Discord Clone - Learn MERN Stack with WebRTC and SocketIO
Learn how to connect MERN Stack with WebRTC and SocketIO. We will go through all of the steps to create application with group call functionality. We will create WebRTC implementation to show how you can develop WebRTC application thanks to simple-peer. We will use SocketIO as our signaling server for our application and for realtime communication. After this course you will be able to create own application which will be using WebRTC.
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It does not matter if that will be the realtime communication game or video chat. You will know the process how to establish connection between peers(users).
We will combine MERN Stack which stands for: MongoDB, Express, React, Node with WebRTC and SocketIO for realtime communication possibility.
In this course we will build project from scratch and we will go through all of steps together. Functionality which we will create will be:
Login / Registration (Authentication with JWT Token)
Friends / Friends Invitation System
Realtime chat functionality (SocketIO and MongoDB)
Creating Video Group Call Rooms
Course requirements:
Basic knowledge about React
Basics about Node
Would be great to have some knowledge about websockets (SocketIO). It is not required but would be definitely easier to understand part with chat and videochat functionality.
Watch Online Discord Clone - Learn MERN Stack with WebRTC and SocketIO
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Application Presentation | 02:59 |
2 | Technology Stack Introduction | 05:21 |
3 | Introduction | 01:33 |
4 | Node.js installation | 01:50 |
5 | Creating project structure and initializing a Project | 03:21 |
6 | Installing necessary packages with NPM | 06:18 |
7 | Creating Express Server | 06:25 |
8 | Nodemon - adding script to automatically restart server after changes | 02:05 |
9 | Creating MongoDB Database in Cloud | 02:49 |
10 | Preparing for connection with database | 06:42 |
11 | Connecting with database from our server and testing connection | 04:13 |
12 | Creating folder structure and authentication routes | 08:24 |
13 | Testing routes with Postman | 01:29 |
14 | Moving handlers to controllers folder | 05:49 |
15 | Adding request validation with Joi | 05:33 |
16 | Testing Route validations with Postman | 04:20 |
17 | More about Joi | 02:26 |
18 | Creating User Model | 02:54 |
19 | Creating Register functionality | 10:30 |
20 | Testing Registration Route | 03:02 |
21 | Creating Login functionality | 06:20 |
22 | Testing login functionality | 04:03 |
23 | Creating JWT Token | 05:44 |
24 | Testing if token is being returned by server | 02:37 |
25 | Creating middleware to check if token is valid and not expired | 08:38 |
26 | Trying to access protected route | 07:25 |
27 | Module introduction | 03:20 |
28 | Initializing React Application with Redux | 03:53 |
29 | Installing necessary dependencies | 04:53 |
30 | Starting React App and removing unnecessary files | 03:28 |
31 | Configuring Redux Store | 09:24 |
32 | Adding Routing to App | 07:29 |
33 | Creating Authentication Box Component with MaterialUI | 11:34 |
34 | More about MaterialUi and Creating Login Page Header | 06:10 |
35 | Creating custom input component | 12:50 |
36 | Creating Custom Button | 08:48 |
37 | Creating Redirect Component | 08:05 |
38 | Creating Tooltip Message On Mouse Over | 03:42 |
39 | Creating Custom Validator | 11:44 |
40 | Creating Register Page | 18:50 |
41 | Preparing for connection with our server (API) | 04:19 |
42 | Preparing Authentication Actions | 10:29 |
43 | Dispatch Actions from React Components | 06:09 |
44 | Testing Login Actions and Registration Actions and explaining redux flow | 09:49 |
45 | Creating Custom Alert | 06:03 |
46 | Preparing Store for Alert Messages | 08:16 |
47 | Displaying Server Messages | 08:02 |
48 | Adding JWT token to Requests | 09:13 |
49 | Quick Fix for Axios Headers | 01:25 |
50 | Module introduction - Dashboard UI | 02:15 |
51 | Creating Dashboard Structure | 11:24 |
52 | Creating Main Page Button | 06:48 |
53 | Add Friend Button | 04:34 |
54 | Sidebar | 07:23 |
55 | Material UI - Add Friend Dialog | 16:27 |
56 | Dialog Buttons | 02:27 |
57 | Preparing Friends List | 12:46 |
58 | Online Indicator | 04:14 |
59 | Creating Dummy Invitations List | 11:07 |
60 | Invitations List - Decision Buttons | 06:54 |
61 | Dropdown Menu with logout functionality | 06:32 |
62 | Checking if token exists on Dashboard Page | 07:10 |
63 | Module Introduction | 01:23 |
64 | Connecting SocketIO to our Server | 06:17 |
65 | Connecting to SocketIO Server From Client Side | 06:54 |
66 | Adding JWT Token to Event Emitted To Server | 03:04 |
67 | Validating JWT Tokens at Server Side | 06:58 |
68 | Server Store - Saving Information About Connected Users | 09:11 |
69 | Testing Server Store | 01:51 |
70 | Creating Disconnect Handler | 07:19 |
71 | Redux - Preparing Actions And Reducers for Friends Logic | 06:31 |
72 | Preparing Action To Send Friend Invitation | 06:58 |
73 | Connecting Send Friend Invitation Action To Dialog | 05:06 |
74 | Creating Server Routes - Friends Invitations | 13:20 |
