React and NestJS: A Practical Guide with Docker

6h 54m 20s
April 29, 2024

I'm a FullStack Developer with 10+ years of experience. I'm obsessed with clean code and I try my best that my courses have the cleanest code possible. My teaching style is very straightforward, I will not waste too much time explaining all the ways you can create something or other unnecessary information to increase the length of my lectures. If you want to learn things rapidly then this course is for you.


I also update my courses regularly over time because I don't want them to get outdated. So you can expect more content over time from just one course with better video and audio quality.

Learn how to create an Admin App using React and NestJS.

In NestJS you will learn: 

  • Use Docker

  • Use TypeORM and connect with MySQL

  • Use Typescript

  • Use Interceptors and Guards

  • Create custom Decorators

  • Validate Requests

  • Generate Jwt Tokens

  • Use HttpOnly Cookies

  • Upload Images

  • Export CSV's

In React you will learn: 

  • Create a React project with Typescript

  • Use Redux

  • Create public and private routes

  • React Animations

  • Upload Images

  • Export CSV's

  • Build a chart with c3.js (part of d3.js)

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 02:38
2 Installation 01:23
3 Docker 07:33
4 Modules & Controllers 03:56
5 Migrations 06:53
6 Services 04:01
7 Global Prefix 03:54
8 Register 03:21
9 Hashing Passwords 03:48
10 Validations 06:24
11 Login 05:38
12 Jwt and HttpOnly Cookies 05:28
13 Authenticated User 05:27
14 Interceptors 04:19
15 Logout 02:10
16 Guards 03:55
17 Creating Users 05:36
18 Common Modules 02:17
19 Updating Users 04:59
20 Pagination 06:25
21 Roles 06:58
22 Foreign Keys 08:50
23 Permissions 04:17
24 Many to Many Relations 09:00
25 Abstract Service 13:46
26 Circular Dependencies 10:39
27 Products 10:05
28 Uploading Images 09:18
29 Orders 09:14
30 Expose Fields 07:13
31 Export CSV 06:51
32 Raw SQL 04:49
33 Custom Decorators 05:19
34 Access Guard 10:56
35 Installation 01:06
36 Template 03:35
37 Components 04:24
38 Routers 05:34
39 Wrapper 04:07
40 Register 07:49
41 Http Requests 03:23
42 State 03:44
43 useState 05:43
44 Login 07:37
45 useEffect 06:44
46 Axios Defaults 02:20
47 Logout 05:00
48 Models 05:33
49 NavLink 01:25
50 Users 06:50
51 Pagination 05:35
52 Deleting Users 03:19
53 Creating Users 08:08
54 Updating Users 07:30
55 Roles 05:27
56 Creating Roles 10:46
57 Updating Roles 04:56
58 Products 08:09
59 Paginator Component 06:19
60 Creating Products 04:42
61 Uploading Images 06:42
62 useRef 09:09
63 Orders 09:52
64 Animations 05:19
65 Export CSV 04:02
66 Chart 06:09
67 Profile 07:46
68 Redux 07:06
69 Using Redux 11:10

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