Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python in 2022

19h 57m 43s

Welcome to the Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python! In this course, you'll learn how to build and deploy dynamic websites using Python, Flask, MongoDB, HTML, and CSS! If you want to share your projects online and become a full stack web developer, you're in the right place! I will teach you the latest and most popular technologies, including Python 3.10, Flask, HTML 5, and CSS 3. I won't teach you jQuery or Bootstrap since those are old technologies!

Read more about the course

Instead, I focus on giving you a solid HTML and CSS foundation, so that you can be truly independent, and build anything you want.

I'll help you write many real-world projects that test your skills and build your understanding. By the end of the course, you'll be able to design and code any feature on any website!

This course beats attending any live bootcamp or workshop because I've put hundreds of hours into planning, recording, and editing. Plus you get lifetime access, and I provide outstanding support—I answer dozens of questions every day!

Why learn Flask?

Flask is a microframework for web development, written in Python.

It's lightweight and simple, so you can start using it straight away. As you go through the course and learn more about it, you'll realize it's also really powerful!

Flask provides everything we need for building websites: a good way to organize our apps, helpers for user authentication, a large selection of plugins and extensions to do dozens of other things, and much more!

What you'll learn!

Here's an overview of what you'll learn in this course:

  • A super-strong HTML 5 and CSS 3 foundation

  • How to plan your software projects and make them successful

  • Design websites using design software like Figma

  • Semantic HTML, and how to code in HTML like a professional

  • Build backend applications with Flask and Python

  • Make your HTML websites dynamic with Flask and Jinja2

  • Become a CSS professional: learn about flex, grid, CSS animations, and much more

  • Store and retrieve data with MongoDB on the Cloud

  • Deploy your web applications (using both free and paid solutions)

  • Implement user authentication on your Python and Flask websites

  • Much, much more!

  • But most importantly, learn to code from a professional software developer, and like a professional software developer

I won't cover JavaScript in detail, but that's because you just don't need it! With HTML, CSS, and a backend (written with Flask and Python) you can do almost anything your users want. Later on, you can always learn JavaScript for extra functionality. Trying to learn JavaScript and Python together leads to problems, and everything becomes a bit more difficult than it has to be.

If you already know a little bit about programming (with Python or any other language), you're ready to start this course! Also, I've included a complete Python Refresher section to help you get up to speed with Python if you don't know it well already.

