Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1 - Functional)

44h 40m 37s

This is Part 1 of a series of courses intended to dive into the inner mechanics and more complicated aspects of Python 3. This is not a beginner course - if you've been coding Python for a week or a couple of months, you probably should keep writing Python for a bit more before tackling this series.

Read more about the course

On the other hand, if you're now starting to ask yourself questions like:

  • I wonder how this works?

  • is there another way of doing this?

  • what's a closure? is that the same as a lambda?

  • I know how to use a decorator someone else wrote, but how does it work? Can I write my own?

  • why isn't this boolean expression returning a boolean value?

  • what does an import actually do, and why am I getting side effects?

  • and similar types of question...

then this course is for you.

Please make sure you review the pre-requisites for this course - although I give a brief refresh of basic concepts at the beginning of the course, those are concepts you should already be very comfortable with as you being this course.

In this course series, I will give you a much more fundamental and deeper understanding of the Python language and the standard library.

Python is called a "batteries-included" language for good reason - there is a ton of functionality in base Python that remains to be explored and studied.

So this course is not about explaining my favorite 3rd party libraries - it's about Python, as a language, and the standard library.

In particular this course is based on the canonical CPython. You will also need Jupyter Notebooks to view the downloadable fully-annotated Python notebooks.

It's about helping you explore Python and answer questions you are asking yourself as you develop more and more with the language.

In Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 1) we will take a much closer look at:

  • Variables - in particular that they are just symbols pointing to objects in memory

  • Namespaces and scope

  • Python's numeric types

  • Python boolean type - there's more to a simple or statement than you might think!

  • Run-time vs compile-time and how that affects function defaults, decorators, importing modules, etc

  • Functions in general (including lambdas)

  • Functional programming techniques (such as map, reduce, filter, zip, etc)

  • Closures

  • Decorators

  • Imports, modules and packages

  • Tuples as data structures

  • Named tuples

To get the most out of this course, you should be prepared to pause the coding videos, and attempt to write code before I do! Sit back during the concept videos, but lean in for the code videos!

And after you have seen a code video, pause the course, and try things out yourself - explore, experiment, play with code, and see how things work (or don't work! - that's also a great way to learn!)

  • Basic introductory knowledge of Python programming (variables, conditional statements, loops, functions, lists, tuples, dictionaries, classes).
  • You will need Python 3.6 or above, and a development environment of your choice (command line, PyCharm, Jupyter, etc.)
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone with a basic understanding of Python that wants to take it to the next level and get a really deep understanding of the Python language and its data structures.
  • Anyone preparing for an in-depth Python technical interview.

What you'll learn:

  • An in-depth look at variables, memory, namespaces and scopes
  • A deep dive into Python's memory management and optimizations
  • In-depth understanding and advanced usage of Python's numerical data types (Booleans, Integers, Floats, Decimals, Fractions, Complex Numbers)
  • Advanced Boolean expressions and operators
  • Advanced usage of callables including functions, lambdas and closures
  • Functional programming techniques such as map, reduce, filter, and partials
  • Create advanced decorators, including parametrized decorators, class decorators, and decorator classes
  • Advanced decorator applications such as memoization and single dispatch generic functions
  • Use and understand Python's complex Module and Package system
  • Idiomatic Python and best practices
  • Understand Python's compile-time and run-time and how this affects your code
  • Avoid common pitfalls

