Python 3: Deep Dive (Part 4 - OOP)

35h 15m 32s
Python object oriented programming (OOP).

Read more about the course


  • what are classes and instances

  • class data and function attributes

  • properties

  • instance, class and static methods

  • polymorphism and the role special functions play in this

  • single inheritance

  • slots

  • the descriptor protocol and its relationship to properties and functions

  • enumerations

  • exceptions

  • metaprogramming (including metaclasses)


Please note this is NOT a beginner level course. You must have a strong working knowledge of functional Python programming as well as some practical experience developing Python applications in order to fully benefit from this course.

  • In-depth functional Python programming

  • functions, closures, scopes, decorators (using and writing them)

  • zip, sorted, any, all, and the itertools module in general

  • sequences, iterables, iterators and generators (what they are and how to implement the corresponding protocols)

  • generators, yield, and context managers

  • mapping types, hashing and relation to object equality

  • some prior knowledge of basic OOP concepts

  • know how to work with Python virtual environments and pip install

  • available Jupyter Notebook (freely available) to follow along with the course notebooks

  • how to use git

[Please note that this is not a cookbook style course - I don't show you how to solve specific problems, but rather a broad and in-depth look at how OOP works in the context of Python, that will allow you to apply these concepts and techniques to your own problems.]

  • Strong knowledge of functional Python
  • Closures and Decorators
  • Iterators, Iterables and Generators
  • Mapping Types, Hashing
  • Some exposure to basic OOP
Who this course is for:
  • Experienced intermediate Python developers who want a more in-depth understanding of Python OOP

What you'll learn:

  • Python Object Oriented Concepts
  • Classes
  • Methods and Binding
  • Instance, Class and Static Methods
  • Properties
  • Property Decorators
  • Single Inheritance
  • Slots
  • Descriptors
  • Enumerations
  • Exceptions
  • Metaprogramming

