C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding
With over 50,000 happy students and 15,000+ positive reviews, this course is Udemy's most popular course for learning C# from scratch! C# is a beautiful cross-platform language that can be used to build variety of applications. With C#, you can build mobile apps (for Windows, Android and iOS), games, web sites and desktop applications.
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Once you master fundamentals of C# and programming with .NET framework, you'll have lots of options in front of you. You can choose to build mobile apps if you prefer, or you can change job and work as a web developer. As long as you know the fundamentals well, switching to different technology stacks is pretty easy.
In this course, Mosh, author of several best-selling C# courses on Udemy, teaches you the fundamentals of C# programming in a clear, concise and step-by-step way. Note only that, but he'll also teach you best practices and shortcuts to help you become a better developer.
Every section comes with a few bite-sized video lectures and a quiz or programming exercises. These exercises are carefully chosen from academic and real-world examples to train your "programming brain". If you want to be a successful programmer, who has many high-paid job offers and freedom to "choose", you need to learn how to think like a programmer. And this is what you're going to get out of these exercises. All exercises come with solutions, so you can compare your solutions with Mosh's to find areas for improvement.
There are plenty of free tutorials and videos that teach you C# and they are great if all you want to learn is C# constructs. But if you want to learn C# and become a better programmer with a bright future and lots of options, this is the course for you. For every topic, not only will you learn the whats, but you'll also learn the whys, and hows. You'll see common errors that pop up as part of developing applications with C#. Mosh explains these errors in detail, and shows you how to resolve them.
- Visual Studio Community Edition (FREE)
Who this course is for:
- Newbies or students looking for a refresher on the basics of C# and .NET
What you'll learn:
- Learn the fundamentals of C# and .NET Framework
- Work with primitive types and expressions
- Work with non-primitive types (classes, structs, arrays and enums)
- Learn the difference between value types and reference types
- Control the flow of programs using conditional statements
- Use arrays and lists
- Work with files and directories
- Work with text
- Work with date and time
- Debug C# applications effectively
Watch Online C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding
# | Title | Duration |
1 | What is this Course | 01:22 |
2 | About Me | 01:41 |
3 | Introduction | 00:56 |
4 | C# vs .NET | 00:54 |
5 | What is CLR? | 02:13 |
6 | Architecture of .NET Applications | 02:43 |
7 | Our First C# Application | 09:54 |
8 | Introduction | 00:27 |
9 | Variables and Constants | 08:44 |
10 | Overflowing | 02:14 |
11 | Scope | 01:03 |
12 | Demo: Variables and Constants | 11:28 |
13 | Type Conversion | 04:49 |
14 | Demo: Type Conversion | 10:17 |
15 | Operators | 04:13 |
16 | Demo: Operators | 06:22 |
17 | Comments | 01:44 |
18 | Summary | 00:36 |
19 | Introduction | 00:26 |
20 | Classes | 05:56 |
21 | Demo: Classes | 08:28 |
22 | Structs | 01:29 |
23 | Arrays | 02:16 |
24 | Demo: Arrays | 03:52 |
25 | Strings | 05:50 |
26 | Demo: Strings | 07:43 |
27 | Enums | 01:48 |
28 | Demo: Enums | 07:38 |
29 | Reference Types and Value Types | 03:15 |
30 | Demo: Reference Types and Value Types | 05:49 |
31 | Demo: Reference Types and Value Types | 03:49 |
32 | Summary | 00:57 |
33 | Introduction | 01:14 |
34 | Conditional Statements | 02:44 |
35 | Demo: If/Else and Switch/Case | 08:41 |
36 | Iteration Statements | 04:00 |
37 | Demo: For Loops | 01:57 |
38 | Demo: Foreach Loops | 03:43 |
39 | Demo: While Loops | 07:01 |
40 | Random Class | 09:06 |
41 | Summary | 00:38 |
42 | Introduction | 00:39 |
43 | Arrays | 04:48 |
44 | Demo: Arrays | 10:03 |
45 | Lists | 02:19 |
46 | Demo: Lists | 10:12 |
47 | Summary | 00:39 |
48 | Introduction | 00:18 |
49 | DateTime | 06:21 |
50 | TimeSpan | 07:29 |
51 | Summary | 00:36 |
52 | Introduction | 00:18 |
53 | String | 04:25 |
54 | Demo: String | 12:29 |
55 | Live Coding: Summarising Text | 11:19 |
56 | StringBuilder | 01:08 |
57 | Demo: StringBuilder | 07:31 |
58 | Procedural Programming | 08:46 |
59 | Summary | 00:36 |
60 | Introduction | 00:21 |
61 | System.IO Namespace | 03:59 |
62 | Demo: File and FileInfo | 05:51 |
63 | Demo: Directory and DirectoryInfo | 06:02 |
64 | Demo: Path | 02:54 |
65 | Summary | 01:01 |
66 | Introduction | 00:22 |
67 | Debugging Tools in Visual Studio | 10:25 |
68 | Removing Side Effects | 09:16 |
69 | Defensive Programming | 07:45 |
70 | Call Stack Window | 01:47 |
71 | Locals and Autos Windows | 01:54 |
72 | Summary | 00:39 |
73 | What's Next? | 00:51 |
74 | Final Words | 01:02 |
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