Ultimate C++ Part 1: Fundamentals

3h 52m 48s
June 14, 2024

C++ is the language of choice for video games, embdded systems, IoT devices, high-performance apps, operating systems, database management systems, compilers, and so on. It's also the father of many languages like C#, Java, and JavaScript.


With so many uses, it's one of the best languages to learn these days.

The problem is: C++ is complicated and most books and courses fail to explain it properly, in simple words, the way most people can understand. That's why I've created this series for you.

I've put together what I've learned about C++ over the last 20 years into a series of easy-to-follow videos packed with real-world examples and exercises.

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# Title Duration
1 1- Welcome 00:58
2 2- Course Structure 01:34
3 1- Introduction to C++ 03:19
4 2- Popular IDEs 01:57
5 3- Your First C++ Program 07:25
6 4- Compiling and Running a C++ Program 02:25
7 5- Changing the Theme 01:15
8 1- Introduction 00:33
9 2- Variables 06:08
10 3- Constants 01:29
11 4- Naming Conventions 02:57
12 5- Mathematical Expressions 05:35
13 6- Order of Operators 03:10
14 7- Writing Output to the Console 09:17
15 8- Reading from the Console 04:35
16 9- Working with the Standard Library 04:39
17 10- Comments 02:32
18 1- Introduction 00:50
19 2- Fundamental Data Types 03:05
20 3- Initializing Variables 04:44
21 4- Working with Numbers 03:34
22 5- Narrowing 02:14
23 6- Generating Random Numbers 07:17
24 7- Formatting Output 08:32
25 8- Data Types Size and Limits 03:41
26 9- Working with Booleans 01:57
27 10- Working with Characters and Strings 06:51
28 11- Working with Arrays 06:14
29 12- Type Conversion 05:15
30 1- Introduction 00:41
31 2- Comparison Operators 03:57
32 3- Logical Operators 04:10
33 4- Order of Logical Operators 06:41
34 5- If Statements 06:21
35 6- Nested If Statements 04:54
36 7- The Conditional Operator 04:29
37 8- The Switch Statement 07:36
38 1- Introduction 00:45
39 2- The for Loop 09:02
40 3- Range-based for Loops 06:34
41 4- While Loops 05:36
42 5- Do-while Loops 02:42
43 6- Break and Continue Statements 04:28
44 7- Nested Loops 05:44
45 1- Introduction 00:36
46 2- Defining and Calling Functions 08:56
47 3- Parameters with a Default Value 02:42
48 4- Overloading Functions 02:51
49 5- Passing Arguments by Value or Reference 06:18
50 6- Local vs Global Variables 03:07
51 7- Declaring Functions 01:46
52 8- Organizing Functions in Files 08:35
53 9- Using Namespaces 04:31
54 10- Debugging C++ Programs 05:08
55 13- Course Wrap Up 00:36

Read Book Ultimate C++ Part 1: Fundamentals

# Title
1 Book 1
2 Book 2
3 Book 3
4 Book 4
5 Book 5
6 Book 6
7 Book 7
8 Book 8
9 Book 9

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