Scraping the Web for Fun and Profit

6h 33m 9s

This course will teach you how to use web scraping to create profitable projects. You will learn the basics of scraping using Python libraries (such as Beautiful Soup), methods to speed up scripts, bypassing blocks, scraping protected sites, and working with unofficial APIs. The course includes over 10 videos with real examples, source code, and materials that will be added in the future. The course is flexible and allows you to select lessons based on your needs.

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# Title Duration
1 Quick Introduction and Overview 07:05
2 What I learned about selling data products 18:50
3 Bypassing Anti-Scraping Measures - Headers, Rotating Proxies, Scraping APIs, Javascript Rendering 24:52
4 Scraping RallyRd - Advanced Screen Scraping w- Selenium 26:17
5 Scraping RallyRd - Advanced Scraping of Data Behind a Login 13:43
6 Scraping Instagram Leads via Duck Duck Go 19:09
7 Scraping Shopify Sites, Reddit, Indeed, Upwork - Alternative Formats JSON, RSS 27:21
8 Scraping Messari - GraphQL Scraping and Data Flattening 14:17
9 Scraping YC Companies and Cryptocurrencies - Using Algolia 26:15
10 Scraping Udemy Courses - Leveraging Undocumented Internal APIs 35:48
11 Scraping - Post Requests and the Curl Convert Trick 18:00
12 Scraping all Pitchbook Profiles - Method 3 Sitemap Scraping 20:46
13 Scraping all Pitchbook Profiles - Method 2 Search Engine Scraping 21:45
14 Scraping all Pitchbook Profiles - Approach 1 Brute Force 30:03
15 Scraping Goodreads Part 2 - (try-except, iterating over pages) 48:40
16 Scraping GoodReads Quotes - (Requests and BeautifulSoup Basics) 40:18

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