Go: The Complete Developer's Guide (Golang)

8h 21m 45s

Go is an open source programming language created by Google.  As one of the fastest growing languages in terms of popularity, its a great time to pick up the basics of Go! This course is designed to get you up and running as fast as possible with Go.  We'll quickly cover the basics, then dive into some of the more advanced features of the language.  Don't be tricked by other courses that only teach you for-loops and if-statements!  

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This is the only course on Udemy that will teach you how to use the full power of Go's concurrency model and interface type systems. Go is designed to be easy to pick up, but tough to master.  Through multiple projects, quizzes, and assignments, you'll quickly start to master the language's quirks and oddities.  Go is like any other language - you have to write code to learn it!  This course will give you ample opportunities to strike out on your own and start working on your own programs.

In this course you will:

  • Understand the basic syntax and control structures of the language
  • Apply Go's concurrency model to build massively parallel systems
  • Grasp the purpose of types, which is especially important if you're coming from a dynamically typed language like Javascript or Ruby
  • Organize code through the use of packages
  • Use the Go runtime to build and compile projects
  • Get insight into critical design decisions in the language
  • Gain a sense of when to use basic language features

Go is one of the fastest-growing programming languages released in the last ten years.  Get job-ready with Go today by enrolling now!

  • Solid experience with another programming language - Javascript, Python, Ruby, Java, or similar
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to understand the fundamental features of Go

What you'll learn:

  • Build massively concurrent programs with Go Routines and Channels
  • Learn the advanced features of Go
  • Understand the differences between commonly used data structures
  • Prove your knowledge with dozens of included quiz questions
  • Apply Interfaces to dramatically simplify complex programs
  • Use types to future-proof your code and reduce the difficulty of refactors

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# Title Duration
1 Environment Setup 02:56
2 VSCode Installation 02:47
3 Go Support in VSCode 03:23
4 Boring Ol' Hello World 03:12
5 Five Important Questions 06:17
6 Go Packages 06:11
7 Import Statements 03:59
8 File Organization 03:35
9 Project Overview 02:32
10 New Project Folder 01:56
11 Variable Declarations 10:41
12 Functions and Return Types 07:43
13 Slices and For Loops 10:50
14 OO Approach vs Go Approach 04:34
15 Custom Type Declarations 06:41
16 Receiver Functions 06:17
17 Creating a New Deck 10:58
18 Slice Range Syntax 05:57
19 Multiple Return Values 08:12
20 Byte Slices 07:00
21 Deck to String 07:27
22 Joining a Slice of Strings 06:37
23 Saving Data to the Hard Drive 07:03
24 Reading From the Hard Drive 11:19
25 Error Handling 07:53
26 Shuffling a Deck 09:43
27 Random Number Generation 10:31
28 Testing With Go 03:41
29 Writing Useful Tests 12:04
30 Asserting Elements in a Slice 04:23
31 Testing File IO 09:53
32 Project Review 06:18
33 Structs in Go 04:44
34 Defining Structs 03:55
35 Declaring Structs 04:52
36 Updating Struct Values 05:37
37 Embedding Structs 06:31
38 Structs with Receiver Functions 07:27
39 Pass By Value 05:53
40 Structs with Pointers 03:13
41 Pointer Operations 10:14
42 Pointer Shortcut 06:27
43 Gotchas With Pointers 04:10
44 Reference vs Value Types 07:39
45 What's a Map? 05:48
46 Manipulating Maps 04:56
47 Iterating Over Maps 05:17
48 Differences Between Maps and Structs 05:55
49 Purpose of Interfaces 09:26
50 Problems Without Interfaces 10:15
51 Interfaces in Practice 09:17
52 Rules of Interfaces 07:49
53 Extra Interface Notes 06:59
54 The HTTP Package 08:00
55 Reading the Docs 05:36
56 More Interface Syntax 03:14
57 Interface Review 01:54
58 The Reader Interface 08:18
59 More on the Reader Interface 07:24
60 Working with the Read Function 05:39
61 The Writer Interface 04:16
62 The io.Copy Function 05:13
63 The Implementation of io.Copy 04:34
64 A Custom Writer 07:57
65 Website Status Checker 05:29
66 Printing Site Status 04:33
67 Serial Link Checking 03:28
68 Go Routines 07:13
69 Theory of Go Routines 08:42
70 Channels 06:10
71 Channel Implementation 09:17
72 Blocking Channels 09:56
73 Receiving Messages 03:33
74 Repeating Routines 06:46
75 Alternative Loop Syntax 03:59
76 Sleeping a Routine 06:15
77 Function Literals 04:49
78 Channels Gotcha! 10:33

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