Ultimate PHP, Laravel, CSS & Sass! Learn PHP, Laravel & Sass
Have you have been taking courses that are not up to date or courses that after finishing them you will immediately know that is not what they promised to be in the promo video? Have you joined multiple courses for basically learning the same thing over and over again? Have you been thinking why there is no complete course out there where you can learn how to become master of front and back end development with the latest, greatest, and the most modern programming/designing techniques?
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Great news: Then This Is The Right Course For You!
Welcome to "Ultimate PHP, CSS, and Sass: Enhance Your JavaScript Skills, best course ever". This is the most advanced, the most modern, and the most up to date course ever on this platform. It's everything you need to become master and advance your career as a graduate student, junior developer, or programmer. Look at the end of why I create this course to be for everyone.
There are multiple parts to this course. The first part is the designing process where you will learn how to use HTML, CSS, and Sass. You will be able to design and create modern layouts on your own after finishing this part. You will learn the most complex and advanced responsive design techniques, CSS GRID and Flexbox layouts and yes you will get familiar with Bootstrap as well. You will become a master of Sass, and CSS architecture also you will be able to design 3 very many different landing pages for these projects so you can get experience and practice what we have learned and put that in practice. You will have 2 complete guides for CSS GIRD and Flexbox in this section in order to make your life easy. This course is all about design, and you will be the architect of 3 different and beautifully designed and crafted projects.
1) Create layouts of every kind with the latest cutting-edge layout technologies.
2) You master Flexbox and CSS Grid and Bootstrap;
3) Design carefully for all kind of devices with media queries;
4) Understand the concepts of CSS and how you can make reusable code that is easily maintainable with Sass.
In this course, you will get familiar with background-clip, transform, and perspectives when we are making rotating/flipping cards. You will use clip-path to shape the footer and header. Also, you will be able to create animations using @keyframes, transitions, and animation.
Working on these projects you will be able to use CSS selectors and pseudo-classes, elements that are the foundation of the modern CSS. Dealing with complex scenarios you will learn parent, child inheritance, box types, and positioning elements using abstract and relative positioning. This course will be based on 7-1 rule and we will stick with the BEM methodology so you can create massive code components that will be very easy for maintenance and at the same time expandable and scalable. With Sass, we will use variables where we declare their values and after that, we will use them in our project whenever we need them. You will learn how to use media queries and create ones where our design breaks, meaning that you can adjust your design to fit all kinds of screen sizes by simple and advanced calculation.
Flexbox and CSS grid will give us the opportunity to learn the process of organizing our website into a layout that easily fits different screen widths. I have two crash courses and examples for these two particular layouts. Additionally, we will use font awesome icons but we also will learn how to use the modern SVG icons in our projects so we can understand the difference between them. You will know how to change SVG color and generate SVG sprites with a breeze. On top of this, we will use the NPM so we can compile Sass and every code changes will automatically be reloaded on the browser. You will get familiar with the processes how to concatenate, prefix and compress and compile CSS file;
The second part of this course is PDO PHP and OOP using Classes, methods and etc. We will not use the entire MVC framework but we will get familiar with how to use M from that framework which stands for MODELS. Inside this model folder, we will create our core functions that will interact with the database in a secure manner. Security is the number one feature of PDO so that is why we are going to do our projects with PDO. I have created a crash course on how to use Classes and PDO just for this project so if you are a person with limited PHP understanding you will not have a problem after the crash course to follow this part.
What you will learn in this part:
You will learn that PDO represents PHP data objects and a lean and consistent way to connect to a Database. Also, PDO can work with multiple different databases like MySQL, Firebird, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and lots more. PDO provides secure data access layer no matter what type of system you are using, you can still use the same functions to access this data. You need to use a PHP 5.4 or later version in order to work because PDO will need OOP features. The biggest advantage for which I choose to use PDO is that we can write prepared statements that will prevent SQL attacks and injections that can destroy what we have stored in the database. PDO is very usable and reusable, usable because it has lots of functions out there that we can use like fetch and error handling, and reusable means that it can access multiple databases because of its unified API. We will write so many create, read, update, delete queries that by the end of this course you will become the master of PHP. You will become a master of PHP PDO and get to know the three main Classes like PDO, PDOStatment, and PDOexception. For these reasons, I have also included lectures about OOP (Object Oriented Programming) Classes where I discuss what is Class and how to use them in our project. You will learn how to instantiate objects of that class and how these objects can interact and use the methods/functions of a parent class. In addition, we will discuss Abstract and Extend Classes. In addition, you will learn how to take payments using PHP Stripe API, and PHP SDK for PayPal RESTful APIs.
After that, we can send emails to our users/customers using PHPMailer and we can install it via Composer. In short, you will learn how to use a composer or dependency management tool for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries.
