Build RESTFUL APIs using Kotlin and Spring Boot

8h 23m 18s
November 21, 2023

Kotlin is the Modern, concise and safe programming language and  is one of the popular JVM language in this day and age. It’s also interoperable with Java and other languages, and provides many ways to reuse code between multiple platforms for productive programming. This course will focus on using Kotlin for Server-Side Development using SpringBoot framework. This is a pure hands-on oriented course which covers these two topics:

  • Covers Kotlin Fundamentals thats necessary for Java Developers

  • Build RestFul APIs using SpringBoot and Kotlin

Section 1: Getting Started With the Course

  • This section covers the course objectives and the prerequisites that are needed to make the most out of this course.

Section 2: Getting Started with Kotlin Programming Language

  • In this section, I will introduce you to Kotlin Programming Language and why its a powerful language for enterprise development.

    • Introduction to Kotlin

    • How Kotlin Works with the JVM?

Section 3: Kotlin Fundamentals

  • In this section, we will explore the fundamentals of Kotlin.

    • val & var variables in Kotlin

    • Basic Types - Int, Long, Double, String

    • Conditionals - If and when block

    • Ranges , Loops

    • while & do-While

    • break, labels and return

Section 4: Functions in Kotlin

  • In this section, we will learn about functions in Kotlin and different ways of declaring and using them

    • Defining and Invoking Functions

    • Default Value Parameters & Named Arguments

    • Top-Level Functions and Top-level Properties

Section 5: Classes, Interfaces and Inheritance

  • In this section, we will learn about classes, inheritance and interfaces in detail.

    • Introduction to class - Creating a class and objects

    • Primary Constructors

    • Secondary Constructors

    • initializer code using init block

    • Data Classes

    • Custom Getters and Setters

    • Inheritance - Extending Classes

    • Inheritance - Override Functions, Variables

    • object keyword for creating instance of the class

    • companion object Keyword

    • Interfaces

    • Interfaces - Handling Conflicting Functions

    • Interfaces - Defining and Overrding Variables

    • Visibility Modifiers

    • Type Checking, Casting and Smart Cast

    • Enum class

Section 6: Nulls in Kotlin

  • In this section, we will learn about handling nulls in Kotlin

    • Nullable & Non-Nullable types in Kotlin

    • Safe Call(?) , Elvis Operator(?:) & Non Null Assertion(!!) to deal with Null Values

    • Invoking or assigning a Nullable Type to a Non-Nullable Type

Section 7: Collections, Arrays & Lamda Expressions

  • In this section, I will introduce you to collections, arrays and lambda expressions in Kotlin

    • Introduction to Collections

    • Introduction to Lamda Expressions

    • Lambdas and Higher Order Functions

    • Filter Operations on Kotlin Collections

    • Map Operations on Kotlin Collections

    • FlatMap Operations in Collections

    • Working With HashMaps

    • Lazy Evaluation of Collections using Sequences

    • Nullability in Collections

Section 8 : Exceptions In Kotlin

  • In this section, I will cover the exceptions in kotlin and the techniques to handle them.

    • Handling Exceptions using try-catch

Section 9 : Scope Functions

  • In this section, I will introduce you all to scope functions in Kotlin and its usage.

    • Introduction to Scope Functions

    • apply & also Scope Function

    • let Scope Function

    • with & run Scope Function

Section 10 : Getting Started with Kotlin and Spring Boot

  • In this section, I will explain the overview of the app we are going to build and build a very simple API.

    • Overview of the app & Project Setup

    • Build a Simple Endpoint - Greeting Controller

    • Constructor Injection in Spring

    • Setting up different profiles in Spring Boot

    • Set up Logging in Kotlin

Section 11 : Integration/Unit Testing using Junit 5

  • In this section, I will code and explain about the techniques to write different types of test cases using spring boot and Kotlin.

