ASP.NET Core Identity - Authentication & Authorization

6h 49m 15s
May 13, 2024

ASP.NET Core now includes the new identity system, which replaces the legacy membership system in ASP.NET. It is essential that software engineers learn these relevant skills and apply them when developing MVC applications if they do not want to combine razor pages with MVC. In this course we will build custom code with MVC for Identity Management similar to Identity Razor class library but with MVC. That way you can learn to stick with just one technology in your project.


Once we develop authentication with MVC we will learn Razor Identity Class Library and how to scaffold and customize it.

We will also learn advance topics in authorization, as we start with basics and learn to dive into roles, claims and custom policy by building handlers, requirements and much more!

Authorization and User Management is a must in real world projects, and that is exactly what we will learn in this detailed course!

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome 02:21
2 ASP.NET Core Identity 03:47
3 Demo - Final Application 03:04
4 Authentication and Authorization 03:39
5 Authentication Types 02:27
6 Token vs Cookie Authentication Flow 02:23
7 ASP.NET Core Identity structure and architecture 04:11
8 Roles and Claims 02:20
9 Tools Needed 01:02
10 GitHub (Project Resources) 01:45
11 Create Project 03:07
12 Run Application 01:53
13 DB Context 03:51
14 Create Database 07:18
15 Connection String Error 01:13
16 Add Identity Services 05:06
17 Add column to Users Table 03:45
18 Add Account Controller 03:18
19 Add Register View 05:56
20 Login Partial View 02:26
21 Register Test User 08:08
22 Display Signed In User 05:13
23 Logout 02:01
24 Login View 05:14
25 Login Functionality 03:55
26 Return Url on Login 04:10
27 Return Url Issues 02:50
28 Sign In Options 05:39
29 Forgot Password View 03:57
30 ProtonMail and MailJet Signup 02:05
31 Setup MailJet Email Sender 08:16
32 Send Reset Email Part 1 09:33
33 Send Reset Email Part 2 01:54
34 Reset Password View 04:51
35 Reset Password Demo 02:47
36 Confirm Email On Register 02:08
37 Demo - Confirm Email 04:48
38 Facebook Login Setup 04:16
39 Add External Provider to Login 04:37
40 External Login Action Method 04:36
41 External Login CallBack 06:46
42 External Login Confirmation 04:24
43 Demo - Facebook Login 06:13
44 QR Code JS and Enable Authenticator Get Method 04:17
45 Enable Authenticator Post Action Method 03:05
46 Setup Two Factor Authentication 06:04
47 Two Factor Confirmation and External Login Two Factor Setup 02:33
48 Verify Authentication Code Get Method 03:10
49 Verify Authenticator View 03:43
50 REDO _ Verify Authenticator Post Action 04:33
51 REDO Demo - Two factor Authentication 03:20
52 REDO QR Code Implementation 05:10
53 REDO QR Code Demo 02:08
54 Remove and Reset Two Factor Auth 05:22
55 Basic Authorization 06:12
56 Create Roles 03:43
57 Role selection during registration 06:22
58 Roles Demo 03:15
59 Configure Application Cookies 03:49
60 9 Registration Bug 02:14
61 Identity razor class library 01:14
62 Scaffold Identity Class Library 07:43
63 Register User using Razor Pages Identity 07:38
64 User Controller Index Action 05:53
65 User List 03:22
66 Roles List Action Method 03:05
67 Roles Index View 00:00
68 Roles Upsert Get Action 02:10
69 Roles Upsert View 00:00
70 Create Roles 04:08
71 Add Toastr Alerts 00:00
72 Edit Roles 00:00
73 Delete Roles 00:00
74 Edit User Get Action Method 05:00
75 Edit User View 05:08
76 Assign Roles to User 07:18
77 Lock Unlock User 07:34
78 Delete User 02:02
79 Create Claims Store and View Model 04:44
80 Manager User Claims Get Action Method Part 1 04:08
81 Manage User Claims View 04:01
82 Manager User Claims Post Action Method Part 1 05:17
83 Manager User Claims Get and Post Action Method Part 2 04:27
84 Setup Project for Authorization Access Checker 06:04
85 Setup Layout Links 01:30
86 Allow Anonymous and Authorize 03:21
87 Roles Access and Default UI Path 07:28
88 Policy based Authorization 04:07
89 Policy vs Role based Authorization Demo 03:46
90 Policy based authorization with Claims 04:15
91 Policy with multiple claims 01:41
92 Function Type with Policy based authorization 08:18
93 Separating Function logic 02:28
94 Requirement and handlers 03:57
95 Custom Authorization Requirement Handler with Roles 08:43
96 Custom Handler Advance Example Part 1 06:34
97 Custom Handler Advance Example Part 2 07:35
98 Setup Project For Claims Assignment 06:49
99 Custom Handler with Claims 05:34

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