Learn Blazor Server (Blazor Server: In Depth)

16h 28m 25s
May 2, 2024

Blazor Server is a game changer for developers. But figuring out how to access the full power of Blazor Server can leave you frustrated. Can it really replace Javascript completely? What is the difference between Blazor Server and Blazor Client Side? Where can I find deep content instead of beginner tutorials? How do I get the real benefit of Blazor Server in the real world?

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# Title Duration
1 What is Blazor Server 04:54
2 Where Does Blazor Fit 21:14
3 What Will We Cover 14:16
4 Section Introduction 04:16
5 Basic Template 16:44
6 Routing 26:41
7 Development Hosting 20:56
8 Error Handling 18:22
9 Static Files 09:32
10 Section Conclusion 09:49
11 Section Introduction 03:30
12 Dependency Injection 38:09
13 Logging 40:49
14 Configuration 26:44
15 Bootstrap 38:33
16 Section Conclusion 16:08
17 Section Introduction 01:53
18 Default Layout 25:19
19 Creating Pages 08:23
20 Page Code Support 20:33
21 Razor Syntax 18:23
22 Layout Pages 08:03
23 Section Conclusion 14:35
24 Section Introduction 02:48
25 Using Pages 08:54
26 Parameters 10:55
27 Component Parameters 27:10
28 Events 17:18
29 Section Conclusion 27:00
30 Section Introduction 02:16
31 Basic Forms 16:16
32 Validation 17:59
33 Advanced Forms 48:12
34 File Uploads 18:54
35 Section Conclusion 26:25
36 Section Introduction 02:22
37 Templating Authentication 18:16
38 Adding Authentication Later 27:15
39 Authorization 35:10
40 Section Conclusion 22:30
41 Section Introduction 02:33
42 Separation of Concerns 07:51
43 SQL Database Setup 08:04
44 Creating Data 42:22
45 Reading Data 11:50
46 Updating Data 30:14
47 Deleting Data 13:14
48 Swapping Out Data Access 16:39
49 Section Conclusion 17:25
50 Section Introduction 01:18
51 Local IIS 23:25
52 BONUS: How To Register A Domain Name 13:10
53 BONUS: How To Set Up A WebHost 15:35
54 Hosted Service 16:47
55 Azure Web App 16:37
56 Section Conclusion 13:00
57 Section Conclusion 00:55

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