Learn to Create Web Applications using Go

43h 35m 37s

Why can't anyone point me to a concrete example of how to hash and store user passwords? Or how to build the rest of an authentication system? Why is it so frustrating simply trying to figure out how to share my database connection with my handlers, or how to email users without slowing down every web request? Can anyone just tell me how to organize my code? Why are there so many varying opinions on this? Which one is right? Should I be using MVC? What is this domain driven design? Ugh! I want to give up!

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You have heard that Go is great for web apps, but getting started leads to so many questions that it can feel overwhelming. But what if you could build a web application this week, starting today? What if you had someone to guide you through the standard libraries and help you understand how they all work together?

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# Title Duration
1 2.0 - Creating a code directory and a git repo 12:10
2 2.1 - A basic web application 13:13
3 2.1 [ASIDE] - What is a web request? 10:03
4 2.2 - Explaining our web application in detail 09:15
5 2.3 - Dynamic reloading 10:33
6 3.1 - Setting the Content-Type header 08:03
7 3.2 - Adding a contact page 08:27
8 3.3 - Adding a 404 page 07:35
9 3.4 - net/http's ServeMux 15:20
10 3.5 - github.com/julienschmidt's httprouter 07:48
11 3.6 - Gorilla Web Toolkit's mux package 07:07
12 3.7 - Implementing the gorilla/mux router 09:57
13 3.Ex0 - Exercises overview 07:11
14 3.Ex1 - Adding an FAQ page 05:35
15 3.Ex2 - Adding a 404 page 05:25
16 3.Ex3 - Using httprouter 07:44
17 4.0 - What are templates? 07:22
18 4.1 - Our first HTML template 14:51
19 4.2 - Code injection and contextual encoding 07:24
20 4.Ex0 - Exercises overview 03:34
21 4.Ex1 - Rendering a custom field 03:12
22 4.Ex2 - Rendering additional data attributes 06:03
23 4.Ex3 - Rendering with nested structures 04:09
24 5.0 - Intro to the MVC videos 02:58
25 5.1 - What is MVC? 13:17
26 5.2 - Walking through a web request with MVC 05:59
27 5.Ex0 - Exercises 06:36
28 6.0 - Creating our first view 11:58
29 6.1 - Creating the contact view 05:49
30 6.2 - Named and nested templates 08:44
31 6.3 - Creating the View type 08:39
32 6.4 - Using the View type 12:31
33 6.5 - Creating a Bootstrap layout 25:13
34 6.6 - Adding a navigation bar 12:46
35 6.7 - Cleaning up our code by globbing template files 17:04
36 6.8 - Simplifying our view rendering logic 09:51
37 6.9 - Moving our footer to the bootstrap layout 03:50
38 6.10 - Summary 04:43
39 7.0 - Creating the signup page 13:37
40 7.1 - Wrapping the signup form in a bootstrap panel 13:56
41 7.2 - Adding a signup link to the navbar 03:30
42 7.3 - An introduction to REST 14:19
43 7.4 - Creating our first controller - the users controller 29:05
44 7.5 - CRUD, HTTP verbs with Gorilla mux, and the create action 22:39
45 7.6 - Parsing the signup form (parsing POST forms) 13:05
46 7.7 - Parsing forms with gorilla schema 19:56
47 7.8 - DRYing up our form parsing code 14:27
48 7.9 - Creating a controller for our mostly static pages 15:24
49 7.10 - Making views easier to create 13:31
50 8.0 - What does it mean to persist data? 05:05
51 8.1 - Web applications use databases to persist data 07:50
52 8.2 - We will be using PostgreSQL 03:08
53 8.3 - SQL has many great educational resources 06:09
54 8.4 - Postgres is scalable and relatively easy to use 04:38
55 8.5 - Setting up and connecting to Postgres 07:37
56 8.6 - SQL basics and creating tables to interact with 07:16
57 8.7 - Connecting to our database with Go's sql package 18:24
58 8.8 - Writing records to our database with Go's sql package 15:52
59 8.9 - Querying for records with Go's sql package 12:59
60 8.10 - Handling relational data with Go's sql package 15:31
61 8.11 - Setting up GORM 08:27
62 8.12 - Creating our first model with GORM 14:19
63 8.13 - Creating records and logging with GORM 13:35
64 8.14 - Querying records with GORM 16:42
65 8.15 - Error handling with GORM 12:18
66 8.16 - Relational data with GORM 11:15
67 9.1 - Creating the User model 09:27
68 9.2 - Creating the UserService 19:10
69 9.3 - The create user method 07:22
70 9.4 - What does a model test look like? 16:12
71 9.5 - Finishing the UserService implementation 26:11
72 9.6 - Connecting models and controllers 25:02
73 10.0 - An intro to building an auth system 14:20
74 10.1 - Store hashes, not passwords 13:37
75 10.2 - Implementing bcrypt hashing 10:40
76 10.3 - Using passwords from the signup form 05:27
77 10.4 - Salt and pepper 14:28
78 10.5 - Creating the login form 14:00
79 10.6 - Authenticating users 17:55
80 11.0 - Remembering users and creating our first cookie 19:41
81 11.1 - Viewing cookies via code 05:44
