Deep Dive: Modular Monoliths in .NET

4h 21m 31s
June 8, 2024

A monolith refers to a software application that is deployed as a single physical deployment. Many monolithic applications lack sufficient structure and end up becoming Big Balls of Mud. By contrast, a modular monolith breaks up the application into logical modules which are largely independent from one another. This provides many of the benefits of more distributed approaches like microservices without the overhead of deploying and managing a distributed application. In this course, we will build on top of your existing knowledge of Modular Monoliths that you gained during the Getting Started course of the series and you’ll learn how to apply advanced Modular Monolith patterns and add more features to the RiverBooks ecommerce site.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 01:23
2 What will you learn in this course? 01:56
3 Who is the course for and prerequisites 01:20
4 Introducing the Sample App 11:31
5 New Requirements 01:39
6 High Level Design Considerations 02:25
7 Introducing the Shared Kernel 02:19
8 Key Takeaways 02:24
9 How can modules communicate? 05:47
10 Direct Synchronous Calls 04:48
11 The Mediator Pattern 04:31
12 Commands, Queries, and Events 04:15
13 Non-Blocking Communications 04:16
14 The Outbox Pattern 02:39
15 Materialized Views 03:03
16 Key Takeaways 02:27
17 Adding an OrderProcessing Module 24:46
18 Adding Addresses 07:40
19 Implementing a Materialized View 04:31
20 Updating the Materialized View 23:22
21 Key Takeaways 01:06
22 Refactoring to Clean Architecture 13:34
23 Enforcing Architecture Rules with ArchUnit.NET 08:07
24 Using Chain of Responsibility for Cross-Cutting Concerns 16:24
25 Key Takeaways 02:15
26 Introducing the EmailSending Module 04:39
27 Sending Registration Emails via MediatR 05:55
28 Sending Order Confirmation Emails via Domain Events 08:53
29 Implementing a Simple Outbox with MongoDB 21:04
30 Using Vertical Slice Architecture 06:42
31 Key Takeaways 01:27
32 Introducing the Reporting Module 03:46
33 The Top Selling Books Report 04:30
34 Reach-In Reporting Antipattern 06:02
35 Adding a Reporting Database with Updates 13:44
36 Key Takeaways 02:28
37 Key Concept Review 09:28
38 Full RiverBooks App Walkthrough 11:32
39 Next Steps 02:53

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