Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
This is the long-awaited sequel to the Complete Unity Developer - one of the most popular e-learning courses on the internet! Completely re-worked from scratch with brand-new projects and our latest teaching techniques. You will benefit from the fact we have already taught over a million students programming and game development, many shipping commercial games as a result.
Read more about the course
Unity is an incredible 3D package used for making video games, architectural and medical imaging and more. The challenge is that it's big and complicated to use, especially for complete beginners to coding and game development. We make learning to code easy and fun by leading you step-by-step through the process of creating exciting games.
Get plugged into our communities of amazing developers on Facebook (nearly 20k), in our own Teaching Assistant-curated Community, and our student Discord chat channel.
This course has full professional-produced English closed-captions.
If you're reading this you probably already have everything you need to get started. Unity is a free download. With regular access to an internet connection you'll be able to engage in our thriving community. Even if you have no experience with coding, or with 3D packages, we will guide you through everything from first principles. Starting slow, then building on what you learn, you'll soon have a very solid working knowledge of Unity.
Don't take our word for it, please see the amazing reviews students have taken the time to write. We are proud to be transforming lives, and equipping 1000s of people with valuable new skills. We would love you to become one of them now.
The course is project-based, so you will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real indie games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources - you'll never get stuck. There are "talking heads", powerful diagrams, quality screencasts and more.
For each demo game you build you will follow this process...
Be challenged to build the entire game yourself.
Be shown step-by step how to build it.
Be challenged to apply, and re-apply your knowledge regularly.
Prefer to focus on 2D? Check-out our Complete Unity Developer 2D course. Want something a little more advanced? Check-out our epic Unity RPG course. Want to get certified, get a job, or learn environment art - we've got you covered. The green leaf logo is your sign of quality.
You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creators are qualified and experienced coders and avid gamers, so are able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.
What this course DOESN'T cover...
Here are some things we will not be covering in detail...
Art asset creation (assets provided but not made on-screen).
Advanced performance optimization.
Editor plugins or modifications.
Physics engine modification.
Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unity 3D is a fantastic platform which enables you to make production-quality games. Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, MacOS, iOS (even iOS 9), Android and Web from a single source!
Watch Online Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
# | Title | Duration |
1 | Welcome To The Course | 03:58 |
2 | Download Unity & VS Code | 05:42 |
3 | Introducing Unity | 13:09 |
4 | Introducing Prefabs | 12:38 |
5 | Your First Script | 09:40 |
6 | Community & Support | 04:06 |
7 | Section Intro - Obstacle Course | 01:28 |
8 | Game Design - Obstacle Course | 05:32 |
9 | Start() & Update() | 11:42 |
10 | Introducing Variables | 08:04 |
11 | Using SerializeField | 06:27 |