Other smaller things worth mentioning:
1)Password Hashing & Security in PHP
2)Variables, Constants & Super Global
3) Arrays in PHP
4)Loops like While, foreach, for and etc
5)Control Structures
6)Methods or Functions
8)Store and move FILES
10)PHPMailer to send emails and files
11) Take Payments With Stripe and Paypal
Although there will be no separate third part it will be included with the PHP part because we need to do a lot of the things on the website using JavaScript and JQuery. So in this last part, I want to discuss why we are going to use JavaScript and Ajax to finish our project. Although this course is not about learning JavaScript and Ajax you will still learn a lot during this course. So what is AJAX?
AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and it describes a set of development techniques used for building websites and web applications. Ajax's core function is to update web content asynchronously (the "A" of AJAX), meaning you will not need to reload an entire web page when only a small portion of the content on that page is updated. "J" stands for JavaScript and JavaScript will be used to hide and show notification or messages when we are deleting and saving data. Also, we will display alert messages with the help of JavaScript. Login and registration will be done using JavaScript regular expressions so we can validate input form data before storing it in our database. With the help of Ajax, we will create Ajax dependent dropdown select. Because this is a real project that requires a lot of things to be done, we need to use Ajax and JavaScript in order to keep our design feels and look very modern.
Finally, we will use Google Maps JavaScript API and Geocoding to display LAT and LNG, search for live places or particular addresses and finally store them into the database. Geo-coding will be used to convert the address that is in our DB into lat and long to display into the map on other pages. Additionally, we will learn how to place a marker, how to make custom icons for marker such as beach flag because I think that adding google maps into any website will make the website look more professional and clean.
Watch Online Ultimate PHP, Laravel, CSS & Sass! Learn PHP, Laravel & Sass
# | Title | Duration |
1 | 0- How to get maximum from this course | 06:05 |
2 | 1. Javascript Intro | 01:26 |
3 | 2. Javascript Origins | 03:15 |
4 | 3. Javascript Types | 19:16 |
5 | 4. Javascript Comparsion Operators | 11:08 |
6 | 5. Javascript Variables | 16:07 |
7 | 6. Javascript Conditions And Logical Operators | 34:49 |
8 | 7. Javascript Functions | 14:12 |
9 | 8. Javascript Arrays | 19:29 |
10 | 9. Javascript Objects | 20:32 |
11 | 10. Solution For Exercise 7 | 11:58 |
12 | 11. Javascript Terminology | 09:53 |
13 | 12. Javascript Loops, For, Foreach, While, Do While | 16:50 |
14 | 13. Exercise 9 Solutions | 15:23 |
15 | 14. Javascript Scope | 09:26 |
16 | 1. Dom & Javascript Engine | 11:19 |
17 | 2. Dom Selectors | 33:01 |
18 | 3. Dom - Selectors 2 | 20:12 |
19 | 4. Dom - Creating New Html Element | 09:09 |
20 | 5. Dom - Events | 14:52 |
21 | 6. Dom - Events 2 | 27:22 |
22 | 7. Dom - Mouse Events | 09:11 |
23 | 8. Dom- Keyboard Events | 11:08 |
24 | 9. Event Bubbling And Delegation | 14:46 |
25 | 1. Introduction | 05:18 |
26 | 2. Advanced Es6 Features Let & Const, Destructoring, Template Literals, Arrow Fn | 38:22 |
27 | 3. Lexical Environment, Closures, Compose Fn, Currying | 20:05 |
28 | 4. Advanced Array Methods | 23:33 |
29 | 5. Obejcts Reference Type, Context, This Keyword, Classes, Inheritance, Const | 27:26 |
30 | 6.Pass By Value And Pass By Refrence, Promitive & Non-Primitive, Spread Operator | 36:10 |
31 | 7. Type Coercion | 16:33 |
32 | 1. Json | 12:48 |
33 | 2. Ajax- Without Page Refresh Using Fetch | 15:30 |
34 | 3. Callback, Anonymous Fn, Callback Hell, Asynchronous Fn | 24:37 |
35 | 4. Promises | 33:24 |
36 | 5. Es7 Features | 10:20 |
37 | 7. Es8 Features Like Padstart, Padend, Object Values And Object Entries | 16:58 |
38 | 8.Async Await | 28:21 |
39 | 9. Es9 - Spread Operator | 05:46 |
40 | 10. Es9 Finally, For Await Of | 23:36 |
41 | 11. Es10 Features Including Trimstart && Trimend | 14:37 |
42 | 12. Modules, Export And Import | 26:32 |
43 | 13.Es11 - 2020 Javascript Features | 33:30 |
44 | 14. Es11 Features 2 | 08:46 |
45 | Project Tour 1 | 12:45 |
46 | Project Tour 2 | 12:51 |
47 | Project Tour 3 | 15:05 |
