Asynchronous JavaScript

4h 38m 53s

Understanding the asynchronous nature of Javascript is key to mastering the language.  This course is designed to take someone with a beginner level knowledge of async programming and turn them into an expert. We do this by starting off very simple, explaining the core concepts.  Then step by step adding in layers of knowledge, punctuated by quizzes and coding challenges to cement and your knowledge before moving onto the next section.

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Do you know what's wrong with this code? Can you fix it without moving the last variable up the page?


function doAsyncTask(cb) {

doAsyncTask( () => console.log(message) );

const message = "Hello I am a teapot";


If you're not certain then this Asynchronous JavaScript course is perfect for you.

What you'll learn:

  • Ace any asynchronous JavaScript interview question
  • Spend less time chasing down bugs in asynchronous code
  • Write fast performant JavaScript applications
  • Understand complex JavaScript concepts


I promise you'll end this course an expert in asynchronous programming in JavaScript, with knowledge most other experts don't even have.

You'll ace any JavaScript interview questions related to asynchronous code.

You'll spend less time chasing down bugs in async code.

You'll amaze your colleagues and friends with your level of knowledge and expertise in async programming.


I will explain what async and sync code really is, the advantages and disadvantages of each.

We'll cover in-depth the various asynchronous patterns in JavaScript including Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await and even Generators with plenty of exercises to practice what you've learnt.

In the end we'll go deep into the event architecture itself,  you'll know how async code is actually implemented in these applications.


The ideal student for this course is someone with at least a basic level of Javascript, you must have written a few apps already.

You'll also need some familiarity with node and be comfortable on the command line.

But everything else I will explain from first principles.

Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who is a little confused with asynchronous code
  • Anyone who wants to know what the differences are between Callbacks, Promises, Async/Await and Generators
  • Anyone who is interested in writing fast performant code in Node or Browsers.
  • Anyone who wants to know what setImmediate really does?
  • Anyone who wants to know when requestAnimationFrame is run?

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 02:14
2 Agenda 03:43
3 How to get the course code? 01:55
4 How to install node and which node to install? 05:44
5 How to get setup with Visual Studio Code? 11:27
6 Whats V8 vs Chrome vs Node? 12:06
7 Introduction 01:24
8 What is Asynchronous? 05:07
9 Blocking vs Non-Blocking 11:31
10 Multi-Threaded Programming 08:27
11 Event Driven Programming 12:04
12 Introduction 02:26
13 Callbacks - Quiz #1 05:56
14 Callbacks - Handling Errors 04:46
15 Callbacks - Quiz #2 03:37
16 Callbacks - Callback Hell 02:00
17 Callbacks - Quiz #3 04:47
18 Promises - Basics 05:17
19 Promises - Quiz #1 06:40
20 Promises - Chaining 06:36
21 Promises - Quiz #3 05:39
22 Promises - Returning Promises 02:32
23 Promises - Quiz #4 03:26
24 Promises - Error Handling 05:02
25 Promises - Quiz #5 02:31
26 Promises - Finally 04:42
27 Promises - All 04:33
28 Promises - Race 03:43
29 Promises - Quiz #6 05:02
30 Promises - Quiz #7 09:13
31 Async/Await - Basics 10:51
32 Async/Await - Quiz #1 07:40
33 Async/Await - No Await 03:48
34 Async/Await - Async Iterators 10:39
35 Async/Await - Quiz #2 06:27
36 Async/Await - Warning 03:13
37 Generators - Understanding Generators 08:55
38 Generators - Using yield to communicate 06:17
39 Generators - Async Generators 02:10
40 Generators - Quiz #1 04:32
41 Introduction 02:30
42 Node Event Loop 10:30
43 Node Event Loop Example 06:13
44 Node Event Loop Live Demo 08:47
45 Node Event Loop Quiz #1 03:04
46 Node Event Loop Quiz #2 05:16
47 Chrome Event Loop 10:33
48 Closing Words 03:18

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