70+ JavaScript Challenges: Data Structures & Algorithms
12h 29m 29s
June 5, 2024
I am known for my practical project-based courses. I created this course because, in addition to those practical skills, I want to give you more foundational problem solving skills and dive into algorithms by solving challenges and learn about and implement data structures like stacks, queues, trees and hash maps. We also learn about other computer science fundamentals like recursion and complexity. Pass those pesky interviews by taking this course.
What you'll learn
- Take on challenges or follow along and learn by example
- Solve problems using iteration, recursion, high order array methods and more
- Learn about time & space complexity for more efficient code
- Learn about and implement data structures like stacks, queues, linked lists, trees and graphs
- Depth-first and breadth-first traversal of binary trees and graphs
- Sorting algorithms like bubble sort and merge sort
- Full sandbox environment with Jest testing
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | Welcome To The Course | 03:24 |
2 | Course Structure | 04:19 |
3 | DSA - What & Why | 06:56 |
4 | Tools & Basic Setup | 05:36 |
5 | Sandbox Files Setup & Explanation | 06:28 |
6 | Hello World (Starter Challenge) | 01:58 |
7 | Get Sum (Starter Challenge) | 02:03 |
8 | Calculator | 05:45 |
9 | Count Occurences | 07:44 |
10 | Find Max Number | 03:44 |
11 | Title Case | 05:25 |
12 | Reverse String | 07:20 |
13 | Palindrome | 14:27 |
14 | Count Vowels | 03:08 |
15 | Remove Duplicates | 05:31 |
16 | FizzBuzz Array | 05:42 |
17 | Array Intersection | 05:56 |
18 | Display Likes | 04:57 |
19 | Find Missing Number | 06:18 |
20 | Find Missing Letter | 07:43 |
21 | Are All Characters Unique | 07:14 |
22 | First Non-Repeating Character | 07:52 |
23 | Dice Game Simulation | 06:33 |
24 | Format Phone Number | 09:20 |
25 | Validate Email | 09:16 |
26 | Simple Examples | 13:32 |
27 | Sum Of Even Squares | 04:54 |
28 | Calculate Total Sales | 06:05 |
29 | Highest Scoring Word | 10:38 |
30 | Valid Anagrams | 07:12 |
31 | Hashtag Generator | 10:32 |
32 | Valid IPv4 | 04:28 |
33 | Analyze Car Milage | 07:46 |
34 | Password Validator | 06:19 |
35 | Find Missing Letter Refactor | 10:36 |
36 | Recursion Intro (Countdown) | 06:56 |
37 | Recursive Unwinding (Sum Up To) | 05:50 |
38 | Reverse String Using Recursion | 07:35 |
39 | Fibonacci Sequence | 10:41 |
40 | Factorial | 06:38 |
41 | Power | 05:49 |
42 | Array Sum | 05:54 |
43 | Number Range | 04:44 |
44 | Flatten Array | 04:01 |
45 | Permutations | 07:29 |
46 | What Is Time Complexity? | 05:31 |
47 | Big O Notation | 05:42 |
48 | Constant Time Complexity | 05:20 |
49 | Linear Time Complexity | 05:25 |
50 | Quadratic Time Complexity | 04:27 |
51 | Logarithmic Time Complexity | 04:57 |
52 | Space Complexity | 06:25 |
53 | Max Subarray - Quadratic | 08:21 |
54 | Sliding Window Technique | 04:10 |
55 | Max Subarray - Linear | 06:50 |
56 | Hash Table Intro | 03:54 |
57 | Maps | 09:52 |
58 | Word Frequency Counter | 05:36 |
59 | Phone Number Directory | 02:42 |
60 | Anagram Grouping | 05:39 |
61 | Sets | 05:29 |
62 | Symmetric Difference | 04:47 |
63 | Two Sum | 05:36 |
64 | Longest Consecutive | 06:27 |
65 | Custom Hash Table - Init, Set & Print | 18:44 |
66 | Custom Hash Table - Get, Remove & Has | 11:24 |
67 | Word Instance Counter With Custom Hash Table | 05:54 |
68 | Add getValues Method | 03:28 |
69 | Anagram Grouping With Custom Hash Table | 05:50 |
70 | What Is A Stack? | 02:25 |
71 | Stack Implementation | 10:32 |
72 | Reverse String Using A Stack | 04:05 |
73 | Balanced Parenthesis | 04:29 |
74 | What Is A Queue? | 02:20 |
75 | Queue Implementation | 07:24 |
76 | Reverse String Using A Queue | 03:40 |
77 | Palindrome Using A Queue & Stack | 07:49 |
78 | What Is A Linked List? | 04:09 |
79 | Linked List Implementation | 14:18 |
80 | Reverse String Using A Linked List | 03:55 |
81 | Fast & Slow Pointers | 05:52 |
82 | Find Middle | 07:13 |
83 | What Is A Doubly Linked List? | 02:48 |
84 | Doubly Linked List Implementation - Part 1 | 14:28 |
85 | Doubly Linked List implementation - Part 2 | 10:18 |
86 | Find Pair Sum | 04:11 |
87 | What Is A Tree / Binary Tree? | 06:28 |
88 | Tree Node Class | 05:00 |
89 | Depth-First Traversal | 13:04 |
90 | Depth-First Traversal With Recursion | 04:18 |
91 | Breadth-First Traversal | 08:56 |
92 | Maximum Depth | 06:53 |
93 | What Is A Binary Search Tree? | 08:27 |
94 | Binary Search Tree Implementation - Part 1 | 10:51 |
95 | Binary Search Tree Implementation - Part 2 | 14:24 |
96 | Validate BST | 11:23 |
97 | What Is A Graph? | 03:42 |
98 | Adjacency Matrix & Adjacency List | 04:30 |
99 | Graph Implementation | 11:24 |
100 | Graph Traversal Visualization | 05:52 |
101 | Graph Depth-First Traversal | 09:56 |
102 | Graph Breadth-First Traversal | 06:17 |
103 | What Are Sorting Algorithms? | 02:48 |
104 | Bubble Sort Algorithm | 02:47 |
105 | Bubble Sort Implementation | 08:01 |
106 | Insertion Sort Algorithm | 02:44 |
107 | Insertion Sort Implementation | 06:25 |
108 | Selection Sort Algorithm | 03:29 |
109 | Selection Sort Implementation | 06:44 |
110 | Merge Sort Algorithm | 02:00 |
111 | Merge Sort Implementation | 08:27 |
112 | Quick Sort Algorithm | 02:51 |
113 | Quick Sort Implmentation | 05:27 |
114 | Wrap Up | 01:37 |
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