48 | Project Tour 4 | 05:23 |
49 | Laravel Project Tour | 07:31 |
50 | Important Lecture For All Taking This Course | 06:30 |
51 | Project Tools 1 | 11:13 |
52 | Project Tools 2 Installation of XAMPP | 07:10 |
53 | Finally, starting to our project and first steps! | 08:29 |
54 | 4 Pillars of lean Design | 06:50 |
55 | Css Rule and BEM Notation | 12:14 |
56 | Learning how to use CMD or the command-line interpreter | 07:57 |
57 | What is Sass? | 03:52 |
58 | Important, Follow the new lectures for Node.js Sass and NPM. | 02:08 |
59 | Important Watch this video if you can't compile sass with lecture 13,14,15. | 08:33 |
60 | 1. NEW - Nodejs, Npm And Writing Our Scripts For Compiling Sass Locally | 20:38 |
61 | 2. NEW- Adding All Script Or Task For Creating Fast Build Process | 09:53 |
62 | 3. NEW-Finished, Final Build Process Is Working And Live Browers Is Refreshing | 09:36 |
63 | OLD- Node.js, Sass, Live Server and NPM, Create New Scripts in package json file | 12:02 |
64 | OLD- Writing More Scripts in Json file | 17:24 |
65 | OLD-Fixing problems and Testing the usability of our scripts | 05:32 |
66 | What are Sass Variables, how to decrale and use them. Nesting, Mixings and... | 16:34 |
67 | 7-1 Architecture and creating folders and files | 13:14 |
68 | Learning about Typhography,Units,Rem,Em and pixel | 08:45 |
69 | Basic Html Reset and declaring our project variables and colors | 15:27 |
70 | Start the Header using html and css. Write first html block of code using BEM | 13:32 |
71 | Use clip-path to style the header and create the header title | 14:22 |
72 | Create first animation @keyframes for the title in this header | 14:59 |
73 | Creating Our Horizontal menu | 15:30 |
74 | More Menu Css styles | 16:15 |
75 | Creating the a hover effect and include font awesome icon | 15:02 |
76 | Learn and Create Media Queries | 13:59 |
77 | Use Media Query to make our menu responsive | 16:21 |
78 | Using checkbox hack for the menu and download jquery | 14:17 |
79 | Finish the Menu with adding javascript function | 05:54 |
80 | Making Logo Box or title to be seen on mobiles | 09:52 |
81 | Creating Search Bar in Index File | 13:27 |
82 | Style Inputs and Finish the Search bar and optimise it for Mobile Viewing | 16:57 |
83 | Learn and Practice Css Transform Porperty | 16:43 |
84 | Learn and Practice Css Transition | 11:04 |
85 | 1.Learn About Bootstrap Framework and how it works | 14:27 |
86 | 2. Creating the first Card for advertising, card to selling properties | 13:56 |
87 | 3.Html code for the front side of the Advertismenet | 10:43 |
88 | 4.Styling The Advertisement Front Side Plus Position Img And Heading | 11:00 |
89 | 5.Continue Styling Svg And Heading Using The Modifier | 11:57 |
90 | 6.Styling more elements from the front card | 09:30 |
91 | 7.Starting the Back Side, Perspective, Transform and Transition | 10:34 |
92 | 8. Continue to style the Back Side, add more html code | 11:26 |
93 | 9 . Style the company details and create the circle logo | 09:51 |
94 | 10. Fix Details and use unordered List, Price And Link | 11:22 |
95 | 11.Final Improvements. Card Finished | 13:20 |
96 | 12.Create Another awesome Card, for Car Advertisement | 12:50 |
97 | Fix the Car Card-Missing lecture between 12-13 | 08:19 |
98 | 13. Fixing Car Card And Making Jobs Card | 11:32 |
99 | 14.Styling Job Header and add new html | 11:25 |
100 | 15.More of Job Card styling | 11:45 |
101 | 16.Finished the job card | 12:34 |
102 | 17.Starting and Finish the 4th template for the ad | 11:27 |
103 | 18. Fixing Layout To fit 4 Cards at once | 08:56 |
104 | 19.Create Featured Listings Heading with Background Clip Css | 06:02 |
105 | 1. Create our Registration Form plus registration page | 13:59 |
106 | 2. Registration Form before and after pseudo elements | 10:46 |
107 | 3. Create Very nice Input Styles, Focus and Placeholder Trick | 14:18 |
108 | 4 Adjeson Siblings and Placeholder-show Css tricks | 14:57 |
109 | 5.Time To create the login page | 12:11 |
110 | 1. Create Footer Section and add social media icons | 11:17 |
111 | 2 Footer Sass styles applied to look more inline with the header, clip path agai | 11:16 |
112 | 3. Footer new Mixin and fancy linear gradient | 10:50 |
113 | 4. Webkit Mask Shine | 10:46 |
114 | 5.Footer Finished with media icons on right styled | 10:08 |
115 | 6.Fixing Footer with media queries and add Z-indexes | 14:11 |
116 | 1 Create Scroll Btn, Html, Styles And Js File | 13:18 |