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# Title Duration
1 Course Overview 18:09
2 Introduction 01:44
3 The Python Type Hierarchy 05:52
4 Multi-Line Statements and Strings 21:50
5 Variable Names 11:01
6 Conditionals 07:39
7 Functions 12:28
8 The While Loop 14:26
9 Break, Continue and the Try Statement 10:26
10 The For Loop 17:22
11 Classes 40:18
12 Introduction 02:55
13 Variables are Memory References 08:22
14 Reference Counting 14:22
15 Garbage Collection 26:40
16 Dynamic vs Static Typing 05:29
17 Variable Re-Assignment 04:49
18 Object Mutability 15:23
19 Function Arguments and Mutability 17:30
20 Shared References and Mutability 09:37
21 Variable Equality 14:23
22 Everything is an Object 13:59
23 Python Optimizations: Interning 09:15
24 Python Optimizations: String Interning 19:12
25 Python Optimizations: Peephole 20:10
26 Introduction 02:59
27 Integers: Data Types 18:08
28 Integers: Operations 24:26
29 Integers: Constructors and Bases - Lecture 29:35
30 Integers: Constructors and Bases - Coding 20:24
31 Rational Numbers - Lecture 14:28
32 Rationals Numbers - Coding 12:34
33 Floats: Internal Representations - Lecture 19:53
34 Floats: Internal Representations - Coding 04:57
35 Floats: Equality Testing - Lecture 18:43
36 Floats: Equality Testing - Coding 14:41
37 Floats: Coercing to Integers - Lecture 09:40
38 Floats: Coercing to Integers - Coding 05:04
39 Floats: Rounding - Lecture 25:23
40 Floats: Rounding - Coding 13:34
41 Decimals - Lecture 16:50
42 Decimals - Coding 10:28
43 Decimals: Constructors and Contexts - Lecture 10:07
44 Decimals: Constructors and Contexts - Coding 10:29
45 Decimals: Math Operations - Lecture 09:33
46 Decimals: Math Operations - Coding 13:31
47 Decimals: Performance Considerations 10:30
48 Complex Numbers - Lecture 11:29
49 Complex Numbers - Coding 14:17
50 Booleans 21:01
51 Booleans: Truth Values - Lecture 09:09
52 Booleans: Truth Values - Coding 14:48
53 Booleans: Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Lecture 21:11
54 Booleans: Precedence and Short-Circuiting - Coding 13:39
55 Booleans: Boolean Operators - Lecture 18:01
56 Booleans: Boolean Operators - Coding 14:46
57 Comparison Operators 20:54
58 Introduction 01:06
59 Argument vs Parameter 03:44
60 Positional and Keyword Arguments - Lecture 13:06
61 Positional and Keyword Arguments - Coding 06:22
62 Unpacking Iterables - Lecture 13:02
63 Unpacking Iterables - Coding 21:10
64 Extended Unpacking - Lecture 17:51
65 Extended Unpacking - Coding 29:05
66 *args - Lecture 06:01
67 *args - Coding 11:48
68 Keyword Arguments - Lecture 09:24
69 Keyword Arguments - Coding 14:19
70 **kwargs 10:29
71 Putting it all Together - Lecture 13:26
72 Putting it all Together - Coding 17:26
73 Application: A Simple Function Timer 19:09
74 Parameter Defaults - Beware!! 18:45
75 Parameter Defaults - Beware Again!! 19:23
76 Introduction 04:06
77 Docstrings and Annotations - Lecture 15:59
78 Docstrings and Annotations - Coding 15:03
79 Lambda Expressions - Lecture 12:11
80 Lambda Expressions - Coding 15:00
81 Lambdas and Sorting 15:57
82 Challenge - Randomize an Iterable using Sorted!! 02:56
83 Function Introspection - Lecture 19:31
84 Function Introspection - Coding 28:37
85 Callables 14:47
86 Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Lecture 21:44
87 Map, Filter, Zip and List Comprehensions - Coding 21:15
88 Reducing Functions - Lecture 25:53
89 Reducing Functions - Coding 21:11
90 Partial Functions - Lecture 11:13
91 Partial Functions - Coding 25:33
92 The operator Module - Lecture 15:36
93 The operator Module - Coding 32:44
94 Introduction 01:32
95 Global and Local Scopes - Lecture 34:55
96 Global and Local Scopes - Coding 15:41
97 Nonlocal Scopes - Lecture 22:18
98 Nonlocal Scopes - Coding 14:38
99 Closures - Lecture 38:36
100 Closures - Coding 32:06
101 Closure Applications - Part 1 15:39
102 Closure Applications - Part 2 18:41
103 Decorators (Part 1) - Lecture 21:07
104 Decorators (Part 1) - Coding 21:00
105 Decorator Application (Timer) 35:17
106 Decorator Application (Logger, Stacked Decorators) 23:48
107 Decorator Application (Memoization) 29:15
108 Decorators (Part 2) - Lecture 11:45
109 Decorators (Part 2) - Coding 25:58
110 Decorator Application (Decorator Class) 09:41
111 Decorator Application (Decorating Classes) 48:24
112 Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 1 31:46
113 Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 2 35:46
114 Decorator Application (Dispatching) - Part 3 26:51
115 Introduction 03:19
116 Tuples as Data Structures - Lecture 19:02
117 Tuples as Data Structures - Coding 25:25
118 Named Tuples - Lecture 27:50
119 Named Tuples - Coding 35:15
120 Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Lecture 14:26
121 Named Tuples - Modifying and Extending - Coding 21:47
122 Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Lecture 13:31
123 Named Tuples - DocStrings and Default Values - Coding 15:47
124 Named Tuples - Application - Returning Multiple Values 06:23
125 Named Tuples - Application - Alternative to Dictionaries 28:46
126 Introduction 03:02
127 What is a Module? 24:31
128 How does Python Import Modules? 49:33
129 Imports and importlib 27:40
130 Import Variants and Misconceptions - Lecture 14:01
131 Import Variants and Misconceptions - Coding 27:04
132 Reloading Modules 18:30
133 Using __main__ 27:02
134 Modules Recap 13:03
135 What are Packages? - Lecture 20:25
136 What are Packages ? - Coding 27:12
137 Why Packages? 13:08
138 Structuring Packages - Part 1 36:42
139 Structuring Packages - Part 2 27:28
140 Namespace Packages 10:39
141 Importing from Zip Archives 03:29
142 Introduction 03:41
143 Additional Resources 12:54
144 Python 3.6 Highlights 07:50
145 Python 3.6 - Dictionary Ordering 19:46
146 Python 3.6 - Preserved Order of kwargs and Named Tuple Application 05:33
147 Python 3.6 - Underscores in Numeric Literals 03:39
148 Python 3.6 - f-Strings 09:20
149 Random: Seeds 17:27
150 Random Choices 26:09
151 Random Samples 07:03
152 Timing code using *timeit* 16:18
153 Don't Use *args and **kwargs Names Blindly 07:36
154 Command Line Arguments 01:00:08
155 Sentinel Values for Parameter Defaults 11:03
156 Simulating a simple switch in Python 19:01

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