JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass

21h 47m 46s
May 18, 2023

This course crams months of computer science and interview prep material into 20 hours of video. The content is based directly on last semester of my in-person coding bootcamps, where my students go on to land 6-figure developer jobs. I cover the exact same computer science content that has helped my students ace interviews at huge companies like Google, Tesla, Amazon, and Facebook. Nothing is watered down for an online audience; this is the real deal :)   We start with the basics and then eventually cover “advanced topics” that similar courses shy away from like Heaps, Graphs, and Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm.


I start by teaching you how to analyze your code’s time and space complexity using Big O notation.  We cover the ins and outs of Recursion.  We learn a 5-step approach to solving any difficult coding problem. We cover common programming patterns. We implement popular searching algorithms. We write 6 different sorting algorithms: Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Quick, Merge, and Radix Sort.   Then, we switch gears and implement our own data structures from scratch, including linked lists, trees, heaps, hash tables, and graphs.  We learn to traverse trees and graphs, and cover Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm.  The course also includes an entire section devoted to Dynamic Programming.

Here's why this course is worth your time:

  • It's interactive -  I give you a chance to try every problem before I show you my solution.

  • Every single problem has a complete solution walkthrough video as well as accompanying solution file.

  • I cover helpful "tips and tricks" to solve common problems, but we also focus on building an approach to ANY problem.

  • It's full of animations and beautiful diagrams!

