Modern JavaScript Full Course

1h 14m 10s
March 5, 2024

The JavaScript Course teaches you how to build modern applications with vanilla JavaScript - no React, no TypeScript, no Frameworks - just plain old JavaScript.


This course is focusd on the basics of JavaScript - the world’s most commonly used programming language. Here’s what you’ll get out of it…

  • The Basics of JavaScript
  • Advanced concepts broken down in a quick no-BS format
  • Prepare for JS interviews by coding algorithms
  • Test Driven Development with Vitest
  • Debugging and Error Handling
  • Build a text-to-image API with Node.js and OpenAI
  • Learn modern browser APIs like Fetch
  • A great primer for more advanced Fireship courses

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# Title Duration
1 Resources 00:47
2 JavaScript in 100 Seconds 02:36
3 JavaScript Crash Course 12:24
4 Prototype Chain 02:05
5 Destructuring 01:42
6 Spread 01:27
7 Optional Chaining 00:47
8 Nullish Coalescing 01:13
9 Higher Order Functions 02:15
10 Closures 02:19
11 Array Tricks 03:26
12 History of JavaScript 12:19
13 Cumulative Sum 03:10
14 Binary Search 03:17
15 Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache 03:55
16 TDD with Vitest 02:49
17 Initial Setup 01:36
18 RESTful APIs 02:30
19 Text-to-Image Server 04:37
20 Rest Client 01:30
21 Text-to-Image Frontend UI 03:54
22 Loading Spinner 01:03
23 Error Handling 02:29

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