75 | Creating Friend Invitation Model | 03:16 |
76 | Custom Friend Invitation Validation | 05:50 |
77 | Testing Friends Invitations Custom Validations | 01:14 |
78 | More Custom Validation Related With Friend Invitations | 08:41 |
79 | Saving Friend Invitation In Database | 04:08 |
80 | Testing Friend Invitations | 03:35 |
81 | Preparing SocketIO Client Event Listeners for Realtime Friends Invitations | 04:34 |
82 | Preparing at Server Pending Friend Invitations | 08:14 |
83 | Emitting Events to Clients of Specific ID | 14:13 |
84 | Testing Real Updates of Friends Invitations | 05:16 |
85 | Fixing Bugs and Retesting | 04:39 |
86 | Rendering Real Pending Invitations List | 04:12 |
87 | Fixing Bug With Pending Invitations Rendering | 03:00 |
88 | Initial Update Of Pending Invitations | 02:50 |
89 | Testing Initial Invitations | 03:44 |
90 | Preparing Client Side To Accept Or Reject Friend Invitation | 09:25 |
91 | Preparing Decision Controllers | 09:14 |
92 | Creating Logic Of Rejecting Invitation | 05:56 |
93 | Testing Rejection Of Friend Invitation | 01:24 |
94 | Accepting Friend Invitation Logic | 10:50 |
95 | Testing Friend Invitation Acceptation | 03:40 |
96 | Preapring Client Side For Friends Updates | 06:00 |
97 | Creating Server Logic For Real Friends Updates | 09:30 |
98 | Testing Friends Updates | 03:48 |
99 | Connecting Online User Indicator | 08:25 |
100 | Online Indicator at React Side | 08:19 |
101 | Module Introduction | 03:49 |
102 | Preparing Redux Store For Chat Functionality | 07:31 |
103 | Choosing Active Conversation | 06:36 |
104 | Creating Chat Label | 06:27 |
105 | Creating Messenger UI | 05:45 |
106 | Creating Messages Container | 04:49 |
107 | Creating Message Header | 09:40 |
108 | Rendering Single Messages | 15:19 |
109 | Creating New Message Input | 10:10 |
110 | Fixing Input Width | 00:44 |
111 | Emitting Event With Direct Message | 06:04 |
112 | Creating Handler For Direct Message Event | 17:19 |
113 | Testing Direct Message Handler | 04:21 |
114 | Preparing Realtime Chat Updates | 12:37 |
115 | Adding Initial Chat Update | 04:55 |
116 | Testing Real Chat Updates | 11:50 |
117 | Updating Store Messages | 10:35 |
118 | Fixing Bug With Messages Store State | 05:08 |
119 | Rendering Real Messages | 08:33 |
120 | Debugging Author Username | 06:01 |
121 | Fixing Bug With Update Of First Message | 03:10 |
122 | Creating Date Separator | 06:34 |
123 | What is WebRTC ? | 01:39 |
124 | How WebRTC is working ? | 01:17 |
125 | What is STUN Server ? | 01:11 |
126 | What is TURN Server ? | 02:07 |
127 | What is SDP ? | 01:37 |
128 | What are ICE Candidates ? | 01:44 |
129 | How to establish connection between Peers ? | 03:12 |
130 | Module Introduction | 06:42 |
131 | Preparing Store State | 06:56 |
132 | Creating Room Button | 03:26 |
133 | Changing State if User is in Room | 10:16 |
134 | Creating Main Room Component | 07:54 |
135 | Adding Resize Functionality To Room | 06:51 |
136 | Creating Structure of Room Dialog | 05:40 |
137 | Creating Room Buttons | 15:04 |
138 | Creating Room at Server Side | 17:15 |
139 | Testing Room Create Events | 06:38 |
140 | Broadcasting Active Rooms To All Online Users | 11:50 |
141 | Saving Active Rooms in Store | 06:23 |
142 | Fixing Bug With Setting Active Rooms | 02:26 |
143 | Rendering Active Rooms | 13:51 |
144 | Joining Active Room at Server Side | 12:49 |
145 | Testing Joining Room Functionality | 06:17 |
146 | Fixing Bugs and Retesting | 03:30 |
147 | Creating Leave Room Functionality | 14:22 |
148 | Testing Leave Room Functionality | 02:48 |
149 | Handling Leaving Room at Disconnect Event | 06:12 |
150 | Initial Update of Active Rooms | 04:14 |
151 | Getting Local Stream Preview | 15:05 |
152 | Creating Local Video Preview | 09:07 |
153 | Getting Local Preview When Joining Room | 02:54 |
154 | Adding Only Audio Functionality | 10:11 |
155 | Fixing Bug With Audio Only | 01:48 |
156 | Stopping All Tracks When Leaving a Room | 03:50 |
157 | Mesh Architecture Theory | 04:44 |
158 | Installing Simple Peer package | 03:13 |
159 | Events Related With Connection | 06:46 |
160 | Preparing for Incoming WebRTC Connection | 06:33 |
161 | Preparing Peer Connection Object | 14:54 |
162 | Emitting Event to Initialize Connection | 06:48 |
163 | Testing Creating Peer Connection Objects | 02:19 |
164 | Exchanging Signaling Data | 09:30 |
165 | Testing Signaling Data Exchange | 02:51 |
166 | Fixing Simple Bug And Testing RTC Connection | 03:29 |
167 | Rendering Remote Streams | 08:31 |
168 | Closing RTC Connection and Removing Remote Streams | 20:11 |
169 | Fixing Bug When Last User Will Leave Room | 03:24 |
170 | Connecting Logic To Video Button | 05:12 |
171 | Connecting Logic To Mute Button | 02:38 |
172 | Preparing Logic For Screen Sharing | 11:39 |
173 | Switching Outgoing Video Tracks in Active Peer Connections | 07:11 |
174 | Fixing Switching Off Screen Sharing | 03:55 |
175 | Showing Preview of Screen Sharing | 02:14 |
176 | Stopping All Tracks when User is Leaving Room | 02:40 |
177 | Hidding Buttons Depends if Audio Only is Enabled | 08:33 |
178 | Giving Room Owner Possibility to Re-join Room which he created | 07:36 |
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