Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript

3h 53m 46s

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a popular programming paradigm or style of programming. It’s been around since ‘70s, but unlike tools and frameworks that come and go, OOP is still very relevant today. That’s because it’s not a programming language or a tool. It’s a style of programming.

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Why learn OOP?

OOP helps you manage and reduce complexity in software by building re-usable building blocks (objects). Properly designed objects provide a simple interface and hide the unnecessary complexity from the outside, just like a DVD player! A DVD player has a complex logic board on the inside and a few buttons on the outside. When you press the play button, you don’t care how all those microchips talk to each other.

Object-oriented programming helps you:

  • Manage and reduce complexity
  • Eliminate redundant code
  • Build re-usable building blocks
  • Write cleaner code

An essential skills for every developer:

OOP comes up in many technical interviews. So if you really want to be a serious developer, you need to understand object-oriented programming. As a technical interviewer myself, if I see a candidate with OOP on their resume, that candidate stands out to me. 

It may interest you to know that many of the popular frameworks out there that you might be using are actually designed with OOP concepts in mind. Angular is an example of such frameworks! 

A Step-by-Step, A to Z course:

What you'll get when you sign up for this course:

  • Learn all about object-oriented programming in JavaScript
  • No more wasting time on disjointed tutorials
  • Learn at your own pace - lifetime access - so take your time if you prefer
  • Watch on any device, online or offline
  • Solidify your understanding of JavaScript
  • Prepare for technical interviews
  • Confidently build applications with Node, Angular, React, Vue and other JavaScript libraries
  • Learn the best practices and common pitfalls to avoid
  • Certificate of completion to present to your employer

You'll learn:

  • The core principles of OOP: encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism
  • How to implement OOP concepts in JavaScript
  • All about objects, their properties, property descriptors, getters and setters
  • Difference between factory and constructor functions
  • How "this" works in JavaScript
  • Prototypes and prototypical inheritance: one of the confusing parts of JavaScript
  • ES6+ features used in object-oriented programming

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# Title Duration
1 What is OOP? 01:46
2 Four Pillars of OOP 07:03
3 Setting Up the Development Environment 02:17
4 Course Structure 02:56
5 1- Introduction 00:46
6 2- Object Literals 03:04
7 3- Factories 02:52
8 4- Constructors 05:37
9 5- Constructor Property 02:25
10 6- Functions are Objects 04:48
11 7- Value vs Reference Types 05:50
12 8- Adding or Removing Properties 03:54
13 9- Enumerating Properties 02:51
14 10- Abstraction 04:03
15 11- Private Properties and Methods 04:06
16 Getters and Setters 05:37
17 14- Exercise- Stop Watch 02:09
18 15- Solution- Stopwatch 02:32
19 1- Inheritance 02:27
20 2- Prototypes and Prototypical Inheritance 05:34
21 3- Multi-level Inheritance 02:52
22 4- Property Descriptors 05:08
23 5- Constructor Prototypes 03:53
24 6- Prototype vs. Instance Members 06:05
25 7- Iterating Instance and Prototype Members 02:40
26 8- Avoid Extending the Built-in Objects 01:42
27 10- Exercise 01:34
28 11- Solution 05:39
29 1- Creating Your Own Prototypical Inheritance 05:35
30 2- Resetting the Constructor 04:02
31 3- Calling the Super Constructor 03:49
32 4- Intermediate Function Inheritance 03:06
33 5- Method Overriding 03:30
34 6- Polymorphism 04:23
35 7- When to Use Inheritance 03:24
36 8- Mixins 05:54
37 10- Exercise Prototypical Inheritence 03:19
38 11- Solution Prototypical Inheritance 05:54
39 12- Exercise- Polymorphism 02:36
40 13- Solution- Polymorphism 05:12
41 1- ES6 Classes 05:42
42 2- Hoisting 03:47
43 3- Static Methods 04:18
44 4- The This Keyword 04:58
45 5- Private Members Using Symbols 07:49
46 Private Members Using WeakMaps 06:59
47 7- Getters and Setters 02:51
48 Inheritance 04:01
49 9- Method Riding 02:34
50 11- Exercise 03:26
51 12- Solution 04:21
52 1- Modules 03:43
53 2- CommonJS Modules 05:52
54 3- ES6 Modules 03:25
55 4- ES6 Tooling 01:27
56 5- Babel 07:12
57 6- Webpack 08:27

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