Master the Lua Scripting Language

13h 59m 27s

This course is a comprehensive immersion in the Lua programming language - one of the most popular scripting languages in the world. Lua is fast, compact, and easily integrates with C and C++, making it an excellent choice for extending and scripting applications in C and C++.

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The course consists of three parts:

The first part is aimed at beginners and covers the basic elements of Lua. We will start with the very basics and explore topics such as variables, expressions, conditions, loops, functions, tables, object-oriented and functional programming, as well as popular Lua modules and tools.

The second part is intended for intermediate developers who want to learn how to integrate Lua into C or C++ projects. We will discuss how to embed Lua in a compiled application using the powerful Lua C API.

The third and final part consists of bonus lectures explaining how Lua is used in Roblox Studio. Roblox is a popular game engine that uses a dialect of Lua as the primary scripting language.

Necessary Tools

You will only need a Lua interpreter. The official Lua tools support cross-platform functionality, so you can work on Windows, macOS, or Linux.

Is this course suitable for you?

The course requires no prior knowledge. We will start with the official Lua language from scratch, so even beginners with no programming experience can confidently join!

What makes this course special?

The course is entirely dedicated to Lua! We will learn how to think like Lua programmers, understand the syntax and popular modules. Unlike most Lua resources, this course also covers integrating Lua with C and C++ code! We will learn to work with the Lua C API to embed Lua into C projects, making Lua a full-fledged scripting language.

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# Title Duration
1 Motivations and Learning Outcomes 03:14
2 History and Language Goals 27:53
3 How to Take this Course 02:59
4 A Message for Roblox Users 01:40
5 Using Lua with REPL 03:31
6 Installing Lua on Linux 02:03
7 Installing Lua on macOS 01:04
8 Installing Lua on Windows 11:30
9 Our First Lua Script 09:06
10 Variables 16:36
11 Using REPL with Lua 5.1 05:27
12 Proposed Activity: Variables 02:10
13 Variables Activity Solution 04:16
14 Incrementing and Decrementing Values 06:54
15 Conditional Statements 09:18
16 The Elseif Statement 11:26
17 Proposed Activity: Conditionals 04:14
18 Conditionals Activity Solution 10:26
19 Logical Operators 06:09
20 String Manipulation 19:14
21 Multi-line Strings 04:38
22 Reading the Contents of a File 08:19
23 Multiple Assignment 03:36
24 Popular Standard Library Modules 10:18
25 Lua String Patterns 03:07
26 The For Loop 06:17
27 The While Loop 10:59
28 Loop Options 02:32
29 Variable Scope 04:02
30 Local Scope and Lua Chunks 02:38
31 Syntax and Semantic Errors 04:14
32 Solving Logical Mistakes 02:50
33 Inputting Values from the Keyboard 13:25
34 Handling Input Options 05:44
35 Input Options 04:28
36 Finding Distance Between Points 09:59
37 Finding Angle Between Points 12:00
38 Proposed Exercises on Loops 05:54
39 Proposed Exercise Walkthrough 08:36
40 An Introduction to Lua Functions 14:14
41 Lua Tables 22:16
42 Table Example 08:04
43 Proposed Activity: Looping Table Entries 06:53
44 Looping Table Entries Solution 09:27
45 Example of Tables as Configuration Files 04:40
46 Tables as Matrices 05:45
47 Formative Project: Tic-Tac-Toe 16:20
48 Moving Forward 02:09
49 Metatables 19:57
50 Object-Oriented Programming in Lua 21:52
51 Creating Classes and Objects 13:35
52 Higher-Order Functions and Closures 07:14
53 Examples of Higher-Order Functions 06:44
54 Variadic Functions 07:04
55 Integrating Lua with C 02:16
56 C Project Folder Structure 12:50
57 Executing Lua File from C 19:48
58 Get Lua Global Values in C 12:02
59 Accessing the Stack 05:52
60 Push Pop and Peak 01:55
61 Calling Lua Functions from C 12:21
62 Checking for Script Errors 05:10
63 Calling Native C Functions from Lua 17:44
64 Userdata 05:32
65 Sending and Receiving Userdata 14:34
66 Reading Lua Tables in C 06:03
67 Installing SDL 07:38
68 Creating SDL Window 13:59
69 The Game Loop 14:26
70 SDL Rendering 11:22
71 Fixing the Game Loop Timestep 13:55
72 Update as a Function of Delta Time 05:49
73 Controlling the Player Movement with Lua 26:01
74 Final Considerations on Lua and C 06:20
75 Next Steps 04:15
76 Lua and Roblox 02:25
77 Accessing Roblox Studio 05:45
78 Roblox Parts and Properties 12:15
79 Roblox Vectors and Colors 11:02
80 Roblox New Object Instance 06:08
81 Proposed Activity: Sun & Moon Script 05:48
82 Sun & Moon Script Activity Solution 09:43
83 Roblox Loops and the Wait Function 07:22
84 Roblox Loops and Conditionals 09:02
85 Roblox Events 10:25
86 Roblox Humanoid Properties 16:44
87 Roblox Players and Characters 10:00
88 Roblox Models and Assets 06:48
89 Roblox Terrain Editor 03:59
90 Roblox Lighting and ClockTime 09:19
91 Roblox Leaderboard 08:46
92 Roblox Debugging 02:53
93 Roblox CFrame 07:47
94 Roblox Following Parts 11:02
95 Getting Help with Roblox 05:14
96 Building Lua 5.4 from Source on Linux 08:08

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