10 Mega Responsive Websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

21h 54m 19s

Welcome to the brand new course where you can learn about how to create modern and beautiful design templates for your websites. If you want to build and customize your portfolio, become an experienced developer, and get hired, then this is the right course for you. We will build together 10 mega and complete responsive websites with three core technologies HTML, CSS, and JS.

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 If you have some basic knowledge of these technologies and still you have some trouble building the websites or if you want to level up your developer and designer skills, then you’ve come to the right place.

We created this course in order to give students the best experience in three core technologies and give them the opportunity to create the best-designed templates that will allow them to excite their clients.

We will build 10 different complete websites and not only the parts of them from scratch. They will be full of modern, nice, and beautiful effects and designs. We will start with relatively simple projects and we will go through some advanced parts as well. We can guarantee you that you will master the front end web development after completing this course.

Using this course you can get the inspirations that will help you to enhance your projects and put them in your portfolio.

Mastering just these core technologies of front-end web development you can create awesome and modern themes and simply get hired. Also, you will have enough knowledge to move on and learn other technologies like some front-end frameworks and libraries, which nowadays are really popular and highly demanded.


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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 06:44
2 Setup 01:57
3 Project Preview 02:23
4 Create HTML Markup for Landing and Define Common Styles 07:39
5 Style Landing Page and Create Slideshow 13:04
6 Create and Style 3D Cards 16:30
7 Create and Style Foods Gallery 18:19
8 Create and Customize Footer 11:01
9 Create and Style Fixed Navbar 20:24
10 Make Project Responsive 11:26
11 Project Preview 02:27
12 Create HTML Markup for Landing and Define Common Styles 07:01
13 Create "Waves" Effect using Floating Background 07:37
14 Customize Landing Page 08:00
15 Create and Customize Customers Section 12:54
16 Create and Style Team Section 26:05
17 Create and Style Contact Section and Footer 16:15
18 Create Scroll-up Button and Make Navbar Work 04:47
19 Make Project Responsive 14:42
20 Project Preview 02:14
21 Create and Customize Landing 15:33
22 Add Animations to Landing 12:49
23 Create and Customize Navbar 13:25
24 Make Navbar Work 10:04
25 Create and Style About Us Section 14:40
26 Make Custom Video Controls Work 11:33
27 Create and Customize Pricing Cards Section 15:40
28 Make Pricing Cards Work using Swiper.js 13:44
29 Create and Style Contact Section 13:38
30 Create and Style Footer 05:58
31 Make Project Responsive 16:36
32 Project Preview 02:20
33 Create and Customize Landing Page 21:24
34 Create Background Images Slideshow 14:18
35 Create and Customize Cube 16:39
36 Create and Customize Cube Controllers 08:23
37 Make Cube Work 13:15
38 Create and Customize iPhones Section 16:48
39 Create and Style MacBook Section - Part 1 11:03
40 Create and Style MacBook Section - Part 2 17:08
41 Create and Style Watches Section 14:37
42 Make Watches section Work 11:53
43 Create and Style AirPods Section 10:19
44 Create and Customize Footer 08:08
45 Make Project Responsive 18:49
46 Project Preview 02:29
47 Create and Customize Landing Page 15:04
48 Create and Style Navigation 07:14
49 Create and Customize Progress Bars 13:35
50 Create and Customize Projects Section 17:05
51 Create and Style Contact Section 07:19
52 Create and Style Footer 05:18
53 Make Navbar and Progress Bars Work Using JavaScript 17:29
54 Make Project Responsive 07:16
55 Project Preview 02:34
56 Create HTML Markup for Landing and Define Common Styles 08:27
57 Create and Make Navigation Work 16:32
58 Style and Make Hamburger Menu Work 05:52
59 Create and Customize Landing Page 05:41
60 Create and Customize Popular Cars Section 09:04
61 Create and Style Video Gallery 07:04
62 Create and Style Image Gallery 12:01
63 Create and Customize Contact Section and Footer 11:27
64 Make Project Responsive 18:28
65 Project Preview 03:36
66 Create and Customize Landing Page 24:04
67 Create and Make Sidebar Work 24:04
68 Create and Style About Us Section Using CSS Grid 17:10
69 Create and Customize Cards with Tilt.js 18:10
70 Create and Style Contact Section 25:45
71 Make Project Responsive and Create Loading Spinner 32:40
72 Project Preview 03:00
73 Create HTML Markup for Landing and Common Styles 04:37
74 Customize and Make Landing Page Work 24:05
75 Create and Style The Most Popular Tours Section 32:42
76 Create and Customize Testimonials Section with Video Background 14:10
77 Create and Customize Contact Section with Animated Background 20:42
78 Create and Style Footer 06:58
79 Create and Make Navigation Work 24:26
80 Make Project Responsive 13:17
81 Project Preview 02:01
82 Create and Customize First, Second, and Third Sections 23:03
83 Create and Customize Fourth and Fifth Sections 13:33
84 Create and Style Navbar and Make Progress Bars Work 17:03
85 Create Horizontal Scroll Effect with JavaScript 14:45
86 Make Progress Bar Work with JavaScript 14:28
87 Make Project Responsive 37:08
88 Project Preview 02:43
89 Create and Style Landing Page - Part 1 15:15
90 Create and Style Landing Page - Part 2 09:10
91 Create and Make Dropdown Menus work 13:45
92 Create and Customize Services Section 07:32
93 Create and Style Features Section 07:16
94 Create and Style "Get Started" Section 07:11
95 Create and Style Footer 09:14
96 Create and Style Login Page 14:56
97 Create and Style Sign Up Page 21:33
98 Make the Project Responsive - Part 1 11:25
99 Make the Project Responsive - Part 2 16:12
100 Make the Project Responsive - Part 3 19:50
101 Make the Project Responsive - Part 4 16:38

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