Vue 3, Nuxt.js and NestJS: A Rapid Guide - Advanced
7h 37m 36s
Learn how to create an Ambassador App using Vue 3, NuxtJS and NestJS. We will build 3 frontend apps Admin, Ambassador and Checkout and they will consume a big NestJS API.
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In NestJS you will learn:
Use Docker
Use TypeORM and connect with MySQL
Use Typescript
Use Interceptors and Guards
Validate Requests
Generate Jwt Tokens
Use HttpOnly Cookies
Login with Scopes
Use Redis
Use Stripe
Sending Emails
Filter Cached products
In this Vue you will learn:
Use Vue with Typescript
Use Nuxt.js with Typescript
Use Vuex
How to use Composition API and Options API
Use Vuetify
Create public and private routes
Pay with Stripe
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Introduction | 04:19 |
2 | Setup | 01:19 |
3 | Docker | 05:16 |
4 | Database | 05:30 |
5 | TypeORM | 07:44 |
6 | Admin Authentication Endpoints | 00:32 |
7 | Validations | 08:17 |
8 | Register | 07:45 |
9 | Login | 10:35 |
10 | Authenticated User | 06:19 |
11 | Logout | 05:29 |
12 | Profile | 06:32 |
13 | Admin Endpoints | 00:44 |
14 | Ambassadors | 00:00 |
15 | Products | 15:03 |
16 | Orders | 08:15 |
17 | Seeding Orders | 00:00 |
18 | Exposing Fields | 00:00 |
19 | Links | 00:00 |
20 | Relations Without Foreign Keys | 00:00 |
21 | Shared Module | 00:00 |
22 | Ambassador Authentication Endpoints | 00:00 |
23 | Multiple Routes | 00:00 |
24 | Scopes | 00:00 |
25 | Revenue | 08:01 |
26 | Ambassador Endpoints | 00:45 |
27 | Redis | 04:42 |
28 | Caching Products | 08:03 |
29 | Event Emitters | 08:44 |
30 | Searching Products | 03:49 |
31 | Sorting Products | 03:38 |
32 | Paginating Products | 04:17 |
33 | Creating Links | 08:00 |
34 | Stats | 04:36 |
35 | Rankings | 04:42 |
36 | Redis Sorted Sets | 12:43 |
37 | Formatting the Rankings | 05:55 |
38 | Checkout Endpoints | 00:32 |
39 | Getting Link Data | 02:16 |
40 | Creating Orders | 11:11 |
41 | Transactions | 05:09 |
42 | Stripe | 08:38 |
43 | Configuration | 04:12 |
44 | Update Rankings | 06:58 |
45 | Sending Emails | 07:08 |
46 | Setup | 03:02 |
47 | Template | 05:04 |
48 | Routes | 06:09 |
49 | Register | 04:38 |
50 | Login | 03:40 |
51 | Authenticated User | 06:06 |
52 | Logout | 01:38 |
53 | Users | 05:24 |
54 | Vuetify | 03:15 |
55 | Pagination | 03:20 |
56 | Links | 05:42 |
57 | Products | 08:03 |
58 | Creating Products | 06:28 |
59 | Updating Products | 05:59 |
60 | Orders | 04:15 |
61 | Profile | 07:02 |
62 | Vuex | 09:11 |
63 | Setup | 02:18 |
64 | Template | 05:31 |
65 | Navigation | 06:46 |
66 | Header | 05:32 |
67 | Watchers | 04:29 |
68 | Route | 05:42 |
69 | Reactive | 08:50 |
70 | Stats | 08:57 |
71 | Rankings | 06:49 |
72 | Products | 08:45 |
73 | Backend Searching | 09:28 |
74 | Frontend Searching | 04:35 |
75 | Backend Sorting | 03:44 |
76 | Frontend Sorting | 03:51 |
77 | Backend Lazy Loading | 05:16 |
78 | Frontend Lazy Loading | 06:17 |
79 | Selecting Products | 05:40 |
80 | Generating Links | 07:19 |
81 | Setup | 03:07 |
82 | Template | 06:30 |
83 | Routing | 03:47 |
84 | Server-Side Rendering | 10:10 |
85 | Products | 08:09 |
86 | Submitting the Form | 04:16 |
87 | Stripe | 05:14 |
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