117 | 2. Scroll And Header Styled To Work On Small Screen, Clip-Path Removed | 04:53 |
118 | 0. Work on Code Pen or Create your own Project, Css Grid Intro | 02:37 |
119 | 1. Write Html And Try Our First Css Grid | 12:21 |
120 | 2. Creating The Layouts | 12:10 |
121 | 3. Learning About Grid-Row, Auto, What Is 1Fr And Much More | 10:05 |
122 | 4.Grid-Template-Areas | 06:45 |
123 | 5.Using Named Lines [Content-Start] | 10:00 |
124 | 7 Advanced Css-Grid part 1 | 10:10 |
125 | 7 Advanced Css-Grid part 2 | 10:42 |
126 | 8. Exercise Create This Layout Grid. | 12:56 |
127 | 9. Finish The Example In And Use Named Lines In Practice | 12:02 |
128 | 10. Learn About Justify Content, Align Content, Justify Items, Align Items/self | 14:22 |
129 | 1.Starting our Post app project, create the html structure | 11:21 |
130 | 2 Css Grid Layout, Create the layout for our project | 11:54 |
131 | 3. Style Profile Gallery section, Use slider | 11:17 |
132 | 4 Gallery Description Third Nested Grid! | 12:36 |
133 | 5. Post Gallery Completed | 12:01 |
134 | 6.Post Author HTML and Styling it little | 11:54 |
135 | 7. Finishing the Post Author Section Styling | 11:43 |
136 | 8.Staring our Logo and Edit section | 06:51 |
137 | 9.Starting our post content section | 13:14 |
138 | 10.Turning our content into awesome grid | 13:38 |
139 | 11 Positioning CSS grid cells like pro and making them responsive | 11:44 |
140 | 12. Post Content Grid Finished and css styling to the elements | 11:37 |
141 | 13 Startung Additional Content Info section, HTML | 10:45 |
142 | 14 Additional Info Grid positioning | 09:21 |
143 | 15 Finished Additional Info Section | 09:45 |
144 | 16 Contact Agent HTML part | 14:10 |
145 | Missing HTML Code from the Form | 02:00 |
146 | 17 Contact Form CSS Grid and positioning | 12:26 |
147 | 18 Making Form Responsive and Nice | 12:48 |
148 | 19 Styling the inputs | 08:54 |
149 | 20 Contact Form Finished | 13:19 |
150 | 21 Post Comment HTML | 13:21 |
151 | 22 Comment Form Finished + Footer and Scroll Element | 13:57 |
152 | 23 Finishing up the footer and this Project is Done! Congratulations | 07:35 |
153 | 1. Lets start with Flexbox, What is Flexbox? | 11:49 |
154 | 2. Learn about Justify and Align | 14:01 |
155 | 3. Align self, order,flex grow, shrink and much more! | 12:11 |
156 | How Bootstrap is Using Flexbox | 12:41 |
157 | Bootstrap and Flexbox finished | 09:13 |
158 | 1. Welcome, Starting our new project called Profile app. Create the layout | 13:25 |
159 | 2.Create header and place nav Icons together with dropdown menu | 12:57 |
160 | 3. Create Header to be and use display flex | 11:15 |
161 | 4. Header styling and include dropdown | 12:01 |
162 | 5 Create User-online pulse anumation and style dropdown menu | 11:32 |
163 | 6.Finishing up Online Green Pulsating circle and Fix for the dropdown | 07:54 |
164 | 7. Use Media Queries and flex-wrap | 04:18 |
165 | 8. Create the rest of the Layout Fast with flexbox | 12:37 |
166 | 9. Creating Left Sidebar links and icons | 12:18 |
167 | 10. Styling up the Sidebar so on hover will show the submenu | 11:22 |
168 | 11. Making Cool Animation on sidebar menu on hover | 10:50 |
169 | 12. Amazin Sidebar links hover effect finally finished | 11:38 |
170 | 13. Media Query sidebar hide, and create new awesome Menu from scratch | 10:50 |
171 | 14.Checkbox hack and background color | 10:45 |
172 | 15. Make menu visible | 11:11 |
173 | 16.Before and After pseudo class to create menu | 10:50 |
174 | 17. Sidebar Green Menu Finished | 09:37 |
175 | 18.Profile Search html and another component added | 10:30 |
176 | 19.Styling up the two search input and its icons | 11:01 |
177 | 20.Media Query and change the flex direction to column | 10:46 |
178 | 21.Create search that looks amazing | 11:08 |
179 | 22. On hover transform the button for the searching | 09:17 |
180 | 23.Button styling finally completed! | 05:01 |
181 | 24. Creating Free, Standard and Premium Ads cards | 12:11 |
182 | 25. Flex and sass styling of the price card | 11:14 |
183 | 26.Price, Heading and Option styling | 12:01 |
184 | 27.Finished Price Guide Cards, Crazy Icon clip text and coloring | 10:07 |
185 | 28. My Posts Preview | 02:25 |
186 | 29.Section User Posts HTML and Carosel coding | 11:46 |
187 | 30.Post Icons and Setting up the Second Post | 11:52 |
188 | 31. Html code finished, and new component part added to style these user posts | 10:58 |
