Airbnb App Clone

17h 50m 5s

REST API, GraphQL API, iOS / Android App. Make Airbnb App with Rest API and GraphQL API. Users can search, look and browse various homes.. 

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What will you learn


  • Serializers
  • Class Based Views
  • JWT Auth
  • Room CRUD
  • Viewsets


  • Schema
  • Queries
  • Mutations
  • Auth Middlewares
  • Room CRUD


  • User Auth
  • Create Account
  • Room Search
  • Room Detail
  • Favourites
  • Map Screen

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# Title Duration
1 #0.1 Introduction 02:36
2 #0.2 How to get the base files 07:20
3 #0.3 Explaining the Base Files 06:43
4 #0.4 Goals and Tools 04:53
5 #0.5 The New API World 06:00
6 #0.6 Intro to REST APIs 07:01
7 #0.7 Beautiful REST part One 10:06
8 #0.8 Beautiful REST part Two 14:30
9 #1.0 APIs the Django Way 10:14
10 #1.1 @api_view 08:35
11 #1.2 Serializers 06:47
12 #1.3 Serializers part Two 06:04
13 #1.4 Class Based Views 10:51
14 #1.5 ListAPIView 07:38
15 #1.6 ModelViewSet 10:42
16 #1.7 Bye Bye ViewSet 04:23
17 #2.0 ListRoomsView & SeeRoomView 07:03
18 #2.1 Create Room part One 10:57
19 #2.2 Create Room part Two 12:46
20 #2.3 Room Detail GET 11:49
21 #2.4 Room Detail DELETE PUT part One 14:00
22 #2.5 Room Detail PUT part Two 08:54
23 #2.6 MeView and user_detail 14:19
24 #2.7 MeView PUT 11:28
25 #2.8 Magic + FavsView 11:38
26 #2.9 FavsView part Two 06:54
27 #2.10 Creating Account 12:09
28 #2.11 Log In (JWT) 11:08
29 #2.12 JWT Decoding and Auth 14:26
30 #2.13 JWT Recap 05:08
31 #2.14 Manual Pagination 08:27
32 #2.15 Searching Part One 10:09
33 #2.16 Searching Part Two 09:49
34 #3.0 This is super important Watch this 11:59
35 #3.1 RoomViewSet permissions 11:19
36 #3.2 RoomViewSet IsOwner 08:41
37 #3.3 I Will Marry DRF (Create Room Logic) 09:02
38 #3.4 Including search in Viewset 05:25
39 #3.5 Users Viewset 07:20
40 #3.6 Permissions And Login 08:07
41 #3.7 Favs 11:05
42 #3.8 Conclusions 11:19
43 #4.0 What Are We Building 02:15
44 #4.1 Blueprint Setup 04:16
45 #4.2 GraphQL Why and What 02:31
46 #4.3 Graphene Setup 07:16
47 #4.4 First Query with Graphene 04:56
48 #4.5 Queries Using Graphene Django 06:43
49 #5.0 Divide and Conquer and Relationships 02:50
50 #5.1 Pagination 11:41
51 #5.2 See Room and See User 07:44
52 #5.3 CreateAccount 11:23
53 #5.4 Login 09:16
54 #5.5 JWT Middleware 12:33
55 #5.6 My Profile 05:22
56 #5.7 Add To Favourites 05:34
57 #5.8 Edit Profile 06:52
58 #5.9 Dynamic Fields 03:47
59 #5.10 Conclusions 04:43
60 #6.0 Requirements 04:24
61 #6.1 Setup 06:00
62 #6.2 Preloading Images 10:23
63 #6.3 Preloading Fonts 08:21
64 #7.0 userSlice 09:37
65 #7.1 logIn and logOut 10:43
66 #7.2 redux-persist part One 09:10
67 #7.3 redux-persist part Two 08:16
68 #7.4 Recap! 09:52
69 #8.0 Auth Navigation part One 08:19
70 #8.1 Auth Navigation part Two 11:32
71 #8.2 Welcome Screen part One 12:24
72 #8.3 Welcome Screen part Two 10:24
73 #8.4 Sign In part One 11:29
74 #8.5 Sign In part Two 09:50
75 #8.6 Bugfixing 15:10
76 #8.7 apiClient 10:05
77 #8.8 Create Account part One 11:20
78 #8.9 Create Account part Two 11:42
79 #8.10 Log In part One 10:14
80 #8.11 Log In part Two 08:48
81 #9.0 Main Navigation part One 07:28
82 #9.1 Main Navigation part Two 09:37
83 #9.2 Rooms Slice and Cleanup 11:02
84 #9.3 Fetching Rooms 09:37
85 #9.4 Duplicate Bugfix 10:43
86 #9.5 RoomCard part One 10:33
87 #9.6 RoomCard part Two 11:14
88 #9.7 Photo Slider 09:37
89 #9.8 Converting Images with Pillow 05:08
90 #9.9 Bugfix 10:35
91 #9.10 Load More 10:41
92 #9.11 Load More Bug Fix 08:50
93 #9.12 Button and Realm 06:46
94 #9.13 React Native Web Swiper 01:19
95 #10.0 Getting Favourites 11:11
96 #10.1 Toggle Favs part On 09:44
97 #10.2 Toggle Favs part Two 09:26
98 #10.3 Saved Screen part One 09:09
99 #10.4 Saved Screen part Two 06:56
100 #10.5 Updating the View 07:12
101 #10.6 Amazing Recap 07:26
102 #11.0 Room Detail part One 09:44
103 #11.1 Room Detail part Two 09:37
104 #11.2 Room Detail part Three 09:31
105 #11.3 Styling Room Detail part One 11:46
106 #11.4 Styling Room Detail part Two 08:28
107 #11.5 MapView on Room Detail 10:06
108 #12.0 Search Screen part One 10:21
109 #12.1 Search Screen part Two 11:33
110 #12.2 Search Logic part One 09:05
111 #12.3 Search Logic part Two 10:29
112 #12.4 Finishing Search 04:49
113 #12.5 Recap and Token 10:23
114 #13.0 Map Screen Setup 11:26
115 #13.1 Map View Cards 07:48
116 #13.2 Current Index and Markers 09:08
117 #13.3 Animating the Camera 06:45
118 #13.4 Custom Markers 08:18
119 #13.5 Cleaning the Code 06:58
120 #13.6 Searching By Movement 09:49
121 #13.7 Conclusions 02:18

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