82 11.2 - Creating cookies on login and signup 09:04
83 11.3 - Securing our cookies from tampering 19:42
84 11.4 - Generating remember tokens 13:09
85 11.4 [ASIDE] - Why 32 bytes? 07:29
86 11.5 - Writing a remember token hasher 16:28
87 11.6 - Hashing remember tokens on user creation and update 19:29
88 11.7 - Storing remember tokens in cookies 15:10
89 11.8 - Securing our cookies from XSS 07:33
90 11.9 - Securing our cookies from theft and CSRF 10:50
91 12.0 - Validating and normalizing 14:03
92 12.1 - Static types vs interfaces 08:41
93 12.1 [ASIDE] - Emebedding, interfaces, and chaining 11:43
94 12.2 - The UserDB interface 18:11
95 12.3 - The UserService interface 17:55
96 12.4.0 - Organizing validation code 21:46
97 12.4.1 - Remember token normalizer 07:04
98 12.4.2 - Ensuring remember tokens are set on create 04:31
99 12.4.3 - Ensuring a valid ID on delete 06:59
100 12.5.0 - Converting emails to lowercase and trimming whitespace 09:45
101 12.5.1 - Requiring email addresses 04:11
102 12.5.2 - Verifying emails match a pattern 16:28
103 12.5.3 - Verifying an email address isn't taken 10:09
104 12.6 - Validating and normalizing passwords 15:12
105 12.7 - Validating and normalizing remember tokens 12:41
106 13.1 - Bootstrap alerts 06:08
107 13.2 - Dynamic alerts 05:19
108 13.3 - Only show alerts when necessary 05:09
109 13.4 - Creating the views.Data type 10:25
110 13.5 - Handling signup errors 13:11
111 13.6 - Only display public errors 18:02
112 13.7 - Handling login errors 09:45
113 13.8 - Handling rendering errors 11:42
114 14.0 - Intro to the gallery chapter 04:36
115 14.1 - The gallery model 07:31
116 14.2 - Sharing a GORM connection and the GalleryService 07:49
117 14.3 - Utilizing our shared GORM connection (the Services type) 06:12
118 14.4 - Moving close to the Services type 07:47
119 14.5 - Implementing the GalleryService 05:55
120 14.6 - Creating the galleries controller 09:35
121 14.7 - Implementing the Gallery create action 06:26
122 14.8 - Gallery validators and normalizers 15:23
123 14.9 - Requiring users to be logged in to view specific pages 20:13
124 14.10 - Adding users to the request context 15:57
125 14.11 - Rendering individual galleries 35:59
126 14.12 - Galleries edit action 13:39
127 14.13 - Galleries update action 06:35
128 14.14 - GalleryService update method 05:21
129 14.15 - Gallery delete action 13:01
130 14.16 - Gallery index action 22:26
131 14.17 - Navbar updates 35:12
132 15.1 - File upload HTML form 25:23
133 15.2 - File upload handler 24:49
134 15.3 - The ImageService and create method 18:50
135 15.4 - Finding images by Gallery ID 16:04
136 15.5 - Rendering images 21:58
137 15.6 - Deleting images 32:52
138 16.1 - Error cleanup 19:51
139 16.2 - Serving static assets 07:59
140 16.3 - CSRF protection 26:13
141 16.4 - Don't lookup the user when serving static assets 06:36
142 16.5 - URL encoding image path bug 07:46
143 16.6 - Starting with config variables 23:06
144 16.7 - Functional options for services 21:55
145 16.8 - Loading a JSON config 15:54
146 16.9 - Setting up a droplet (server) on Digital Ocean 06:29
147 16.10 - Installing postgres on our prod server 07:53
148 16.11 - Caddy server 13:36
149 16.12 - Deploy script 32:28
150 17.1 - Deleting cookies and logging out users 13:40
151 17.2 - Redirecting with alerts 18:10
152 17.3 - Emailing users 34:29
153 17.4 - Persisting form data 12:26
154 17.5.1 - Resetting passwords - Creating the pwReset DB table 29:17
155 17.5.2 - Resetting passwords - Implementing UserService methods 24:30
156 17.5.3 - Resetting passwords - Form HTML templates 05:08
157 17.5.4 - Resetting passwords - Controller updates 20:59
158 17.5.5 - Resetting passwords - Sending emails and building links 21:04
159 18.1 - Intro to OAuth 06:34
160 18.2 - Setting up a Dropbox Application 13:07
161 18.3 - Go's OAuth2 Package 09:16
162 18.4 - Dropbox OAuth Spike (Part 1) 16:28
163 18.5 - Dropbox OAuth Spike (Part 2) 11:59
164 18.6.1 - Persisting OAuth Tokens - Explaining the Token 09:22
165 18.6.2 - Persisting OAuth Tokens - OAuth Model 35:46
166 18.6.3 - Persisting OAuth Tokens - Connecting It All 13:17
167 18.7 - Making Dropbox API Calls 17:51
168 18.8 - Refactoring to Controllers 09:29
169 18.9 - Generic OAuth Controller 12:23
170 19.1 - Intro to the Dropbox SDK 20:08
171 19.2 - Custom Dropbox Package 15:20
172 19.3 - Dropbox Chooser 54:28
173 Mark Bates - Go Buffalo 33:53
174 Joe Fitzgerald & Zac Bergquist - Atom + Go 35:15
175 Matt Holt - Caddy & Securing your Server 27:18
176 Michael Hartl - Learning Just Enough 35:24
177 Ryan Patterson - Technical Interviews 28:35
178 Mattan Griffel - Learning to Code 42:36
179 Charlie Guo - Doing the Unscalable 41:20
180 Ryan Jackson - Starting a Tech Company 42:58
181 Adam Wathan - Testing and More 40:05

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