Understanding Cognitive Biases

10h 51m 35s

Understand how your brain’s efficiency shortcuts can leave you with a biased view of the world and learn how to combat these tendencies in your everyday life.

As you read this sentence, your brain has just processed about 20 million bits of information. And yet, that astonishing number just isn’t enough to get you through your day. Consequently, your brain takes some shortcuts, including cognitive biases—when the brain fills in gaps of solid, reliable information with a lot of guesswork for efficiency’s sake. In Understanding Cognitive Biases, Dr. Alexander B. Swan uses examples from psychology experiments, history, politics, movies, TV, comics, social media, and more to illustrate dozens of cognitive biases that affect us all and shows you how to combat them for a clearer, more accurate view of the world.

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# Title Duration
1 1 Why we're blind to our own biases 18:26
2 2 Things we want to be true Confirmation bias 30:12
3 3 We see people in and behind everything 30:03
4 4 We love it because we built it 22:31
5 5 Why we think differently in groups 28:17
6 6 Learn better with cognitive biases 26:32
7 7 Expectations change results Observer bias 26:27
8 8 BIas boot camp for better decisions 29:57
9 9 We think other's behaviors are their fault 30:20
10 10 How memory is biased toward misinformation 26:33
11 11 How fast thinking leads to a Great fall 26:16
12 12 I knew it all along Hindsight Bias 27:22
13 13 Even random outcomes lead to bias 29:00
14 14 How con artists exploit our biases 24:01
15 15 Stereotypes See the person, not the group 27:59
16 16 Biases from knowing too much or too little 27:09
17 17 Is that memory mine or someone else's 27:05
18 18 I believe, therefore I think Belief bias 30:34
19 19 Why emotional peaks and endings matter 25:24
20 20 We lie to be socially desirable 27:05
21 21 Why emotional gaps cause trouble 29:37
22 22 Only survivors tell the story 29:05
23 23 Reactance You can't watch this lecture! 25:08
24 24 Statu quo The more things change 26:32

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