Modern JavaScript From The Beginning 2.0

36h 42m 18s
May 18, 2023

This is a 37+ hour in-depth course that will take you from the absolute beginning of JavaScript, learning about data types, functions and loops to learning DOM manipulation, asynchronous JS with promises, async/await and much more. You will even learn how to write unit tests for algorithms. We go into how JavaScript works under the hood including execution context, the call stack, event loop, etc. We learn about Webpack tooling and how to create a modern development environment. At the end, we build a Node.js/Express API with a custom Webpack frontend.


What you'll learn

  • All of the fundamentals, including variables, data types, functions, scope, etc
  • DOM Manipulation, events and creating dynamic UIs
  • Under the hood topics, like execution context and the call stack
  • Asynchrounous JS including callbacks, promises, async/await
  • Web APIs like geolocation, audio/video, canvas and speech
  • OOP including classes and prototypes
  • Modern environments with with Webpack tooling
  • Bonus: Complete full-stack application with Node.js/Express & Webpack

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome To The Course 02:40
2 Course Outline 07:50
3 Premium Docs 03:06
4 What Is JavaScript? 07:43
5 Tools & Setup 05:25
6 Running JavaScript In The Browser 07:03
7 Section Intro 00:52
8 The Sandbox Files 02:58
9 Using The Console 10:07
10 Comments & Shortcuts 07:01
11 Variables & Constants 11:28
12 Data Types 12:55
13 Primitive vs Reference Types 07:08
14 Type Conversion 10:07
15 Operators 09:39
16 Type Coercion 04:01
17 Working With Strings 15:59
18 Capitalize Challenge 06:50
19 Working With Numbers 05:46
20 The Math Object 05:57
21 Number Challenge 08:30
22 Dates & Times 08:13
23 17 - Date Methods & DateTimeFormat API 08:59
24 Section Intro 00:42
25 Creating Arrays 07:25
26 Basic Array Methods 10:26
27 Nesting, Concat & The Spread Operator 10:13
28 Array Challenges 07:05
29 Object Literals 08:07
30 Object Spread Operator & Methods 11:59
31 Destructuring & Naming 06:57
32 JSON Intro 09:02
33 Object Challenges 06:22
34 Section Intro 01:33
35 Creating A Function 06:08
36 More on Arguments & Parameters 10:21
37 Global & Function Scope 05:26
38 Block Scope 05:15
39 Nested Scope 02:57
40 Declaration vs Expression 04:15
41 Arrow Functions 07:37
42 Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) 05:03
43 Function Challenges 12:20
44 Execution Context 09:19
45 Execution Context In Action 04:00
46 The Call Stack 04:53
47 Section Intro 01:09
48 If Statements 06:54
49 Else-If & Nesting 07:10
50 Switches 04:58
51 Calculator Challenge 03:21
52 Truthy & Falsy 12:17
53 Logical Operators 08:08
54 Logical Assignment 06:11
55 Ternary Operator 10:18
56 Section Intro 00:57
57 For Loop 11:26
58 Break & Continue 02:52
59 While & Do While Loops 07:00
60 FizzBuzz Challenge 08:01
61 For...of Loop 05:05
62 Loop 03:08
63 Array.forEach Method 08:35
64 Array.filter Method 11:33
65 Method 15:31
66 Array.reduce Method 08:50
67 Array Method Challenges 10:27
68 Section Intro 01:17
69 Intro To The DOM 11:05
70 Document Element Properties 14:20
71 DOM Selectors - Single Elements 14:14
72 DOM Selectors - Multiple Elements 09:17
73 Traversing The DOM - Elements 11:27
74 Traversing The DOM - All Nodes 13:48
75 Create & Append Elements 06:16
76 InnerHTML vs createElement() 08:52
77 Refactor To Multiple Functions 04:10
78 Insert Elements, Text & HTML 09:25
79 Custom insertAfter() Challenge 04:48
80 Replace Elements 09:47
81 Remove Elements 07:47
82 Manipulating Styles & Classes 09:38
83 Section Intro 00:52
84 Event Listeners 13:01
85 Mouse Events 10:42
86 The Event Object 13:01
87 Keyboard Events & Key Properties 10:28
88 KeyCode Mini-Project 14:52
89 Input Events 11:48
90 Form Submission & FormData Object 10:44
91 Event Bubbling 05:39
92 Event Delegation & Multiple Events 05:46
93 Page Loading & Window Events 10:37
94 Project Intro 03:32
95 Add Items To List (DOM Only) 11:41
96 Setting Up Git & Github (Optional) 15:25
97 Remove & Clear Items 07:53
98 Clear UI State 09:53
99 Filter Items 09:56
100 Local Storage Crash Course 05:32
101 Add Items To Local Storage 08:05
102 Display Items From Local Storage 06:16
103 Remove Items From Local Storage 09:01
104 Set Item To Edit 08:01
105 Update Item & Reset State 06:11
106 Prevent Duplicate Items 03:47
107 Deploy To Netlify 04:59
108 Section Intro 00:49
109 Under The Hood: Thread Of Execution 02:40
110 Under The Hood: How Async JS Works 08:40
111 setTimeout & clearTimeout Functions 04:40
112 setInterval & clearInterval Functions 08:52
113 Callbacks 09:57
114 Crash Course On HTTP Requests 07:14
115 DevTools Network Tab 04:51
116 AJAX & XHR Object 11:29
117 Joke Generator Project Challenge 09:41
118 Callback Hell 06:53
119 Promises 10:03
120 Callback To Promise Refactor 04:59
