Ultimate C++ Part 2: Intermediate

3h 37m 48s

Level up your C++ skills - Learn all about arrays, pointers, strings, structures, and streams. To take this course, you should have watched the first part or have a thorough understanding of the concepts covered there. You should know all about variables, data types, decision making statements, loops, and functions.

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# Title Duration
1 1- Welcome 00:39
2 1- Introduction 00:33
3 2- Creating and Initializing Arrays 02:31
4 3- Determining the Size of Arrays 03:03
5 4- Copying Arrays 02:00
6 5- Comparing Arrays 02:14
7 6- Passing Arrays to Functions 02:52
8 7- Understanding size_t 03:14
9 8- Unpacking Arrays 01:51
10 9- Searching Arrays 03:43
11 10- Sorting Arrays 08:08
12 11- Multi-dimensional Arrays 03:33
13 1- Introduction 00:47
14 2- What is a Pointer 01:50
15 3- Declaring and Using Pointers 05:21
16 4- Constant Pointers 02:53
17 5- Passing Pointers to Functions 05:33
18 6- The Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers 03:24
19 7- Pointer Arithmetic 03:23
20 8- Comparing Pointers 03:55
21 9- Dynamic Memory Allocation 04:12
22 10- Dynamically Resizing an Array 07:19
23 11- Smart Pointers 01:32
24 12- Working with Unique Pointers 04:17
25 13- Working with Shared Pointers 01:45
26 1- Introduction 00:42
27 2- C Strings 08:49
28 3- C++ Strings 05:24
29 4- Modifying Strings 03:17
30 5- Searching Strings 04:50
31 6- Extracting Substrings 04:21
32 7- Working with Characters 05:52
33 8- String_Numeric Conversion Functions 03:10
34 9- Escape Sequences 03:14
35 10- Raw Strings 01:25
36 1- Introduction 00:49
37 2- Defining Structures 05:13
38 3- Initializing Structures 02:07
39 4- Unpacking Structures 02:00
40 5- Array of Structures 03:46
41 6- Nesting Structures 04:12
42 7- Comparing Structures 01:40
43 8- Working with Methods 05:11
44 9- Operator Overloading 11:49
45 10- Structures and Functions 02:27
46 11- Pointers to Structures 02:08
47 12- Defining Enumerations 03:43
48 13- Strongly Typed Enumerations 01:56
49 1- Introduction 00:50
50 2- Understanding Streams 03:31
51 3- Writing to Streams 02:22
52 4- Reading from Streams 04:13
53 5- Handling Input Errors 05:49
54 6- File Streams 00:54
55 7- Writing to Text Files 06:04
56 8- Reading from Text Files 07:32
57 9- Writing to Binary Files 06:18
58 10- Reading from Binary Files 02:12
59 11- Working with File Streams 01:42
60 12- String Streams 00:40
61 13- Converting Values to Strings 03:23
62 14- Parsing Strings 03:41

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