Modern Python Projects

8h 45m 6s

There's a long way from writing your first print("hello world") to shipping a Python application. Installing new packages without breaking others, choosing the best tools that will still be maintained in a few years, figuring out what's the "Pythonic" code that everyone keeps talking about, moving files around to avoid import errors, writing tests even when you don't have time, or making sure that your documentation is up to date - those are some of the struggles that you might encounter.

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This course helps you solve those problems. It takes you through all the steps of a typical Python project - from setting up a good project structure, managing dependencies, adding tests, writing documentation, setting up continuous integration, and finally - deploying it. 

This course explains how to improve your code with various static analysis tools. It gives you the tools for installing new packages or updating the Python version without messing it up. It shows you how to build popular types of Python projects like a CLI application or Python package. It even helps you configure the VS Code editor for the best experience when coding in Python! 

This course covers everything you need to know to develop, run, and deploy full web apps on top of FastAPI. Just some of the topics include:

  • VS Code + Python: A current and growing Python code editor
  • Manage Python and packages in the real world
  • Create a Python project with cookiecutter templates
  • Managing project dependencies with tools like pip, pip-tools, poetry, and more
  • See what "good" Python code should look like
  • Test your Python code with pytest
  • Documenting your code with Sphinx
  • Perform some automatic checks on your code with continuous integration
  • How to build a CLI application that you can run in your terminal
  • Create a Python module/library that can be published on PyPI
  • Make a standalone executable application that you can send to someone without Python dependencies
  • Deploying your application to a Platform as a Service tool called Heroku
  • Create a simple Docker image and deploy it to one of the popular Infrastructure
  • And much more

