Learn Blazor Server (Blazor Server: In Depth)
16h 28m 25s
Blazor Server is a game changer for developers. But figuring out how to access the full power of Blazor Server can leave you frustrated. Can it really replace Javascript completely? What is the difference between Blazor Server and Blazor Client Side? Where can I find deep content instead of beginner tutorials? How do I get the real benefit of Blazor Server in the real world?
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# | Title | Duration |
1 | What is Blazor Server | 04:54 |
2 | Where Does Blazor Fit | 21:14 |
3 | What Will We Cover | 14:16 |
4 | Section Introduction | 04:16 |
5 | Basic Template | 16:44 |
6 | Routing | 26:41 |
7 | Development Hosting | 20:56 |
8 | Error Handling | 18:22 |
9 | Static Files | 09:32 |
10 | Section Conclusion | 09:49 |
11 | Section Introduction | 03:30 |
12 | Dependency Injection | 38:09 |
13 | Logging | 40:49 |
14 | Configuration | 26:44 |
15 | Bootstrap | 38:33 |
16 | Section Conclusion | 16:08 |
17 | Section Introduction | 01:53 |
18 | Default Layout | 25:19 |
19 | Creating Pages | 08:23 |
20 | Page Code Support | 20:33 |
21 | Razor Syntax | 18:23 |
22 | Layout Pages | 08:03 |
23 | Section Conclusion | 14:35 |
24 | Section Introduction | 02:48 |
25 | Using Pages | 08:54 |
26 | Parameters | 10:55 |
27 | Component Parameters | 27:10 |
28 | Events | 17:18 |
29 | Section Conclusion | 27:00 |
30 | Section Introduction | 02:16 |
31 | Basic Forms | 16:16 |
32 | Validation | 17:59 |
33 | Advanced Forms | 48:12 |
34 | File Uploads | 18:54 |
35 | Section Conclusion | 26:25 |
36 | Section Introduction | 02:22 |
37 | Templating Authentication | 18:16 |
38 | Adding Authentication Later | 27:15 |
39 | Authorization | 35:10 |
40 | Section Conclusion | 22:30 |
41 | Section Introduction | 02:33 |
42 | Separation of Concerns | 07:51 |
43 | SQL Database Setup | 08:04 |
44 | Creating Data | 42:22 |
45 | Reading Data | 11:50 |
46 | Updating Data | 30:14 |
47 | Deleting Data | 13:14 |
48 | Swapping Out Data Access | 16:39 |
49 | Section Conclusion | 17:25 |
50 | Section Introduction | 01:18 |
51 | Local IIS | 23:25 |
52 | BONUS: How To Register A Domain Name | 13:10 |
53 | BONUS: How To Set Up A WebHost | 15:35 |
54 | Hosted Service | 16:47 |
55 | Azure Web App | 16:37 |
56 | Section Conclusion | 13:00 |
57 | Section Conclusion | 00:55 |
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