LeetCode & JavaScript Complete Course for Web Developer 2022

2h 53m 26s

In my LeetCode course, I will walk you through, step-by-step, all the different types of questions that appear during interviews! I am a self-taught programmer so I know what it feels like to really struggle during those technical interviews which involves heavy leetcode questions. Let me put it this way: I created the course I wish I had when I was studying for my technical interviews! I know LeetCode questions are meant to be difficult, but do not worry!

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I made it a priority to present each problem in the most simplistic and direct way possible. You will benefit from my painless and easy-to-understand format, as I walk you through each problem, step-by-step. I cover everything from practical application of algorithms, to data structures, to time and space complexity.

I do not believe in wasting your time or my time. This means that unlike most "interview preparation courses" out there, I will not waste time going over obscure computer science theory or elementary programming concepts. Let me let you in on a little secret: obscure theory is almost always useless in an interview setting. On the other hand, my lectures are MASSIVELY practical, as in — they are exclusively about problem solving tricks/techniques and pattern recognition. REMEMBER: Your interviewer won't know (or care) about whether you've spent WEEKS memorizing theory prior to an interview, he or she will ONLY care about whether you can solve the coding challenge or not.

By the time you complete this course, you will be an expert in all the tricks, techniques, and patterns needed to solve even the most challenging of interview problems and LeetCode problems / coderpad. Are you ready to supercharge your next technical interview and land that awesome dream job?!

Course material is regularly refreshed to include all of the newest updates and information, and since you are granted lifetime access upon registering, you can rely on this course to keep your technical interviewing skills on the cutting edge.

There is no need to waste your time scouring the internet, frantically trying to piece together ways to solve coding challenges the night before a big, important interview. Invest in yourself, and allow me to show you the easiest ways to ace it!

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to Cracking the Coding Interview 00:56
2 Develop an Algorithm to find common values between two arrays 08:37
3 Design an Algorithm to find the path 16:12
4 Create an Algorithm to dynamically find the maximum profit 08:11
5 Develop an Algorithm to find a cycle in the Linked List Data Structure 07:11
6 Design an Algorithm to find the missing numbers in an array 07:49
7 Develop an Algorithm using Binary Search to find the Valid Perfect Square 12:16
8 Design Kadane's Algorithm to find the Maximum subarray 05:20
9 Implement Stacks 16:24
10 Implement Queues 12:25
11 Write an Algorithm to locate target numbers within an array 07:13
12 Develop an Algorithm to find the best time to buy and sell stocks 06:20
13 Design an Algorithm to find the longest common prefix string 13:29
14 Write an Algorithm to reverse an integer without any built-in functions 12:58
15 Design an Algorithm to find the length of last word without built-in function 14:30
16 Develop an Algorithm to Remove Duplicates from a Linked List 09:11
17 Implement an Algorithm to search the Binary Tree 09:40
18 Tips to become a professional Web Developer 04:44

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