121 Promise Chaining 04:16
122 Promises vs Callback Hell 06:02
123 Handling Multiple Promises with promise.all() 06:05
124 Section Intro 01:27
125 Fetch Basics 09:03
126 Random User Mini-Project 12:53
127 Fetch Options - Method, Body Headers 14:56
128 Typicode Todos Mini-Project - Part 1 17:11
129 Typicode Todos Mini-Project - Part 2 13:30
130 Fetch API Error Handling 13:18
131 Async & Await 09:26
132 Try...Catch Statements 04:42
133 Error Handling With Async & Await 06:43
134 Multiple Promises With Async & Await 12:27
135 Project Intro 04:23
136 Theme Overview & Prep 07:15
137 API Overview & API Key 04:51
138 Page Router & Active Link 09:52
139 Display Popular Movies 13:35
140 Spinner & Popular TV Shows 07:22
141 Movie Details Page 13:15
142 Details Page Backdrop 04:53
143 TV Show Details Page 07:07
144 Swiper Slider 13:29
145 Search Functionality 19:13
146 Display Search Results 11:35
147 Add Pagination For Search 16:38
148 Section Intro 01:57
149 GeoLocation API 11:47
150 Show Location on a Map 07:30
151 Canvas Element & API 13:48
152 requestAnimationFrame() Method 08:11
153 Animated Clock - Part 1 25:08
154 Animated Clock - Part 2 11:09
155 Web Audio API 08:26
156 Music Player Project 20:03
157 Drum Machine Project 09:07
158 Video API 06:21
159 Video Player Project 12:44
160 Web Animations API - Ball Project 10:26
161 Speech Recognition API - Color Say Project 11:39
162 Speech Synthesis API - Text To Speech 13:22
163 Section Intro 02:01
164 What Is OOP? 09:18
165 4 Basic Principles of OOP 06:54
166 More on Object Literals & this Keyword 05:02
167 Constructor Functions 07:07
168 Literals vs Built-in Constructors 09:48
169 Working With Object Properties 07:29
170 Prototypes & The Prototype Chain 04:55
171 Adding Methods to the Prototype 04:38
172 Using Object.create() 04:56
173 Prototypical Inheritance & call() 10:12
174 OOP Game Challenge 07:44
175 Classes 07:30
176 Class Inheritance 06:29
177 Static Methods 02:54
178 bind() & Defining this 05:21
179 Getters & Setters with Classes 09:31
180 Getters & Setters with defineProperty() 10:56
181 Private Property Underscore Convention 12:14
182 ES2022 Private Class Fields 04:43
183 Property Flags & Descriptors 09:13
184 Sealing & Freezing Objects 07:26
185 Project Intro 04:17
186 UI Theme Setup 04:43
187 Project Planning & Diagram 05:04
188 Base Tracker, Meal & Workout Class 09:56
189 Display Tracker Stats 14:46
190 Progress Bar & Calorie Alert 10:01
191 App Class, New Meal & Workout 13:11
192 Refactor to Single _newItem Method 04:31
193 Display New Meal & Workout 07:36
194 Remove Meal & Workout 10:01
195 Filter & Reset 10:52
196 Set Calorie Limit 05:17
197 Storage Class & Calorie Limit Persist 05:47
198 Persist Total Calories To Local Storage 04:41
199 Save Meals To Local Storage 07:40
200 Save Workouts To Local Storage 03:44
201 Remove Meals & Workouts From LocalStorage 05:53
202 Clear Storage Items 04:15
203 Section Intro 02:07
204 What Are Modules? 07:04
205 Installing & Using Node.js 06:17
206 CommonJS Modules 09:18
207 NPM Packages/Modules 11:21
208 ES Modules 07:27
209 Module Bundlers 05:45
210 Webpack Basic Setup 11:18
211 CSS & Style Loaders 04:40
212 HTML Webpack Plugin 08:17
213 Webpack DevServer Plugin 04:40
214 Babel Setup 05:06
215 CSS Minify Extract Plugin 03:01
216 Tracalorie Refactor To Use Webpack 16:29
217 Deploy Tracalorie To Netlify 04:39
218 Section Intro 01:25
219 Symbols 10:24
220 Iterators 09:13
221 Generators 05:09
222 Profile Scroller Project 07:53
223 Sets 05:14
224 Maps 06:17
225 Poll Project 12:04
226 Stacks 13:31
227 Queues 08:45
228 Linked Lists 25:18
229 Intro & What Are Algorithms? 02:44
230 What is Unit Testing? 03:24
231 Getting Started with Jest 05:46
232 Grouping Tests Together 10:53
233 Reverse String Algorithm 09:50
234 Palindrome Algorithm 09:59
235 Array Chunking 06:12
236 Anagram Algorithm 11:58
237 Get Elements By Tag - jsdom 17:53
238 Has Duplicate IDs - jsdom 15:45
239 Section Intro 02:19
240 fs (filesystem) Module 13:56
241 path Module 07:57
242 os Module 11:05
243 url & querystring Modules 07:23
244 http Module 18:21
245 Project Intro 03:34
246 Express Setup & Basic API 16:05
247 Nodemon & Route Clean Up 06:06
248 Handle POST Requests - Add Idea 08:21
249 PUT & DELETE Requests - Update & Remove Ideas 06:18
250 What Is MongoDB? 04:47
251 MongoDB Atlas Setup 05:52
252 Mongoose Connect & Dotenv 08:54
253 Mongoose Schema & Model 08:54
254 Database Queries 15:15
255 Fullstack Workflow 03:01
256 Client Folder Setup 09:16
257 Modal Component 08:31
258 IdeaForm Component 12:01
259 IdeaList Component 12:05
260 API Service - Fetch Ideas 11:58
261 Create Idea via Form 07:26
262 Save Username to Local Storage 04:57
263 Add Username Validation To Server 07:21
264 Delete Ideas 12:57
265 Deploying A Fullstack App 08:37

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