Deep JavaScript Foundations, v3

10h 33m 18s
May 20, 2024

Dive into the core pillars of the JavaScript language with Kyle Simpson, author of the popular, You Don't Know JS, book series. You'll learn JavaScript's types, how to convert between them, and compare them with == and ===. You'll also learn lexical scope and closure. As well as the objects oriented system (this, prototypes and classes).

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 08:08
2 Understanding Your Code 05:07
3 Course Overview 05:50
4 Primitive Types 08:35
5 typeof Operator 05:45
6 BigInt 00:47
7 Kinds of Emptiness 02:34
8 NaN & isNaN 09:23
9 Negative Zero 08:31
10 Type Check Exercise 03:41
11 Type Check Exercise Solution 08:56
12 Fundamental Objects 03:11
13 Abstract Operations 04:30
14 toString 05:17
15 toNumber 05:24
16 toBoolean 02:44
17 Cases of Coercion 13:24
18 Boxing 02:30
19 Corner Cases of Coercion 05:14
20 Intentional Coercion 03:08
21 Culture of Learning 03:48
22 Code Communication Q&A 02:16
23 Implicit Coercion 04:56
24 Understanding Features 02:31
25 Coercion Exercise 02:42
26 Coercion Exercise Solution 09:59
27 Double & Triple Equals 08:15
28 Coercive Equality 07:14
29 Double Equals Algorithm 06:10
30 Double Equals Walkthrough 05:00
31 Double Equals Summary 00:58
32 Double Equals Corner Cases 04:17
33 Corner Cases: Booleans 05:56
34 Corner Cases: Summary 01:56
35 The Case for Double Equals 14:20
36 Equality Exercise 03:18
37 Equality Exercise Solution 14:09
38 TypeScript & Flow 06:34
39 Inferencing 02:46
40 Custom Types 01:52
41 Validating Operand Types 01:21
42 TypeScript & Flow Summary 01:08
43 Static Typing Pros 03:08
44 Static Typing Cons 06:27
45 Understanding Your Types 04:34
46 Scope 09:39
47 Compilation & Scope 12:28
48 Executing Code 09:08
49 Compilation and Scope Q&A 02:34
50 Code Execution: Finishing Up 04:08
51 Lexical Scope Review 10:41
52 Compilation Review 05:29
53 Dynamic Global Variables 05:29
54 Strict Mode 04:27
55 Nested Scope 04:54
56 Undefined vs Undeclared 01:54
57 Lexical Scope Elevator 01:04
58 Function Expressions 05:10
59 Naming Function Expressions 13:17
60 Arrow Functions 05:18
61 Function Types Hierarchy 01:56
62 Function Expression Exercise 04:25
63 Function Expression Solution: Functions 11:32
64 Function Expression Solution: Arrow Functions 08:05
65 Lexical & Dynamic Scope 02:44
66 Lexical Scope 04:19
67 Dynamic Scope 02:08
68 Function Scoping 06:41
69 IIFE Pattern 06:03
70 Block Scoping 06:49
71 Choosing let or var 09:38
72 Explicit let Block 02:41
73 const 06:08
74 const Q&A 01:33
75 Hoisting 09:44
76 Hoisting Example 02:32
77 let Doesn't Hoist 07:38
78 Hoisting Exercise 02:03
79 Hoisting Exercise Solution 05:05
80 Origin of Closure 07:59
81 What is Closure? 05:01
82 Closing Over Variables 06:17
83 Module Pattern 08:30
84 ES6 Modules & Node.js 06:39
85 ES6 Module Syntax 04:10
86 Module Exercise 03:06
87 Module Exercise Solution 08:45
88 Objects Overview 01:52
89 The this Keyword 05:39
90 Implicit & Explicit Binding 09:34
91 The new Keyword 03:59
92 Default Binding 03:19
93 Binding Precedence 02:02
94 Arrow Functions & Lexical this 05:30
95 Resolving this in Arrow Functions 06:24
96 this Exercise 02:04
97 this Exercise Solution 08:29
98 ES6 class Keyword 07:01
99 Fixing this in Classes 03:32
100 class Exercise 02:58
101 class Exercise Solution 03:43
102 Prototypes 09:15
103 Prototypal Class 01:11
104 The Prototype Chain 12:55
105 Dunder Prototypes 03:47
106 this & prototypes Q&A 05:37
107 Shadowing Prototypes 04:10
108 Prototypal Inheritance 04:04
109 Classical vs Prototypal Inheritance 03:38
110 Inheritance is Delegation 03:16
111 OLOO Pattern 06:12
112 Delegation-Oriented Design 09:16
113 Wrapping Up 01:32
114 Bonus: Typl 16:14

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