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# Title Duration
1 01-welcome 01:30
2 02-what-you-will-learn 06:25
3 03-what-you-need-to-know 00:42
4 04-meet-your-instructor 00:44
5 05-disclaimer-about-tools-and-services-in-this-course 00:43
6 01-python 00:47
7 02-code-editor 00:33
8 03-source-code 00:25
9 01-choosing-a-code-editor 04:36
10 02-installing-vscode 00:25
11 03-installing-Python-extension 05:55
12 04-pylance-and-a-language-server-protocol 02:53
13 05-quick-overview-of-vs-code 10:48
14 06-running-python-code 03:08
15 07-debugging-python-code 03:56
16 08-testing-python-code 04:53
17 09-snippets 04:28
18 10-plugins 08:22
19 01-dont-change-system-python 01:40
20 02-pyenv 01:10
21 03-installing-pyenv 03:21
22 04-installing-pyenv-win-Windows 00:58
23 05-installing-new-python-version-with-pyenv 05:18
24 06-3-levels-of-pyenv 03:48
25 07-troubleshooting-pyenv 01:41
26 08-bonus-how-pyenv-works 02:40
27 09-bonus-is-there-pyenv-for-node-go-etc 00:45
28 10-the-problem-with-pip 05:20
29 11-what-are-virtual-environments 01:28
30 12-creating-a-virtual-environment 02:14
31 13-using-a-virtual-environment 01:28
32 14-typical-workflow-with-virtual-environment 02:28
33 15-virtualenvwrapper-a-virtual-environments-management-tool 10:04
34 16-isolate-global-packages-with-pipx 02:53
35 17-pipx-in-action 05:11
36 18-pipx-packages-in-vs-code 02:34
37 19-summary 03:49
38 01-starting-a-new-project-can-be-hard 03:34
39 02-what-is-cookiecutter 00:36
40 03-using-cookiecutter-to-generate-a-project 08:01
41 04-tip-how-i-use-cookiecutter 01:19
42 05-you-can-build-your-own-template 02:24
43 06-summary 02:35
44 01-what-is-project-management-in-python 00:34
45 02-how-python-imports-modules 03:28
46 03-import-errors 02:34
47 04-simple-project 02:58
48 05-medium-project 01:39
49 06-advanced-projects 01:46
50 07-makefiles-simple-tasks-management 05:52
51 08-dependencies-of-your-project 00:32
52 09-requirements-txt-conventions 03:16
53 10-separate-requirements-files 01:15
54 11-pin-your-dependencies 01:02
55 12-pip-tools 04:12
56 13-python-project-chores 01:11
57 14-pipenv-or-poetry 01:00
58 15-poetry-in-action 04:48
59 16-publishing-a-package-with-poetry 01:28
60 17-other-tools 03:34
61 18-my-favorite-tool 02:02
62 01-how-to-not-write-good-python-code 01:44
63 02-pep8-and-pep257 02:01
64 03-black 04:22
65 04-linters 02:10
66 05-pylint 07:00
67 06-flake8 03:11
68 07-flake8-plugins 05:20
69 08-multiple-linters-in-vs-code 02:05
70 09-other-static-code-analyzers 02:56
71 10-sourcery 03:09
72 11-different-python-repl 01:15
73 12-ipython 02:40
74 13-bpython 00:54
75 14-ptpython 01:00
76 01-unittest-vs-pytest 00:42
77 02-converting-unittest-test-to-pytest 04:57
78 03-running-pytest-tests 03:50
79 04-pytest-options 06:58
80 05-configuration-file 02:16
81 06-fixtures 02:16
82 07-mocking-and-monkeypatching 01:18
83 08-parametrized-tests 03:39
84 09-marks 03:15
85 10-testing-code-examples-in-the-documentation 01:21
86 11-extending-pytest-with-plugins 01:43
87 12-useful-pytest-plugins 03:28
88 13-moving-from-unittest-to-pytest 01:49
89 14-summary 02:03
90 01-sphinx 00:42
91 02-example-code-for-this-chapter 01:44
92 03-set-up-sphinx 03:02
93 04-reStructuredText 02:01
94 05-adding-more-documentation 02:03
95 06-how-to-write-good-documentation 02:04
96 07-generating-API-documentation 04:10
97 08-show-source-code-in-the-documentation 00:43
98 09-testing-your-documentation 02:41
99 10-read-the-docs 00:58
100 11-mkdocs 01:16
101 12-rest-api-documentation 02:35
102 01-building-projects-is-not-just-coding 00:37
103 02-tox-automate-python-tasks-on-your-computer 02:31
104 03-source-code-for-this-chapter 00:30
105 04-tox-in-action 06:59
106 05-pre-commit 03:50
107 06-pre-commit-in-action 05:34
108 07-continuous-integration 01:31
109 08-github-actions 03:03
110 09-github-actions-in-action 10:15
111 10-ci-server-vs-your-computer 00:41
112 11-gitlab-ci 00:36
113 12-gitlab-ci-in-action 11:30
114 13-when-to-use-which-tool 03:15
115 01-time-for-practice 00:37
116 02-cli-applications 00:40
117 03-our-cli-application 02:29
118 04-technical-considerations 02:05
119 05-first-version-of-uptimer 13:36
120 06-daemon-mode-and-multiple-urls 03:45
121 07-adding-tests 11:07
122 08-adding-documentation 07:01
123 09-possible-improvements 03:07
124 01-lets-build-a-python-package 00:40
125 02-technical-considerations 00:40
126 03-start-with-a-cookiecutter-template 02:37
127 04-remove-unnecessary-files 05:15
128 05-add-code 06:01
129 06-install-package-from-setup-py 02:25
130 07-add-tests 03:50
131 08-add-documentation 06:35
132 09-publishing-on-pypi 08:59
133 10-flit 01:36
134 11-private-pypi 01:09
135 01-executable-applications 02:23
136 02-gui-for-the-uptimer 06:13
137 03-warning-building-executable-applications-is-tough 00:57
138 04-create-mac-app-with-pyinstaller 07:14
139 05-will-it-work-on-a-brand-new-macos-installation 01:36
140 06-create-a-windows-exe-file 09:09
141 07-will-it-work-on-a-brand-new-windows-installation 01:33
142 08-windows-and-a-virus-warning 01:16
143 09-cross-platform-python-applications 01:22
144 01-deploying-python-application 01:28
145 02-virtual-servers-paas-containers 01:14
146 03-virtual-private-server 00:59
147 04-platform-as-a-service 01:24
148 05-docker-containers-and-kubernetes 03:21
149 06-uptimer-website 07:35
150 07-deploying-to-heroku 08:23
151 08-using-docker 01:43
152 09-lets-write-a-dockerfile 04:00
153 10-building-a-docker-image 05:06
154 11-publishing-on-docker-hub 03:03
155 12-free-docker-playground 03:53
156 13-deploy-docker-image-on-digitalocean 03:28
157 14-auto-reboot-and-auto-update 06:40
158 15-docker-compose 02:44
159 01-thats-all-folks 00:21
160 02-vs-code 01:04
161 03-pyenv 01:02
162 04-virtual-environments 00:37
163 05-pipx 00:59
164 06-cookiecutter 01:20
165 07-growing-python-projects 00:57
166 08-pinning-dependencies 01:09
167 09-poetry-and-friends 00:40
168 10-static-analysis 01:59
169 11-pytest 00:47
170 12-documentation 01:04
171 13-ci 02:18
172 14-building-a-cli-application 00:30
173 15-building-a-python-package 00:56
174 16-building-an-executable-application 00:39
175 17-deployment 01:27
176 18-thanks-and-bye 00:23

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