    • Introduction to Automated Tests & Setting up JUnit5

    • Integration Test for Controller

    • Unit Test for Controller - Using the Mockk Mocking library

Section 12 : Build the Course Catalog Service

  • In this section, we will build the Course Catalog Service to manage the Courses

    • Set up the Course Entity & CourseDTO

    • Create CourseRepository & Configure JPA in application.yml file

    • Build the POST Endpoint for adding new Course I

    • ntegration test for the POST endpoint using JUnit5

    • Build the Get Endpoint to retrieve all Courses

    • Integration test for the GET endpoint to retrieve all the courses

    • Build the Update Endpoint to update a Course

    • Integration test for the PUT endpoint using JUnit5

    • Build the DELETE endpoint to delete a Course

Section 13: Unit Testing Controller layer (Web Tier)

  • In this section, we will code and learn about how to write unit tests for the controller

    • Setting up the Unit Test for the CourseController

    • Unit test for the Post Endpoint in CourseController

    • Unit test for the GET Endpoint in CourseController

    • Unit test for the PUT Endpoint in CourseController

    • Unit test for the DELETE Endpoint in CourseController

Section 14 : Bean Validation using Validators and ControllerAdvice

  • In this section, we will code and learn the different techniques to apply bean validations and handle exceptions using the ControllerAdvice Pattern

    • Name and Category as Mandatory using @NotBlank Annotation

    • Implement Custom Error Handling using ControllerAdvice pattern

    • Handle Global RuntimeException using ControllerAdvice Pattern

Section 15 : Custom JPA queries using Spring Data JPA and DB Layer testing using @DataJpaTest

  • In this lecture, we will learn about the techniques to write custom JPA queries and the techniques to test the DB layer using the DataJpaTest

    • Retrieve Courses By Name using JPA Query Creation Function

    • Retrieve Courses By Name using Native SQL query

    • Testing Mutliple sets of Data using @Parameterized test

Section 16: GET Endpoint to retrieve Courses By Name using @RequestParam

  • In this section, we will code and learn about the usage of RequestParam in the controller endpoint.

    • Use existing GET endpoint to retrieve Courses by Name

    • Write Integration test to retrieve course by Name

Section 17 : Entity RelationShips using Spring Data JPA

  • In this section, I will explain the technique to express the relationships in JPA using Entity and Data classes in Kotlin

    • Adding Instructor Entity in to the Course Catalog Service

    • Adding the relationship in the Entity Class

    • Instructor Controller to Manage Instructor Data

    • Update CourseService to validate Instructor Data

    • Fix the CourseController Integration Tests

    • Fix the CourseController Unit Tests

Section 18 : Integrating with Postgres DB

  • In this section, we will code and learn to integrate the postgres DB in to the course catalog service.

    • Setting up the Postgres DB and App to interact with Postgres

    • Test the app with Postgres DB

Section 19 : Integration Testing using TestContainers

  • In this section, we will code and learn to integrate the testcontainers to run integration test.

    • Setting Up TestContainers for the Integration Test

    • Configure @DataJpaTest with TestContainers

Section 20 : Java & Kotlin Interoperability

  • In this section, we will code and learn about the interoperability between Java and Kotlin.

    • Invoking Kotlin Code from Java Class

    • Invoking Java Code from Kotlin

    • Useful JVM annotations in Kotlin

By the end of this course, you will be comfortable writing code using the Koltin Programming language and Build RestFuL APIs using SpringBoot and Kotlin.