189 | 32.Carousel and Img styles in css | 10:20 |
190 | 33. Description, price and title positioning | 12:19 |
191 | 34 Del and Edit link, and more positioning | 11:07 |
192 | 35.Location, Date and Map icons postioned and another before pseudo trick used | 13:56 |
193 | 36.Fixing Post Issues and Create Our First Popup Modal | 11:24 |
194 | 37. Using target pseudo selector and styling our modal | 10:12 |
195 | 38. Modal body and header styling | 11:30 |
196 | 39.Modal Finished and responsive media query added | 10:54 |
197 | 40. Create Custom Submition Ad Form that will include different elements | 10:23 |
198 | 41.input style, label style and input focus | 10:34 |
199 | 42.Date input and More styling | 12:20 |
200 | 43. Radio Buttons and File input | 11:25 |
201 | 44.Learn how to style Radio Group | 11:56 |
202 | 45.Radio group hack fixed | 11:17 |
203 | 46.Three Input fields in one row use magic positioning flex in one line | 10:04 |
204 | 46.Submit Button and new and used condition added in the form | 11:12 |
205 | 47.WYSIWYG text editor Summenote Editor and Button styles added | 11:00 |
206 | 48.Shopping Cart Html Structure | 10:54 |
207 | 49.Checkout Box html coding done, lest use flexbox and css | 10:59 |
208 | Display Flex to Style The shopping Cart | 10:56 |
209 | 50. Item styled using super fast flex utility classes | 10:20 |
210 | 51. Checkout styling | 10:59 |
211 | 52.First part of cart is finished with flexbox and scss styles | 11:29 |
212 | 53.Bootstrap Payment Section HTML coding done very fast | 11:14 |
213 | 54.Payment Form 2 | 10:51 |
214 | 55.Cart Section Finally Finished, Bootstrap Utility classes used | 11:47 |
215 | 56.Creating Live Search Section | 10:39 |
216 | 57. D-flex and align items for the search box | 10:44 |
217 | 58.Position Absolute the img and d-flex the profile section | 11:01 |
218 | 59.Styling icons and text to be shown one under other with d-flex | 11:04 |
219 | 60.Media Queries for Finishing the live search part | 08:44 |
220 | 61. Create Utility Class and Message Section Created | 11:46 |
221 | 62.Success Payment Page Code it Fast | 12:56 |
222 | 63.Payment Success Page Finished | 09:24 |
223 | 64.Finished Add To Cart and Checkout Link | 09:40 |
224 | 65.Finally Footer | 02:30 |
225 | 1.Introductionto PHP PDO Data Object | 10:37 |
226 | 2. Our Create database abd establish PDO Connection To The Db | 11:53 |
227 | 3. PDO Query And Prepared Statements | 11:32 |
228 | 4. PDO Named Params,Insert, Single And Fetch All Records from db | 11:23 |
229 | 5.PDO Update Delete And Search | 12:15 |
230 | 6.PHP Oop, Class, Property And Methods | 11:33 |
231 | 7. Extends And Abstract Class | 12:01 |
232 | 1.Config and Database Class | 10:45 |
233 | 2.Database Class and Models | 10:54 |
234 | 3.Create our first Our First Query from our Models | 11:26 |
235 | 4.Convert our Index html files into php files | 11:16 |
236 | 5.Create Database and users table | 12:10 |
237 | 6.Create BASE URL and Root Path so we can start linking the files | 11:16 |
238 | 7. Use $_POST to get the data from the register form and display so we can creat | 11:38 |
239 | 1.Secure Password using Password hash function and Create User Class in Model fo | 12:20 |
240 | 2.Create Redirect Helper and Success Message | 11:28 |
241 | 3.Finishing the Session Helper Msg and Applying the message to login and registr | 12:59 |
242 | 4.Creating Subcriber and use Javascript Regular Exp to validate the password be | 11:45 |
243 | 5.Checking Password and loading error msg live with reg expressions | 12:28 |
244 | 6.Getting Password to Match and notify users what they are doing | 12:13 |
245 | 7.AJAX call and passing email to php files to check if email exists so the user | 11:54 |
246 | 8.Json encode and User function for checking email in db | 12:00 |
247 | 9.Ajax Json datatype and awesome spinning function | 14:08 |
248 | 1.Login Setting Up form and Javascript for getting the values for ajax | 11:55 |
249 | 2.Create Find User function in User model to see if we have the user in the db | 13:38 |
250 | 3.Password Verify function and Checking if password or email are in db | 12:29 |
251 | 4.Getting the output from login php and create a session for logged in users | 13:53 |
252 | 5.Login, Session and Progress Bar all done | 13:38 |
253 | 1.Cleaning up the profile index and making it to php.Use the Root path to link f | 11:50 |
