30 Days of Python | Unlock your Python Potential

9h 22m 38s
September 12, 2024

In early 2016, Python passed Java as the #1 beginners language in the world. Why? It's because it's simple enough for beginners yet advanced enough for the pros.


SpaceX uses it to launch Rockets

Pixar uses Python to run their animation software

Instagram & Pinterest use it to run their web application (backend via Django)

Come learn with me and I'll show you how you can bend Python to your will. This course is great for beginners in Python at any age and any level of computer literacy.

The goal is simple: learn Python by building real projects step-by-step while we explain every concept along the way.  For the next 30 Days you're going to learn how to:

  • Scrape Data from nearly Any Website (including javascript-enabled sites)
  • Build your own Python applications for all types of automation
  • Send Emails & SMS text messages to your friends our your customers
  • Read & Write CSV, aka comma separated values, files to better store your data locally and work in popular programs like Microsoft Excel and Apple Numbers
  • Understand the basics behind the Python programming language so you're ready to build more advanced projects like Web Applications
  • We show you how to install Python and how to work with it
  • Mac OS X or Higher, Windows 8 or Higher, Linux
Who this course is for:
  • Entrepreneurs and Non-Technical Founders
  • Anyone interested in learning Python
  • Beginners
  • Growth Hackers
  • Anyone interested in learning how to Scrape Websites for data/big data analysis
  • Anyone interested in Automating Email on their own terms

What you'll learn:

  • Understand the Basics of Python
  • Build Applications using Python
  • Send Emails with Python
  • Scrape Websites with Python to pull data
  • Scrape dynamic-loaded (javascript-loaded) Websites with Python
  • Read and Parse emails using Python
  • Read / Write CSV (comma separated values) files to work in Excel/Numbers
  • Use the Twitter API to send tweets easily through a few lines of code
  • Use the Yelp API to pull data about all businesses they have on their site

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 01:55
2 Getting Help 06:44
3 YouTube & Suggestions 02:37
4 Setup, Strings, Variables, and Integers 15:35
5 Day 2 - Lists 11:07
6 Day 2 (cont) - Dictionaries & Tuples 12:52
7 Day 3 - Loops: For Loops, and While Loops 10:49
8 Day 4: Conditionals 08:12
9 Day 4 (cont): Using Conditional Expressions 13:06
10 Functions Part 1 10:47
11 Functions Part 2 17:50
12 Day 6 - String Substitution 11:48
13 Day 6 - String Formatting and Substitutions All Together 10:43
14 Day 7: Classes 14:19
15 Day 8 - Classes Part 2 13:00
16 Day 9: Classes Part 3 15:50
17 Class Part 4 12:29
18 Day 10: Setup Python to send Email with Gmail 17:44
19 Day 11: HTML and Plain Text Emails through Python and Gmail 10:10
20 Day 12 - Send Formatted Emails to a Set of Users 11:18
21 Day 13 - Using External Template Files with Context Data in Python 18:38
22 Day 14 - CSV Files with Python - Read, Write, & Append 16:45
23 Day 15 - Functions to Dynamically Add Data to CSV with Python 12:25
24 Day 16 - Edit CSV with Python Part 1 07:06
25 Day 16 - Edit CSV with Python Part 2 14:23
26 Day 17 - Read Data Function for CSV File 07:58
27 Day 18 - Running Python Commands & Arguments in Terminal 19:51
28 Day 19 - Integrating Part 1 10:41
29 Day 20 - Integrating Part 2 17:11
30 Day 21 - Web Scraping with Python 3 Python Requests & BeautifulSoup 14:50
31 Day 22 - Web Scraping Part 2 15:01
32 Day 23 - Web Scraping Part 3 10:09
33 Day 24 - Web Scraping Part 4 18:54
34 Part 1 | Web Scraping on Javascript-Driven HTML using Python 13:49
35 Part 2 | Web Scraping on Javascript-Driven HTML using Python 16:19
36 Part 1 | Get Data with an API 11:12
37 Part 2 | Get Data with an API 14:19
38 Day 27 - Sending SMS Messages with Python & Twilio Part 1 07:48
39 Day 27 - Part 2 - SMS Messages with Python & Twilio 16:40
40 Day 28 - Twilio Python Client & SMS 16:22
41 Day 29: Twitter API with Python & python-twitter 18:11
42 Day 30 - Login with IMAP 04:04
43 Day 30 - Fetch & Convert Email 10:18
44 Day 30 - Save Emails Locally 18:43
45 Thank you and Next Steps 02:06

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