91 1- Creating Modules 04:17
92 2- Compiled Python Files 02:20
93 3- Module Search Path 01:36
94 4- Packages 02:28
95 5- Sub-packages 01:02
96 6- Intra-package References 01:37
97 7- The dir Function 01:40
98 8- Executing Modules as Scripts 02:56
99 1- Python Standard Library 00:52
100 2- Working With Paths 04:49
101 3- Working with Directories 04:15
102 4- Working with Files 04:00
103 5- Working with Zip Files 03:16
104 6- Working with CSV Files 04:51
105 7- Working with JSON Files 03:59
106 8- Working with a SQLite Database 09:11
107 9- Working with Timestamps 02:25
108 10- Working with DateTimes 05:06
109 11- Working with Time Deltas 02:42
110 12- Generating Random Values 04:10
111 13- Opening the Browser 01:13
112 14- Sending Emails 06:49
113 15- Templates 04:54
114 16- Command-line Arguments 01:55
115 17- Running External Programs 08:07
116 1- Pypi 01:50
117 2- Pip 06:24
118 3- Virtual Environments 04:05
119 4- Pipenv 03:41
120 5- Virtual Environments in VSCode 03:50
121 6- Pipfile 04:49
122 7- Managing Dependencies 03:29
123 8- Publishing Packages 08:24
124 9- Docstrings 05:49
125 10- Pydoc 04:07
126 1- Introduction 01:42
127 2- What are APIs 02:37
128 3- Yelp API 02:52
129 4- Searching for Businesses 09:55
130 5- Hiding API Keys 02:06
131 6- Sending Text Messages 06:03
132 7- Web Scraping 09:07
133 8- Browser Automation 11:29
134 9- Working with PDFs 06:19
135 10- Working with Excel Spreadsheets 09:53
136 11- Command Query Separation Principle 04:40
137 12- NumPy 09:07
138 1- Introduction 01:44
139 2- Your First Django Project 04:12
140 3- Your First App 03:42
141 4- Views 08:00
142 5- Models 04:58
143 6- Migrations 08:01
144 7- Changing the Models 05:39
145 8- Admin 04:30
146 9- Customizing the Admin 06:56
147 10- Database Abstraction API 03:53
148 11- Templates 10:24
149 12- Adding Bootstrap 04:20
150 13- Customizing the Layout 02:25
151 14- Sharing a Template Across Multiple Apps 03:49
152 15- Url Parameters 04:38
153 16- Getting a Single Object 03:49
154 17- Raising 404 Errors 03:52
155 18- Referencing Urls 03:48
156 19- Creating APIs 03:52
157 20- Adding the Homepage 09:27
158 21- Getting Ready to Deploy 04:28
159 22- Deployment 09:45
160 1- What is Machine Learning 08:00
161 2- Machine Learning in Action 01:59
162 3- Libraries and Tools 02:48
163 4- Importing a Data Set 04:55
164 5- Jupyter Shortcuts 06:22
165 6- A Real Machine Learning Problem 05:27
166 7- Preparing the Data 03:18
167 8- Learning and Predicting 03:06
168 9- Calculating the Accuracy 04:05
169 10- Persisting Models 06:22
170 11- Visualizing a Decision Tree 06:27

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