12 | C# Formatting & Input.GetAxis() | 13:10 |
13 | Time.deltaTime | 08:46 |
14 | Cinemachine Follow Camera | 10:44 |
15 | Basic Collision | 10:02 |
16 | Introduction To Methods | 12:25 |
17 | Practicing With Methods | 10:11 |
18 | Using OnCollisionEnter() | 06:27 |
19 | Using GetComponent<>() | 05:07 |
20 | Incrementing A Score | 09:05 |
21 | Using Time.time | 06:57 |
22 | If Statements | 06:50 |
23 | Caching A Reference | 11:29 |
24 | Using Tags | 09:56 |
25 | Rotate An Object | 08:11 |
26 | Prepare Our Prefabs | 07:42 |
27 | Build An Obstacle Course | 09:03 |
28 | Wrap Up - Obstacle Course | 02:00 |
29 | Section Intro - Project Boost | 00:56 |
30 | Game Design - Project Boost | 04:25 |
31 | Onion Design | 05:09 |
32 | Unity Units | 13:53 |
33 | Introducing Classes | 10:21 |
34 | Basic Input Binding | 14:19 |
35 | Using AddRelativeForce() | 09:46 |
36 | Variable For Thrusting | 04:28 |
37 | Transform.Rotate() Our Rocket | 11:21 |
38 | Rigidbody Constraints | 12:10 |
39 | Our Source Control Repo | 10:34 |
40 | Unity Audio Introduction | 07:49 |
41 | Play AudioSource SFX | 08:21 |
42 | Switch Statements | 13:03 |
43 | Respawn Using SceneManager | 10:06 |
44 | Load Next Level | 10:58 |
45 | Using Invoke | 11:34 |
46 | Multiple Audio Clips | 11:26 |
47 | Bool Variable For State | 08:38 |
48 | Make Rocket Look Spiffy | 15:01 |
49 | How To Trigger Particles | 11:47 |
50 | Particles For Rocket Boosters | 10:40 |
51 | Refactor With Extract Method | 06:09 |
52 | Add Cheat / Debug Keys | 06:53 |
53 | Make Environment From Cubes | 08:51 |
54 | How To Add Lights In Unity | 12:16 |
55 | Move Obstacle With Code | 10:02 |
56 | Mathf.Sin() For Oscillation | 13:01 |
57 | Protect Against NaN Error | 05:36 |
58 | Designing Level Moments | 09:23 |
59 | Quit Application | 03:43 |
60 | How To Build & Publish A Game | 07:34 |
61 | Wrap Up - Project Boost | 02:15 |
62 | Section Intro - Argon Assault | 01:05 |
63 | Game Design - Argon Assault | 04:15 |
64 | How To Add Terrain | 14:04 |
65 | Unity Terrain Tools | 11:29 |
66 | How To Use Unity Asset Store | 05:38 |
67 | Texturing Terrain In Unity | 10:56 |
68 | Add Trees To Terrain | 06:04 |
69 | Master Timeline For Player Rail | 14:22 |
70 | Animate Enemy Using Timeline | 10:35 |
71 | Import Player Ship Asset | 07:37 |
72 | Using GetAxis() For Movement | 11:26 |
73 | Unity's New Input System | 13:32 |
74 | Start Moving Our Player | 09:36 |
75 | Move Player Using Input | 03:36 |
76 | Mathf.Clamp() To Constrain Movement | 06:50 |
77 | How To Set Local Rotation | 08:59 |
78 | Rotate Ship With Position & Throw | 14:54 |
79 | Time To Tune And Tweak | 11:01 |
80 | Particle System Laser Bullet | 14:31 |
81 | Exploring Nested Prefabs In Unity | 19:04 |
82 | Set Up Firing Input | 06:02 |
83 | Arrays & Foreach Loops | 11:58 |
84 | Deactivating Particle System Emission | 05:33 |
85 | Header & Tooltips Attributes | 05:37 |
86 | Understanding Collisions & Triggers | 17:51 |
87 | Detecting Particle Collisions | 09:19 |
88 | Reload Scene After Collision | 09:50 |
89 | Create Explosion Particle Effect | 12:17 |
90 | Trigger Player Explosion | 06:32 |
91 | Instantiate At Runtime | 11:52 |
92 | Public Methods In Unity C# | 12:59 |
93 | Simple User Interface For Score | 11:02 |
94 | ToString() To Display Score | 05:05 |
95 | Enemy Hit Points | 09:18 |
96 | Set Up Enemy Prefabs | 13:52 |
97 | Using FindWithTag() | 08:47 |
98 | Control Tracks For Enemy Waves | 13:05 |
99 | Timeline For Dialogue | 11:57 |
100 | Singleton Pattern For Music Player | 10:29 |
101 | Sneaky Explosion SFX | 08:43 |
102 | Skybox & Lighting | 10:58 |
103 | Add Post Processing | 09:25 |
104 | Your 3 Minute Experience | 07:16 |