254 | 2.Finished. The profile index file is now fully cleaned and separated in folders | 12:29 |
255 | 3.Logout redirect with base url fixed and Login Form fixed to Notify the user | 12:05 |
256 | 4.Security Access and redirect users when trying to access wrong page | 12:19 |
257 | 1.Get User Details from User model and print out its name | 12:47 |
258 | 2.Updating User Img function in php | 13:43 |
259 | 3.Saving the Image in DB and get notification | 13:17 |
260 | 4.User Image Uploaded and Loaded in Profile index page. The Display Message head | 14:08 |
261 | 5.Making pretty url with mod rewrite and eliminating php extension | 11:28 |
262 | 6.How to load Dynamically content based on url get condition | 14:00 |
263 | 1.Creating first post from profile admin site. Creating Post table and Form | 14:21 |
264 | 2.Storing our first post in database with Realestate Model functions | 12:16 |
265 | 1.Creating Categories Table and putting its content in select option value. | 13:20 |
266 | 1.Upload Multiple Files, Images and and saved them into DB in readable format | 14:32 |
267 | Files Uploaded and linked stored in database. Separate file function in Models | 12:39 |
268 | 1.Get the First Post From Db to application | 10:48 |
269 | 2.Getting all posts and featured images numb | 14:26 |
270 | 3.Getting all posts and its data from database | 13:30 |
271 | 4.Listing All of the Images from DB to post carousel | 13:02 |
272 | 5. Active Posts finished, all images listed, new format date function and much m | 10:57 |
273 | 6.Unpaid Posts, Listing them and explain the logic | 14:14 |
274 | 1.Google Maps API key | 13:06 |
275 | 2. Google Maps Javascript API and saving to DB | 13:04 |
276 | 3.Getting Address to be visible in Pay Posts and My posts | 16:01 |
277 | 1.Installing Bootstrap Token-field | 12:21 |
278 | 2. Get input tokenfield showing tags and import Suburbs and Cities db | 13:38 |
279 | 3.Now create php file that will fetch the result using LIKE operator and JSON ob | 13:09 |
280 | 4.Listing all of the suburbs based on key up and change style | 14:13 |
281 | 5.Working on suburbs and postcode using explode function | 12:37 |
282 | 6. Finally,Save postcode and suburb in database | 10:19 |
283 | 1. Add post margin using SASS and Change Cart from links to input | 14:01 |
284 | 2. Cart input fixed and profile css file is Transferred from redapp to theredapp | 11:37 |
285 | 3.Create pay post form and use separate file for paying unpaid post | 12:32 |
286 | 4. Input d-block used for hiding some information when Submitting to cart | 11:25 |
287 | 5.Finally getting values from post_payment_records and start our cart | 13:48 |
288 | 6.Creating our Shopping Cart with Session | 09:52 |
289 | 7.Adding Post Items in shopping cart and update the Quantity,avoiding duplicates | 12:33 |
290 | 8. Adding Items and displaying the number of items done!. | 11:30 |
291 | 9.List All of the shopping cart Items and Use Model Functions to get them indivu | 12:32 |
292 | 10.Print all of post information and price into the payment section of the cart | 13:13 |
293 | 11.Finishing all of the cart items and plus delete item functionality added | 17:46 |
294 | 12.Shopping cart finished and turn long url into pretty url | 08:31 |
295 | 1.Stripe Introduction and all important files | 11:37 |
296 | 2.Create The stripe Form with more input fields and submit it to separate charge | 11:38 |
297 | 3. Install Composer and use The Stripe PHP library | 13:16 |
298 | 4. Recap and trying to store our data in Customer array and create new Models | 13:20 |
299 | 5. Create stripe customer table to keep the customers that successfully paid | 17:22 |
300 | 6. Save customer data to customer database and redirect customer to success page | 12:36 |
301 | 7. Stripe transaction saved in DB, new Model created in Models folder | 13:45 |
302 | 8. Working on our Success.php page to display and unset the shopping cart | 13:09 |
303 | 9.Update posts and loop through shopping cart to get the values | 13:22 |
304 | 10.Success page finished, shopping cart empty and posts table updated | 10:55 |
305 | 11.Paypal REST API, files and composer installation | 12:57 |
306 | 12. Creating the paypal files, set our credentials and cancel and response links | 15:31 |
307 | 13. Creating the Request file and also setting the paypal items from shopping ca | 15:55 |
308 | 14.Create payer, transaction and redirect url and finally build the payment | 15:29 |