Watch Online Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python in 2022

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# Title Duration
1 Welcome to the course! 03:27
2 Curriculum overview 02:05
3 Introduction to this section 01:02
4 Variables in Python 08:27
5 String formatting in Python 06:27
6 Getting user input 05:17
7 Writing our first Python app 03:20
8 Lists, tuples and sets 06:32
9 Advanced set operations 04:40
10 Booleans in Python 05:01
11 If statements 08:18
12 The "in" keyword in Python 02:03
13 If statements with the "in" keyword 08:19
14 Loops in Python 11:08
15 List comprehensions in Python 07:25
16 Dictionaries 08:32
17 Destructuring variables 08:29
18 Functions in Python 10:42
19 Function arguments and parameters 07:41
20 Default parameter values 03:55
21 Functions returning values 07:20
22 Lambda functions in Python 07:53
23 Dictionary comprehensions 04:02
24 Unpacking arguments 10:25
25 Unpacking keyword arguments 08:45
26 Object-Oriented Programming in Python 15:53
27 Magic methods: __str__ and __repr__ 06:26
28 @classmethod and @staticmethod 14:04
29 Class inheritance 08:33
30 Class composition 06:09
31 Type hinting in Python 3.5+ 05:09
32 Imports in Python 09:34
33 Relative imports in Python 08:54
34 Errors in Python 12:48
35 Custom error classes 05:05
36 First-class functions 07:53
37 Simple decorators in Python 07:13
38 The 'at' syntax for decorators 03:34
39 Decorating functions with parameters 02:25
40 Decorators with parameters 04:51
41 Mutability in Python 06:04
42 Mutable default parameters (and why they're a bad idea) 04:28
43 How do websites and the internet work? 04:51
44 Front end vs. Back end development 02:16
45 Key web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 02:59
46 The Browser Inspector: using the developer tools 06:27
47 Elements: the basic components of HTML 03:08
48 A full example: HTML and CSS 10:53
49 Some of the most common HTML elements 05:20
50 What are HTML content categories? 05:29
51 Nesting elements in HTML 05:50
52 Starting our first HTML project 03:57
53 Which HTML elements can't be nested? 02:14
54 An overview of HTML container elements 06:15
55 A detailed look at HTML attributes 06:09
56 Adding images to our project 04:47
57 What is semantic HTML? 05:40
58 Document-level annotations in HTML 05:51
59 Completing our HTML project with document-level annotations 03:06
60 The best HTML resource: MDN 02:05
61 How to link a CSS file 04:45
62 Basic CSS selectors: targeting specific elements 08:13
63 How colours work: RGB, Hexadecimal, and HSL 05:54
64 Colours in CSS: text and background 06:40
65 Starting to write our project's CSS file 06:13
66 Inheritance in CSS 05:44
67 What properties can't be inherited? 06:40
68 The CSS Box Model 05:27
69 Overview of CSS units 03:46
70 Working with spacing in our project 04:55
71 Descendent selectors in CSS 07:11
72 What is specificity in CSS? 07:37
73 BEM: a simpler approach to CSS targeting 14:43
74 Overview of this section's project 03:30
75 From our YouTube channel: How to start a new software project 11:56
76 Step 1: becoming a user 05:51
77 Step 2: populating the backlog 05:56
78 Step 3: wireframing or rough design 02:07
79 Step 4: pixel perfect design 18:00
80 Step 5: creating the page structure 05:03
81 Step 6: coding the page structure with HTML 04:44
82 What are SVGs? 03:01
83 How to include images in our HTML site 03:07
84 Finishing the header and navigation 03:42
85 HTML forms: sending data 05:41
86 HTML forms: working with textareas 03:12
87 Creating the footer with multiple columns 03:34
88 How to style the header and menu bar 10:54
89 Setting the font family in our project 00:40
90 How to style HTML forms and inputs 07:55
91 How to style the micro blog entries 03:33
92 How to style the page footer 06:38
93 "Hello, world" with Flask 08:01
94 Using render_template to send longer HTML strings 04:36
95 What is Jinja2? 05:37
96 Jinja2 Expressions 08:21
97 Working with data structures in Jinja2 06:38
98 Conditional statements in Jinja2 05:24
99 Using loops in Jinja2 06:09
100 Setting up our Microblog project with Flask 06:41
101 Receiving form data using Flask 06:27
102 Displaying past entries in the Microblog project 04:36
103 Formatting dates correctly in our entries 03:08
104 Introduction to MongoDB 06:49
105 Accessing MongoDB with Compass and Atlas 09:14
106 Storing Microblog entries in MongoDB 06:35
107 Retrieving the Microblog entries from MongoDB 03:08
108 How to use Flask's app factory pattern 02:49
109 What is the requirements.txt file? 03:52
110 What is Heroku? 09:56
111 The end result of this section: a fully deployed app 01:27
112 Getting our app ready for Heroku 04:59
113 Deploying our app to Heroku 09:37
114 Hiding the MongoDB connection details from our code 09:37
115 Defining Jinja variables using the 'set' keyword 04:13
116 Jinja filters to call inline functions using the pipe operator 02:53
117 Jinja macros to improve reusability and remove duplication 07:32
118 Jinja inheritance using 'extends' and 'block' 07:05
119 How to use CSS style tags with inheritance 05:49
120 Handling CSS in larger apps with inheritance 05:26
121 Jinja tests using the 'is' keyword 06:45
122 The Jinja Environment and Rendering Context 05:52
123 Routing with Jinja using url_for in your templates 07:40
124 Habit tracker project overview 01:53
125 Displaying and saving habits 14:00
126 Styling the habit tracker 11:24
127 Adding date navigation 14:05
128 Styling the date navigation 07:20
129 Completing habits 15:30
130 Adding Flask blueprints 07:25
131 Using MongoDB in the habit tracker 16:19
132 Deploying our app to Heroku 08:07
133 Jinja Includes with the include keyword 13:37
134 Whitespace control in Jinja 04:30
135 Jinja escaping and unescaping 03:00
136 The call block for Jinja macros 05:16
137 Portfolio Project Overview 02:00
138 Making our Flask app for this project 05:14
139 The base template and nav bar 08:01
140 Adding an about page to our Flask app 03:17
141 Adding a contact page to our Flask app 07:19
142 Introduction to CSS Grid 12:44
143 Media queries with CSS for responsive development 04:34
144 Displaying projects in the homepage using CSS Grid 22:10
145 Creating the individual project pages 19:39
146 Error handling with Flask using app.errorhandler 04:14
147 What are cookies? What are sessions? 08:39
148 Registering users in your Flask apps 11:28
149 Logging users in with Flask 07:42
150 Password hashing (or encryption) with passlib 09:18
151 Creating a 'login required' decorator 07:05
152 Project overview and CSS variables 15:18
153 Adding a nav bar 15:22
154 Adding a footer 01:05
155 Putting the page layout together 02:57
156 How to toggle dark mode in a Flask app 09:54
157 Create a form with WTForms 07:04
158 Render a WTForm in our template 18:29
159 Receive and validate data using WTForms 14:00
160 Displaying a table of all movies 11:17
161 Creating the movie details page 10:07
162 Setting movie ratings 12:34
163 Set the last watched date 03:23
164 Create a custom WTForm Widget 07:05
165 Editing movies and pre-populating a form 07:24
166 Add user signups to a Flask app 09:47
167 Add user logins to a Flask app 09:43
168 Personalize pages based on the logged in user 08:12
169 Add user logouts to a Flask app 02:24
170 Deploy our Flask app to Heroku 08:54
171 Concurrency in Heroku with gunicorn 05:31

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