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# Title Duration
1 Curriculum Walkthrough 07:44
2 What Order Should You Watch In? 02:53
3 How I'm Running My Code 03:22
4 Intro to Big O 07:42
5 Timing Our Code 10:20
6 Counting Operations 04:37
7 Visualizing Time Complexities 04:26
8 Official Intro to Big O 09:59
9 Simplifying Big O Expressions 09:33
10 Space Complexity 06:27
11 Logs and Section Recap 08:47
12 Section Introduction 01:43
13 The BIG O of Objects 05:32
14 When are Arrays Slow? 06:26
15 Big O of Array Methods 05:57
16 Introduction to Problem Solving 07:09
17 Step 1: Understand The Problem 08:00
18 Step 2: Concrete Examples 06:20
19 Step 3: Break It Down 07:45
20 Step 4: Solve Or Simplify 10:33
21 Step 5: Look Back and Refactor 16:58
22 Recap and Interview Strategies 04:13
23 Intro to Problem Solving Patterns 02:56
24 Frequency Counter Pattern 15:12
25 Frequency Counter: Anagram Challenge 02:34
26 Anagram Challenge Solution 06:19
27 Multiple Pointers Pattern 09:43
28 Multiple Pointers: Count Unique Values Challenge 04:30
29 Count Unique Values Solution 06:31
30 Sliding Window Pattern 13:15
31 Divide And Conquer Pattern 07:03
32 Story Time: Martin & The Dragon 07:07
33 Why Use Recursion? 05:54
34 The Call Stack 07:08
35 Our First Recursive Function 05:12
36 Our Second Recursive Function 07:55
37 Writing Factorial Iteratively 02:20
38 Writing Factorial Recursively 03:16
39 Common Recursion Pitfalls 05:07
40 Helper Method Recursion 06:24
41 Pure Recursion 07:46
42 Intro to Searching 04:05
43 Intro to Linear Search 04:48
44 Linear Search Solution 05:19
45 Linear Search BIG O 01:56
46 Intro to Binary Search 05:48
47 Binary Search PseudoCode 02:41
48 Binary Search Solution 16:42
49 Binary Search BIG O 06:10
50 Naive String Search 04:39
51 Naive String Search Implementation 12:30
52 Introduction to Sorting Algorithms 08:36
53 Built-In JavaScript Sorting 04:41
54 Bubble Sort: Overview 07:22
55 Bubble Sort: Implementation 09:59
56 Bubble Sort: Optimization 04:23
57 Bubble Sort: BIG O Complexity 01:29
58 Selection Sort: Introduction 06:19
59 Selection Sort: Implementation 11:15
60 Selection Sort: Big O Complexity 01:41
61 Insertion Sort: Introduction 03:18
62 Insertion Sort: Implementation 10:43
63 Insertion Sort: BIG O Complexity 02:25
64 Comparing Bubble, Selection, and Insertion Sort 05:34
65 Intro to the "Crazier" Sorts 06:06
66 Merge Sort: Introduction 05:26
67 Merging Arrays Intro 05:12
68 Merging Arrays: Implementation 06:56
69 Writing Merge Sort Part 1 02:22
70 Writing Merge Sort Part 2 12:38
71 Merge Sort BIG O Complexity 06:23
72 Introduction to Quick Sort 09:01
73 Pivot Helper Introduction 08:07
74 Pivot Helper Implementation 08:09
75 Quick Sort Implementation 08:47
76 Quick Sort Call Stack Walkthrough 04:16
77 Quick Sort Big O Complexity 04:07
78 Radix Sort: Introduction 09:23
79 Radix Sort: Helper Methods 11:10
80 Radix Sort: Pseudocode 04:19
81 Radix Sort: Implementation 10:25
82 Radix Sort: BIG O Complexity 03:52
83 Which Data Structure Is The Best? 12:39
84 ES2015 Class Syntax Overview 05:15
85 Data Structures: The Class Keyword 06:37
86 Data Structures: Adding Instance Methods 09:50
87 Data Structures: Adding Class Methods 07:12
88 Intro to Singly Linked Lists 07:47
89 Starter Code and Push Intro 07:23
90 Singly Linked List: Push Solution 04:25
91 Singly Linked List: Pop Intro 06:15
92 Singly Linked List: Pop Solution 07:36
93 Singly Linked List: Shift Intro 01:32
94 Singly Linked List: Shift Solution 03:23
95 Singly Linked List: Unshift Intro 01:35
96 Singly Linked List: Unshift Solution 05:59
97 Singly Linked List: Get Intro 02:33
98 Singly Linked List: Get Solution 03:33
99 Singly Linked List: Set Intro 01:27
100 Singly Linked List: Set Solution 02:11
101 Singly Linked List: Insert Intro 04:28
102 Singly Linked List: Insert Solution 07:50
103 Singly Linked List: Remove Intro 01:57
104 Singly Linked List: Remove Solution 03:16
105 Singly Linked List: Reverse Intro 04:47
106 Singly Linked List: Reverse Solution 08:59
107 Singly Linked List: BIG O Complexity 05:42
108 Doubly Linked Lists Introduction 04:44
109 Setting Up Our Node Class 03:01
110 Push 02:11
111 Push Solution 04:05
112 Pop 03:21
113 Pop Solution 06:24
114 Shift 02:45
115 Shift Solution 04:13
116 Unshift 01:37
117 Unshift Solution 02:20
118 Get 04:03
119 Get Solution 07:05
120 Set 01:19
121 Set Solution 02:09
122 Insert 02:51
123 Insert Solution 06:49
124 Remove 02:19
125 Remove Solution 06:29
126 Comparing Singly and Doubly Linked Lists 04:33
127 Intro to Stacks 06:20
128 Creating a Stack with an Array 07:06
129 Writing Our Own Stack From Scratch 11:34
130 BIG O of Stacks 02:15
131 Intro to Queues 04:15
132 Creating Queues Using Arrays 03:26
133 Writing Our Own Queue From Scratch 10:25
134 BIG O of Queues 02:31
135 Introduction to Trees 06:46
136 Uses For Trees 06:33
137 Intro to Binary Trees 05:55
138 POP QUIZ! 01:14
139 Searching A Binary Search Tree 02:56
140 Our Tree Classes 02:45
141 BST: Insert 03:51
142 BST: Insert Solution 11:54
143 BST: Find 04:43
144 BST: Find Solution 05:37
145 Big O of Binary Search Trees 05:59
146 Intro To Tree Traversal 04:51
147 Breadth First Search Intro 05:52
148 Breadth First Search Solution 06:21
149 Depth First PreOrder Intro 05:38
150 Depth First PreOrder Solution 06:51
151 Depth First PostOrder Intro 04:03
152 Depth First PostOrder Solution 02:39
153 Depth First InOrder Intro 02:08
154 Depth First InOrder Solution 02:33
155 When to Use BFS and DFS 07:38
156 Intro to Heaps 07:31
157 Storing Heaps 07:06
158 Heap: Insert Intro 09:15
159 Heap: Insert Solution 10:52
160 Heap: ExtractMax Intro 08:29
161 Heap: ExtractMax Solution 17:57
162 Priority Queue Intro 09:00
163 Priority Queue Pseudocode 03:44
164 Priority Queue Solution 09:22
165 BIG O of Binary Heaps 08:55
166 Intro to Hash Tables 05:51
167 More About Hash Tables 04:33
168 Intro to Hash Functions 06:12
169 Writing Our First Hash Function 08:28
170 Improving Our Hash Function 07:11
171 Handling Collisions 04:00
172 Hash Table Set and Get 04:03
173 Hash Table Set Solution 05:15
174 Hash Table Get Solution 06:44
175 Hash Table Keys and Values 01:42
176 Hash Table Keys and Values Solution 08:44
177 Hash Table Big O Complexity 05:42
178 Intro to Graphs 03:51
179 Uses for Graphs 07:58
180 Types of Graphs 08:49
181 Storing Graphs: Adjacency Matrix 03:58
182 Storing Graphs: Adjacency List 02:30
183 Adjacency Matrix Vs. List BIG O 05:52
184 Add Vertex Intro 02:11
185 Add Vertex Solution 02:55
186 Add Edge Intro 02:33
187 Add Edge Solution 02:12
188 Remove Edge Intro 01:36
189 Remove Edge Solution 02:42
190 Remove Vertex Intro 02:36
191 Remove Vertex Solution 04:35
192 Intro to Graph Traversal 08:39
193 Depth First Graph Traversal 08:31
194 DFS Recursive Intro 07:28
195 DFS Recursive Solution 12:46
196 DFS Iterative Intro 03:38
197 DFS Iterative Solution 08:45
198 Breadth First Graph Traversal 03:00
199 BFS Intro 02:28
200 BFS Solution 08:10
201 Intro to Dijkstra's and Prerequisites 02:42
202 Who was Dijkstra and what is his Algorithm? 09:01
203 Writing a Weighted Graph 05:21
204 Walking through the Algorithm 16:27
205 Introducing Our Simple Priority Queue 03:49
206 Dijkstra's Pseudo-Code 04:29
207 Implementing Dijkstra's Algorithm 21:19
208 Upgrading the Priority Queue 01:53
209 Intro to Dynamic Programming 05:04
210 Overlapping Subproblems 06:00
211 Optimal Substructure 06:29
212 Writing A Recursive Solution 06:44
213 Time Complexity of Our Solution 04:12
214 The Problem With Our Solution 03:40
215 Enter Memoization! 09:01
216 Time Complexity of Memoized Solution 03:28
217 Tabulation: A Bottom Up Approach 07:00

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