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 05:56
2 Prerequisites 08:36
3 Introduction 02:28
4 Objects and Classes - Lecture 10:50
5 Objects and Classes - Coding 04:04
6 Class Attributes - Lecture 13:09
7 Class Attributes - Coding 12:17
8 Callable Class Attributes - Lecture 02:24
9 Callable Class Attributes - Coding 03:08
10 Classes are Callables - Lecture 03:19
11 Classes are Callables - Coding 06:30
12 Data Attributes - Lecture 05:21
13 Data Attributes - Coding 11:30
14 Function Attributes - Lecture 12:36
15 Function Attributes - Coding 20:16
16 Initializing Class Instances - Lecture 06:17
17 Initializing Class Instances - Coding 05:51
18 Creating Attributes at Run-Time - Lecture 05:36
19 Creating Attributes at Run-Time - Coding 20:47
20 Properties - Lecture 16:50
21 Properties - Coding 23:32
22 Property Decorators - Lecture 12:08
23 Property Decorators - Coding 31:07
24 Read-Only and Computed Properties - Lecture 06:49
25 Read-Only and Computed Properties - Coding 24:58
26 Deleting Properties - Lecture 06:10
27 Deleting Properties - Coding 05:14
28 Some Questions on the Property Class 03:05
29 Class and Static Methods - Lecture 11:08
30 Class and Static Methods - Coding 31:00
31 Python Builtin and Standard Types 03:25
32 Class Body Scope - Lecture 05:19
33 Class Body Scope - Coding 14:37
34 Quick Recap 04:07
35 Project Description 10:54
36 Project Solution - TimeZone 15:30
37 Project Solution - Transaction Numbers 08:57
38 Project Solution - Account Numbers, Names 14:49
39 Project Solution - Preferred TimeZone 04:09
40 Project Solution - Account Balance 04:16
41 Project Solution - Interest Rate 08:29
42 Project Solution - Transaction Codes 02:49
43 Project Solution - Confirmation Codes 28:18
44 Project Solution - Transactions 23:04
45 Project Solution - Testing with unittest 50:53
46 Introduction 04:58
47 __str__ and __repr__ Methods - Lecture 03:48
48 __str__ and __repr__ Methods - Coding 08:24
49 Arithmetic Operators - Lecture 04:53
50 Arithmetic Operators - Coding 37:02
51 Rich Comparisons - Lecture 01:30
52 Rich Comparisons - Coding 18:03
53 Hashing and Equality - Lecture 01:54
54 Hashing and Equality - Coding 08:33
55 Booleans - Lecture 01:39
56 Booleans - Coding 08:27
57 Callables - Lecture 01:53
58 Callables - Coding 37:44
59 The __del__ Method - Lecture 03:55
60 The __del__ Method - Coding 15:09
61 The __format__ Method - Lecture 02:01
62 The __format__ Method - Coding 08:02
63 Project Description 06:37
64 Project Solution 31:42
65 Introduction 01:15
66 Single Inheritance - Lecture 18:23
67 Single Inheritance - Coding 11:20
68 The object Class - Lecture 04:48
69 The object Class - Coding 09:58
70 Overriding - Lecture 11:43
71 Overriding - Coding 14:00
72 Extending - Lecture 00:56
73 Extending - Coding 16:39
74 Delegating to Parent - Lecture 12:29
75 Delegating to Parent - Coding 27:21
76 Slots - Lecture 07:14
77 Slots - Coding 05:17
78 Slots and Single Inheritance - Lecture 08:08
79 Slots and Single Inheritance - Coding 15:09
80 Project 3 - Description 08:33
81 Project Solution - Approach and Setup 12:56
82 Project Solution - Validators and tests 21:44
83 Project Solution - Resources class and tests 40:05
84 Project Solution - CPU class and tests 09:09
85 Project Solution - Storage class and tests 01:59
86 Project Solution - HDD and SSD classes and tests 05:09
87 Introduction 01:15
88 Descriptors - Lecture 08:23
89 Descriptors - Coding 09:19
90 Getters and Setters - Lecture 08:16
91 Getters and Setters - Coding 21:43
92 Using as Instance Properties - Lecture 06:26
93 Using as Instance Properties - Coding 22:09
94 Strong and Weak References - Lecture 07:31
95 Strong and Weak References - Coding 20:07
96 Back to Instance Properties - Lecture 03:37
97 Back to Instance Properties - Coding 35:35
98 The __set_name__ Method - Lecture 03:05
99 The __set_name__ Method - Coding 17:41
100 Property Lookup Resolution - Lecture 04:43
101 Property Lookup Resolution - Coding 11:45
102 Properties and Descriptors - Lecture 02:39
103 Properties and Descriptors - Coding 21:26
104 Application - Example 1 11:20
105 Application - Example 2 34:25
106 Functions and Descriptors - Lecture 01:50
107 Functions and Descriptors - Coding 16:59
108 Project Description 03:22
109 Solution - Part 1 42:36
110 Solution - Part 2 08:08
111 Introduction 01:01
112 Making the case for Enumerations 08:12
113 Enumerations - Lecture 09:48
114 Enumerations - Coding 19:51
115 Aliases - Lecture 04:49
116 Aliases - Coding 09:20
117 Customizing/Extending Enums - Lecture 03:51
118 Customizing/Extending Enums - Coding 36:31
119 Automatic Values - Lecture 04:51
120 Automatic Values - Coding 21:57
121 Project Description 04:28
122 Project Solution 11:43
123 Introduction 01:20
124 Python Exceptions - Lecture 13:35
125 Python Exceptions - Coding 20:41
126 Handling Exceptions - Lecture 17:42
127 Handling Exceptions - Coding 56:21
128 Raising Exceptions - Lecture 06:19
129 Raising Exceptions - Coding 16:30
130 Custom Exceptions - Lecture 07:47
131 Custom Exceptions - Coding 54:12
132 Project Description 05:23
133 Project Solution 30:14
134 Introduction 08:51
135 Decorators and Descriptors - Review 08:51
136 The __new__ Method - Lecture 10:27
137 The __new__ Method - Coding 24:06
138 How Classes are Created - Lecture 07:12
139 How Classes are Created - Coding 12:42
140 Inheriting from type - Lecture 03:01
141 Inheriting from type - Coding 11:02
142 Metaclasses - Lecture 05:54
143 Metaclasses - Coding 08:15
144 Class Decorators - Lecture 04:43
145 Class Decorators - Coding 54:11
146 Decorator Classes - Lecture 04:05
147 Decorator Classes - Coding 18:23
148 Metaclass vs Class Decorator - Lecture 01:55
149 Metaclass vs Class Decorator - Coding 14:49
150 Metaclass Parameters - Lecture 02:45
151 Metaclass Parameters - Coding 13:17
152 The __prepare__ Method - Lecture 02:55
153 The __prepare__ Method - Coding 21:53
154 Classes, Metaclasses, and __call__ 12:36
155 Metaprogramming Application 1 33:40
156 Metaprogramming Application 2 23:11
157 Metaprogramming Application 3 31:03
158 Attribute Read Accessors - Lecture 10:06
159 Attribute Read Accessors - Coding 37:18
160 Attribute Write Accessors - Lecture 03:34
161 Attribute Write Accessors - Coding 11:39
162 Accessors - Application 19:21

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