From Zero to Hero: Entity Framework Core in .NET

8h 32m 27s
June 10, 2024

Entity Framework (EF) Core is a lightweight, extensible, open source and cross-platform object-relational mapper or ORM which enables .NET developers to work with a database using .NET objects and eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that typically needs to be written. Alongside Dapper, it is one of the two most popular ORMs in .NET, and given how much its performance has been improved in the last few .NET versions, it is an excellent choice for any .NET application. In this 8-and-a-half-hour-long course, Hannes Lowette will cover everything you need to know about Entity Framework Core, from its most basic concepts to its most advanced ones, including testing and different database providers. This course is effectively two courses bundled as one, and it is the best resource you could have to learn Entity Framework code in .NET with C#.

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 00:35
2 What will you learn in this course? 01:14
3 Who is the course for? 01:26
4 What is an ORM? 03:24
5 Where are ORMs useful? 02:30
6 What is EF Core? 05:17
7 Introducing: the database context 02:06
8 How does a DbContext work? 02:26
9 Section recap 00:37
10 The application we will build the data access for 06:33
11 Creating our first EFCore Model 04:08
12 Getting the Model to work in our application 11:00
13 Implementing data manipulation operations 17:44
14 Implementing query behavior 08:16
15 Seeing what goes on in the Database 04:09
16 Projecting data to optimize queries 04:05
17 Section recap 00:55
18 Taking a look at the DB schema 02:35
19 Introducing DataAnnotations for our Model 04:50
20 Achieving similar results with FluentAPI 09:43
21 One-to-many relationships between entities 14:23
22 Converting between different data types 12:09
23 Using owned and complex types to group data 10:04
24 Generating values in the model 09:01
25 Hiding some database fields from our model 04:10
26 Applying global query filters 03:29
27 Section recap 01:09
28 Why do we need migrations? 02:51
29 The 2 migration philosophies 06:01
30 Adding our first migration 08:48
31 Adding migrations after changing the model 07:16
32 Executing Migrations from the CLI 05:24
33 Dealing with an out-of-sync model 06:12
34 The proper way to execute migrations 06:39
35 Section recap 00:42
36 What are the challenges in tests with ORMs? 05:00
37 Using Test databases 05:18
38 Using a database in memory 13:30
39 Faking DbSets in unit tests 10:10
40 The repository pattern 08:50
41 Integration testing with EF Core 04:27
42 Section recap 03:33
43 Introduction 00:54
44 Dependency Injection 08:24
45 Configuring Logging 10:07
46 DbContext Lifecycle 07:48
47 More on repositories 17:07
48 Different multi-tenant approaches 04:01
49 Multi-tenant with discriminators 09:36
50 Multi-tenant with separate databases 05:00
51 My take on architecture 04:48
52 Section recap 00:53
53 More DbContext features? 01:28
54 Using inheritance in your model 27:27
55 Using Alternate keys 05:38
56 One-to-one relationships 05:40
57 Many-to-many relationships 09:31
58 Using compound keys 03:15
59 Using raw SQL queries for your entities 07:37
60 Using keyless entities to query your database 05:32
61 Using the ChangeTracker for fun & profit 12:57
62 Section recap 01:21
63 The typical types of performance issues 04:20
64 Slow Queries & DB indices 07:59
65 Using compiled queries to improve runtime performance 07:00
66 Using batching to execute bulk queries 08:39
67 Loading related data - strategies 03:24
68 Untracked query results 15:41
69 Solving Concurrency Issues 10:59
70 Section recap 01:09
71 When the DB already exists 00:27
72 Using the DB to generate a model 09:44
73 How can we further evolve the model? 05:58
74 Regenerating every time: a demo 04:55
75 Keeping in sync manually: a demo 04:59
76 Section recap 00:08
77 EF Core isn't just for SQL server 01:00
78 Using another RDBMS's with EFCore 10:19
79 What is CosmosDB? 06:37
80 Switching our system to CosmosDB 15:31
81 Section recap 01:10
82 Conclusion 00:45

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