309 | 15.Response and complete transactions and finally execute the payment | 16:03 |
310 | 16.Paypal payment done, success page linked | 13:55 |
311 | 17.Creating new table for PayPal and store the values inside using transaction | 15:41 |
312 | 1. Starting to shape the front index page, and load the posts | 10:35 |
313 | 2. Creating function in models for listing free and paid posts | 11:13 |
314 | 3. Getting the posts based on switch condition | 13:25 |
315 | 4.Switch case logic for showing the posts finished, now lets loop through posts | 12:36 |
316 | 5.Displaying the images for the each posts based on the numb of images in the db | 14:16 |
317 | 6.Linking our posts to categories now, from the categories folder | 15:13 |
318 | 1.Now it's time to use INNER JOIN to get information from users and their post | 12:16 |
319 | 2. Getting the images, count them and put them in carousel | 12:39 |
320 | 3.Gallery Done plus extract more data from db and put inside the relevant places | 12:15 |
321 | 1. Maps JavaScript Api | 11:44 |
322 | 2.Google Maps, Adding Marking, Info Windows And Flag Icons | 11:26 |
323 | 3. Geocoding And Getting From Address To Lat And Lng So Our Map Will Be Visible | 12:18 |
324 | 1. Creating Sass Component And Starting New Section For Comments ,HTML structure | 14:12 |
325 | 2. Using Some Stiles To Create The Waterfall Comment System | 14:32 |
326 | 3.Comments Finished And Loaded The Css And Html Code Into Theredapp Categories | 10:55 |
327 | 4. Save Comments With Ajax Function | 11:51 |
328 | 5. Getting The Data Ready For Inserting Into Database | 13:26 |
329 | 6. Json Encode Issue Solved And Created New Comments Table And Function | 15:19 |
330 | 7.Saving Comments In Db And Now Preparing To Load Them Without Page Refresh | 12:20 |
331 | 8. Trying To Load Our Comments In Categories | 13:40 |
332 | 9. Loading The Comments From Database Using Ajax Without Page Refresh | 15:04 |
333 | 10.Creating Reply Section And Loading All Comments From The Parent | 15:25 |
334 | 11. Finally Comments Are Done,And Names Added To The People We Are Replying To | 13:00 |
335 | 12. Preparing Ajax Live Load Comments In Profile Header Section | 15:40 |
336 | 13. Loading The Messages And Fixing Some Of The Issues. Long Video :( | 16:09 |
337 | 14.Comments Updated And Removed From The Header, Nice Feature | 07:00 |
338 | 15. Fixing Issues Related With Comments And Other Things | 14:00 |
339 | 16. Changing The The Form For Adding The Posts To Include Start And End Date | 11:02 |
340 | 17. Creating Javascript Function For Calculating The Price For Advertising Based | 15:11 |
341 | 18.Saving Now Into Two Tables, Posts And Post Payment Records. Long Video Again | 19:02 |
342 | 19. Changing Structure Of Post Payment Records Table To Support Storing Transact | 14:26 |
343 | 20. Finally Adding New Comments, And Chnage The Table Comments To Support User | 11:20 |
344 | 21. Connecting The Comments To User, Change The Js File And Get Comments File | 15:02 |
345 | 22. Printing All Comments In Profile With Nice Table | 13:10 |
346 | 23. Unapproved And Delete Comments Functionality | 13:25 |
347 | 23.Deleting Comments Done And Fixing Some General Bugs | 11:32 |
348 | 1. Adding payment transaction table | 17:21 |
349 | 1. Create the update user form and get the values from the form with $_POST | 13:15 |
350 | 2.Using array push and array unset for the first time to built sql query syntax | 14:56 |
351 | 3. Saving to database after creating syntax qyery | 16:31 |
352 | 4.Finally doing an edit option for users in our system | 13:09 |
353 | 1.Create the update form and introduction of php_self super global | 14:33 |
354 | 2.Checking for errors and display them on the form and use pattern for preg_mact | 16:06 |
355 | 3. Creating new hashed password and check current with new password | 15:40 |
356 | 4.Saving the password in the db and displaying the message | 16:35 |
357 | 5.Demonstration of the new User password update system | 08:37 |
358 | 1.Updating Our form and loading different ad forms based on setAttribute | 13:53 |
359 | 2.Creating new database estate and add more inputs in realestate form | 17:04 |
360 | 3.Insert into estate,posts,post_payment records in one transaction using same id | 13:34 |
361 | 4. Cleaning the code creating data array to store all of our post variables | 12:36 |
362 | 5.Displaying all information from properties into front flipping cards | 13:57 |
