Tailwind Mastery

2h 34m 57s
December 26, 2023

Tailwind CSS has become one of the most popular ways to style modern web applications, and for good reason. Its APIs make developers feel incredibly productive, and because it's just a set of well-thought-out CSS classes, you can use it entirely from within your frontend components or HTML templates without having to learn any new tooling – or even without opening up a separate file.

In this course you'll learn Tailwind CSS from scratch by building a Discord clone that matches the original interface's spacing, colors, and typography down to the pixel. By the time you finish, you'll know how to build a multi-panel Flexbox layout, pull off advanced hover treatments, work with CSS transitions and transforms, change the interface at responsive breakpoints, customize Tailwind's design tokens, and integrate Tailwind with component-based frameworks like React and Vue.

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# Title Duration
1 A taste of Tailwind 09:09
2 Scaffolding a multipanel layout 07:48
3 Making nested panels scrollable 05:00
4 Customizing colors 03:33
5 Adding custom fonts 06:45
6 Building a server selector with SVG 05:50
7 Transitioning rounded corners 04:30
8 Styling active links 05:09
9 Building the active indicator 11:24
10 Eliminating duplication with components 10:06
11 Building the server header 07:18
12 Styling the channel list 12:19
13 Dynamic categories and channels 12:36
14 Styling the active channel 09:02
15 Using a state variable to style unread channels 07:30
16 Animated collapsible categories 04:56
17 Controlling layout with truncated text 08:26
18 Using the forms plugin to style the search box 06:02
19 Styling dynamic messages with components 07:04
20 Dynamic server and channel links 03:22
21 Hiding desktop navigation on mobile screens 07:08

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