20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript

16h 8m 55s
May 18, 2023

This is a fun, practical & project based course for all skill levels. The projects in this course are designed to get you building things using HTML5, CSS &  JavaScript with no frameworks or libraries. Every project is built from scratch and has some kind of dynamic functionality from small games to an expense tracker to a breathing relax app.


Although this is a project based course, I will still be explaining everything as I go. These are mini-projects designed for you to complete in a few hours.

You should have some basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JS. If you are brand new, I would suggest my Modern HTML/CSS From The Beginning and/or my Modern JS From The Beginning courses on Udemy. This course is a mix of both.

Some Things You Will Learn In These Projects:

  • Create Layouts & UI's With HTML/CSS ( No CSS Frameworks )

  • CSS Animations (Transitions, Keyframes, etc With JS Triggers)

  • JavaScript Fundamentals

  • DOM Selection & Manipulation

  • JavaScript Events (Forms, buttons, scrolling, etc)

  • Fetch API & JSON

  • HTML5 Canvas

  • The Audio & Video API

  • Drag & Drop

  • Web Speech API (Syth & Recognition)

  • Working with Local Storage

  • High Order Array Methods - forEach, map, filter, reduce, sort

  • setTimout, setInterval

  • Arrow Functions

  • and More!!                                                                                                                                                                                                        Requirements:

  • Basic knowledge in HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone that wants to build some fun and easy to intermediate projects

What you'll learn:

  • Build 20 Frontend Projects From Scratch
  • No JS or CSS Frameworks
  • Modern JavaScript (ES6+) - Arrows, Fetch, Promises, etc
  • DOM Manipulation & Events
  • Animations With CSS & JavaScript
  • Fetch & JSON With 3rd Party API's
  • HTML5 Canvas, Speech API, Audio & Video

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome To The Course 02:26
2 Getting Setup 06:35
3 Project Intro 01:58
4 Project HTML 06:21
5 Project CSS 13:48
6 Adding Simple Validation 14:44
7 Check Required & Refactor 09:16
8 Check Length, Email & Password Match 09:14
9 Project Intro 01:24
10 Project HTML 05:47
11 Project CSS 16:07
12 Selecting Movie & Seats From UI 15:14
13 Save Data To Local Storage 12:44
14 Populate UI With Saved Data 08:14
15 Project Intro 02:07
16 Project HTML 08:22
17 Project CSS 09:53
18 Play, Pause & Stop 09:25
19 Video Progress Bar & Timestamp 06:42
20 Project Intro 01:49
21 Project HTML 04:30
22 Project CSS 10:13
23 A Look at JSON & Fetch 09:20
24 Fetch Rates & Update DOM 12:58
25 Project Intro 02:08
26 Project UI 09:20
27 Generate Random Users - Fetch w/ Async/Await 07:46
28 Output Users - forEach() & DOM Methods 10:28
29 Double Money - map() 06:01
30 Sort By Richest - sort() 05:01
31 Show Millionaires - filter() 04:27
32 Calculate Wealth - reduce() 06:17
33 Project Intro 01:06
34 Project HTML 10:12
35 Navbar Styling 07:33
36 Header & Modal Styling 12:09
37 Menu & Modal Toggle 10:01
38 Project Intro 01:50
39 Draw Hangman With SVG 11:36
40 Main Styling 10:56
41 Popup & Notification Styling 08:36
42 Display Words Function 11:23
43 Letter Press Event Handler 08:39
44 Wrong Letters & Play Again 09:55
45 Project Intro 01:25
46 Project HTML & Base CSS 10:19
47 Search & Display Meals From API 20:10
48 Show Single Meal Page 15:29
49 Display Random Meal & Single Meal CSS 10:21
50 Project Intro 01:34
51 Project HTML 05:11
52 Project CSS 14:01
53 Show Transaction Items 08:51
54 Display Balance, Income & Expense 08:20
55 Add & Delete Transactions 08:54
56 Persist To Local Storage 05:41
57 Project Intro 01:57
58 Project HTML 05:41
59 Music Container & Rotate Animation 10:10
60 Music Info Styling & Animation 09:22
61 Load, Play & Pause Song 08:47
62 Next, Prev Song & Progress 12:21
63 Project Intro 02:31
64 Project HTML 03:06
65 Project CSS & Loader Animation 09:53
66 Get Initial Posts From API 07:27
67 Add Infinite Scrolling 06:10
68 Filter Fetched Posts 05:16
69 Project Intro 01:46
70 Project HTML 04:40
71 Project CSS 12:23
72 Word Match & Score 08:16
73 Adding The Timer 09:21
74 Difficulty Setting 08:09
75 Project Intro 01:58
76 HTML & Output Speech Boxes 12:18
77 Project CSS 17:19
78 Get Speech Voices 07:29
79 Speech Buttons 04:59
80 Change Voice & Custom Text Box 05:05
81 Project Intro 02:12
82 Project HTML 07:17
83 Basic Card Styling 10:36
84 Card Rotation & Slide Effect 11:04
85 Add Card Container & Form Styling 06:28
86 Create Cards & Flip Effect With JS 10:24
87 Prev & Next Button Functionality 06:24
88 Set & Get Card Data From Local Storage 13:18
89 Project Intro 01:30
90 Project HTML & Header Stying 09:47
91 Form Styling 07:16
92 Fetching Songs & Artists 09:50
93 Update DOM & Add Pagination 15:08
94 Get & Display Song Lyrics 10:09
95 Project Intro 00:52
96 Creating The Large Circle 10:02
97 Creating & Animating The Pointer 04:38
98 Breath Animation With JS Trigger 09:41
99 Project Intro 01:02
100 Creating & Styling The Page 11:16
101 Canvas Plan Outline 06:04
102 Draw Ball, Paddle & Score 11:02
103 Creating The Bricks 09:28
104 Move Paddle 12:52
105 Move Ball & Break Bricks 10:30
106 Lose & Reset Game 05:00
107 Project Intro 01:09
108 Landing Page HTML & Styling 11:08
109 Create The Countdown 12:00
110 Dynamic Year & Spinner 07:12
111 Project Intro 01:40
112 Insert List Items Into DOM 09:35
113 Scramble List Items 06:43
114 Core CSS 12:23
115 Drag & Drop Functionality 14:58
116 Check Order 05:38
117 Project Intro 01:31
118 Project UI 08:52
119 Capture Mic Input 08:10
120 Check Guessed Number 12:51

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