Advanced JavaScript

3h 5m 51s

I'm not good at writing sales copy, just trust me that if you use JavaScript in any capacity, there's probably not another resource that will benefit you more than this. This course was years in the making. I took everything I know about JavaScript and all my experience teaching it over the last half decade and put it into this one course. Closures, The 'this' keyword, execution contexts, module patterns, hoisting, async patterns, prototypes, inheritance, the event loop, public and private class fields, composition and so much more. After taking this course, there won't be much to the JavaScript language that you don't know.

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What you'll learn:

  • Execution Environment
    Execution context
    Creation Phase
    Execution Phase
    Call stack
    Stack Frames
  • Scope
    Lexical Environment
    Scope Chain
  • Closures
    Closure Scope
    Garbage Collection
  • Hoisting
    Creation Phase
  • Event Loop
    Call stack
    Web APIs
    Task Queue
    Job Queue
  • Inheritance and the Prototype Chain
    Instantiation Patterns
    Private Class Fields
    Public Class Fields
    Constructor Functions
    Static Methods
    new Agnostic Constructors
    Composition vs Inheritance
  • Array Methods you should Know
  • JavaScript Modules
    Module Bundlers
    ES Modules
    Tree Shaking

Who is this course for?

  • Mid to Sr level back-end developers who are new to JavaScript but want to learn it in depth as quickly as possible.
  • Bootcamp graduates who are confident in the fundamentals of JavaScript but need a deeper understanding.
  • Native mobile developers who want to jump into the JavaScript ecosystem.
  • Experienced developers who want to learn JavaScript without wasting time with the fundamentals of programming.

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# Title Duration
1 Guide to Execution Contexts, Hoisting, Scopes, and Closures 25:30
2 Understanding the this keyword, call, apply, and bind 13:39
3 The Evolution of Async JavaScript - From Callbacks, to Promises, to Async/Await 45:20
4 Beginner's Guide to JavaScript's Prototype 28:15
5 JavaScript Private and Public Class Fields 08:26
6 JavaScript Inheritance and the Prototype Chain 13:51
7 From IIFEs to CommonJS to ES6 Modules 32:10
8 (Bonus)JavaScript Composition vs Inheritance 06:12
9 (Bonus) Creating your own JavaScript Array 12:28

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