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# Title Duration
1 Course Introduction 02:29
2 Prerequisites 00:51
3 Introduction to Kotlin 05:23
4 How Kotlin Works with the JVM? 01:39
5 Project Setup 02:53
6 Hello Kotlin! 03:26
7 val & var variables in Kotlin 04:39
8 Basic Types - Int, Long, Double, String 06:24
9 Conditionals - If and when block 07:41
10 Ranges & Loops 03:31
11 while & do-While 03:41
12 break, labels and return 06:31
13 Defining and Invoking Functions 07:52
14 Default Value Parameters & Named Arguments 07:25
15 Top-Level Functions and Top-level Properties 05:24
16 Introduction to class - Creating a class and objects 02:50
17 Primary Constructors 03:53
18 Secondary Constructors 07:44
19 initializer code using init block 02:40
20 Data Classes 07:37
21 Custom Getters and Setters 05:38
22 Inheritance - Extending Classes 05:56
23 Inheritance - Override Functions, Variables 04:12
24 object keyword for creating instance of the class 03:30
25 companion object Keyword 03:30
26 Interfaces 09:33
27 Interfaces - Handling Conflicting Functions 02:49
28 Interfaces - Defining and Overrding Variables 03:01
29 Visibility Modifiers 04:37
30 Type Checking, Casting and Smart Cast 07:17
31 Enum class 02:11
32 Nullable & Non-Nullable types in Kotlin 06:19
33 Safe Call(?) ,Elvis Operator(?:),Non Null Assertion(!!) to deal with Null Values 08:42
34 Invoking or assigning a Nullable Type to a Non-Nullable Type 03:41
35 Introduction to Collections 10:22
36 Introduction to Lamda Expressions 07:32
37 Lambdas and Higher Order Functions 06:19
38 Filter Operations on Kotlin Collections 10:14
39 Map Operations on Kotlin Collections 06:30
40 FlatMap Operations in Collections 09:50
41 Working With HashMaps 08:18
42 Lazy Evaluation of Collections using Sequences 10:35
43 Nullability in Collections 03:46
44 Handling Exceptions using try-catch 06:57
45 Introduction to Scope Functions 04:22
46 apply & also Scope Function 07:19
47 let Scope Function 06:23
48 with & run Scope Function 09:15
49 Overview of the app & Project Setup 05:24
50 Build a Simple Endpoint - Greeting Controller 04:03
51 Constructor Injection in Spring 02:59
52 Setting up different profiles in Spring Boot 08:47
53 Set up Logging in Kotlin 03:16
54 Introduction to Automated Tests & Setting up JUnit5 05:50
55 Integration Test for Controller 07:58
56 Unit Test for Controller - Using the Mockk Mocking library 05:31
57 Set up the Course Entity & CourseDTO 04:37
58 Create CourseRepository & Configure JPA in application.yml file 06:58
59 Build the POST Endpoint for adding new Course 09:48
60 Integration test for the POST endpoint using JUnit5 05:50
61 Build the Get Endpoint to retrieve all Courses 03:07
62 Integration test for the GET endpoint to retrieve all the courses 06:19
63 Build the Update Endpoint to update a Course 10:25
64 Integration test for the PUT endpoint using JUnit5 04:26
65 Build the DELETE endpoint to delete a Course 04:10
66 Setting up the Unit Test for the CourseController 02:10
67 Unit test for the Post Endpoint in CourseController 03:28
68 Unit test for the GET Endpoint in CourseController 02:30
69 Unit test for the PUT Endpoint in CourseController 03:05
70 Unit test for the DELETE Endpoint in CourseController 01:49
71 Name and Category as Mandatory using @NotBlank Annotation 05:08
72 Implement Custom Error Handling using ControllerAdvice pattern 08:10
73 Handle Global RuntimeException using ControllerAdvice Pattern 04:27
74 Retrieve Courses By Name using JPA Query Creation Function 07:16
75 Retrieve Courses By Name using Native SQL query 02:38
76 Testing Mutliple sets of Data using @Parameterized test 05:35
77 Use existing GET endpoint to retrieve Courses by Name 02:58
78 Write Integration test to retrieve course by Name 02:49
79 Adding Instructor Entity in to the Course Catalog Service 02:33
80 Adding the relationship in the Entity Class 05:56
81 Instructor Controller to Manage Instructor Data 05:28
82 Update CourseService to validate Instructor Data 10:19
83 Fix the CourseController Integration Tests 05:45
84 Fix the CourseController Unit Tests 01:11
85 Setting up the Postgres DB and App to interact with Postgres 07:41
86 Test the app with Postgres DB 07:52
87 Setting Up TestContainers for the Integration Test 09:03
88 Configure @DataJpaTest with TestContainers 04:24
89 Invoking Kotlin Code from Java Class 03:47
90 Invoking Java Code from Kotlin 04:05
91 Useful JVM annotations in Kotlin 10:32

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