105 | Wrap Up - Argon Assault | 00:47 |
106 | Introduction - Realm Rush | 01:04 |
107 | Realm Rush Game Design | 05:38 |
108 | Grid Snapping | 07:55 |
109 | Text Labels | 10:30 |
110 | Coordinate System | 11:29 |
111 | Lists | 11:12 |
112 | Introducing Coroutines | 11:25 |
113 | Importing Assets | 07:40 |
114 | Prefab Variants | 13:42 |
115 | Smooth Enemy Movement | 11:52 |
116 | Detect Mouse Input | 10:40 |
117 | Targeting Enemies | 10:33 |
118 | Damaging Enemies | 12:25 |
119 | Debugging Tools | 11:26 |
120 | Finding the Path | 09:39 |
121 | Instantiating Enemies | 07:35 |
122 | Object Pools | 12:55 |
123 | Target Closest Enemy | 11:57 |
124 | Currency System (Part 1) | 12:35 |
125 | Currency System (Part 2) | 11:00 |
126 | UI Text | 11:20 |
127 | Increasing Difficulty | 07:10 |
128 | Refactoring | 14:58 |
129 | Playtest and Balance | 13:44 |
130 | Review and Reflect | 01:53 |
131 | Pathfinding Decisions | 06:15 |
132 | Breadth First Search | 08:44 |
133 | Pure C# Classes | 11:11 |
134 | Dictionaries | 10:26 |
135 | More Debugging Tools | 12:44 |
136 | Exploring Neighbors | 11:12 |
137 | Exploring the World | 12:34 |
138 | Finding the Path (again!) | 07:38 |
139 | Blocking Nodes | 15:32 |
140 | Valid Path | 11:48 |
141 | Script Execution Order | 14:55 |
142 | Broadcast Message | 08:01 |
143 | Overloading Methods | 12:23 |
144 | Build Timer | 06:38 |
145 | Ambience | 13:07 |
146 | Post Processing | 11:09 |
147 | Section Wrap-Up | 01:38 |
148 | Welcome To Zombie Runner | 04:17 |
149 | Zombie Runner Game Design | 03:45 |
150 | Adding First Person Controller | 04:58 |
151 | Make A Prototyping Sandbox | 06:28 |
152 | Using NavMeshAgent For AI | 09:59 |
153 | Getting Stuck & Jittering | 05:22 |
154 | Enemy AI - Chase Range | 07:26 |
155 | Using OnDrawGizmosSelected() | 04:06 |
156 | Enemy AI - Attack If Provoked | 10:16 |
157 | Give That Player A Gun | 07:04 |
158 | Introduction To Raycasting | 08:08 |
159 | Enemy Health & Damage | 08:36 |
160 | Implement A Muzzle Flash | 06:58 |
161 | Creating Shooting Hit Effect | 09:06 |
162 | Introduction To Animator Controller | 08:09 |
163 | Creating A Simple Animation | 06:53 |
164 | Animator Transition Conditions | 04:19 |
165 | Trigger Animation In Code | 12:14 |
166 | Use Animation Events | 06:59 |
167 | Create Player Health Class | 08:27 |
168 | Rotate To Face Target | 07:37 |
169 | Game Over User Interface | 13:17 |
170 | Create A Death Handler | 06:51 |
171 | Using BroadcastMessage | 07:18 |
172 | Early Gameplay Loop | 05:48 |
173 | Weapon System Overview | 04:11 |
174 | Weapon Zoom - Field Of View | 07:52 |
175 | Weapon Zoom - Mouse Sensitivity | 05:34 |
176 | Basic Ammo Functionality | 06:39 |
177 | Multiple Weapon Types | 12:10 |
178 | Weapon Differentiation | 13:21 |
179 | Set Active Weapon | 08:06 |
180 | Player Input To Select Weapon | 10:23 |
181 | Public Enum & Private Class | 13:05 |
182 | Different Weapon Different Ammo | 07:55 |
183 | Quick Bug Fix Challenge | 04:12 |
184 | Ammo Pickup - Part 1 | 06:28 |
185 | Ammo Pickup - Part 2 | 13:14 |
186 | Let's Add A Zombie | 14:47 |
187 | Quick Zombie Attack Challenge | 03:19 |
188 | Flex Your Level Design Muscles | 09:52 |
189 | Add Terrain & Trees | 12:31 |
190 | ProBuilder For Making Props | 15:06 |
191 | ProBuilder To Make Rooms | 11:54 |
192 | ProBuilder To Make Levels | 08:37 |
193 | Adding Textures With ProBuilder | 08:50 |
194 | We Need Some Lights | 10:11 |
195 | Create A FlashLight | 09:37 |
196 | Create A Battery Pickup | 13:03 |
197 | Display Current Ammo UI | 08:42 |
198 | Damage Received UI | 11:47 |
199 | Props & Polish | 06:36 |
200 | Congratulations | 01:08 |
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