363 | 6.Estate ads finally, completed, now categories are displaying all | 13:12 |
364 | 1. Creating The Job Form Ad | 17:05 |
365 | 2. Getting All Job Titles From Subcategory Class And Show Them As Select Option | 16:40 |
366 | 3. Child Depended Select Drop down Options Done For Jobs Done With Ajax | 15:15 |
367 | 4. Getting All Values From Form To Safe Them In Db | 15:31 |
368 | 5. Adding Jobs To Posts,Jobs Table After Creating Multiple Function In Models | 16:01 |
369 | 6.Getting The Advertisement Rotating Cart In Main Index Php With Switch | 15:16 |
370 | 7.Finished Displaying Everything That Is Related On Job Card | 15:06 |
371 | 8.Cleaning The Realesatete Parts Of The Categories Based On Condition | 13:54 |
372 | 9.Showing Edit Icon If The User Is The Owner Of The Post | 16:01 |
373 | 1.Creating New Ad. The Template Form Given For The Students | 14:10 |
374 | 2. Getting The Value Of Radio Buttons In Js And Remove Or Add Readonly From Java | 15:07 |
375 | 3.Creating Ads Table And Trying To Save The From Values There. Small Problem Fix | 12:42 |
376 | 4. Php Switch Again To Display The Normal Post In The Index Flipping Cart Sectio | 15:27 |
377 | 5.Categories Changed According To The Latest Ad Changes-5 | 13:36 |
378 | 1. Adding input files in contact form to attach resume and cover letter. | 15:47 |
379 | 2. Redapp image changed, added last seen and date divs, alert message box finish | 16:56 |
380 | 1.Install PHPMailer through composer in store it vendor folder | 12:27 |
381 | 2. Setting our Fake SMTP, load PHPMailer autoload and send email!! | 16:48 |
382 | 3. Creating Config class to define php constants so we can hide SMTP credentials | 13:58 |
383 | 4.Based on category now we modify and display the contact agent form | 16:42 |
384 | 5. Creating Js ajax call to grab the files from the form and submit it | 14:03 |
385 | 6.Validating and Sanitizing our form fields before sending emails | 16:20 |
386 | 7. Creating file upload function to move attached files | 16:27 |
387 | 8.Using json_encode to print the message in ajax and remove and add classes to m | 15:02 |
388 | 9. Getting all errors working and validating before submitting the email | 18:16 |
389 | 11.Email sent, message timeout section created | 18:31 |
390 | 12. Email Finished, you can send for other categories now | 14:04 |
391 | 1.Creating forgot password html form and reset request php file | 14:27 |
392 | 2.Using bin2hex and random_bytes to create secure tokens, password_hash function | 15:45 |
393 | 3. Create url link with tokens, save them in db, and send an email with reset pa | 16:44 |
394 | 4.Creating Alert messages for reset password file | 12:33 |
395 | 5.Create new form for the new input password and confirm password fields | 16:25 |
396 | 6.Creating last reset password file and its logic, making sure that we update | 14:43 |
397 | 7.Finally password update finished with, email, token and password hash | 18:37 |
398 | 1. Create Time Ago Function To Display When User Post The Ad | 18:37 |
399 | 2Change Php Ini From Xamp Server To Reflect Your Time Zone, For Last Seen | 16:22 |
400 | 3.Showing When Owner Of The Post Is Last Seen when logged in Function And Date | 07:57 |
401 | 4.Creating Page Views, Insert Into Database User Ip, Page Number And Views | 19:55 |
402 | 5.Page Views Finally Working | 12:16 |
403 | 1.Creating The Logic For Edit, And Form For Editing The Estate Posts | 15:39 |
404 | 2. Edit Post With All New Information From The Form | 18:50 |
405 | 3.Fixing The Issue For Editing The Post And Create Delete Post With Alert Box | 14:41 |
406 | 4.Finally We Can Delete, Edit And Access Our Edit Files When Logged In Categorie | 16:07 |
407 | Admin download theme and convert index to php files | 19:05 |
408 | Adding bootstrap file in the header, create admin account and secure the admin | 17:25 |
409 | Profile and Admin secure page access, plus writing our first admin function! | 11:55 |
410 | Creating new functions for users, payments, ads, comments count | 15:52 |
411 | Listing all of our posts or ads in table format | 14:57 |
412 | Deleting ads with notification before delete action | 14:33 |
413 | Creating modal so we can update admin photo | 14:49 |
414 | Upload Image new function in php folder and fix the error uploading | 14:07 |
415 | Update image done, link the avatar image in the header and project manager ph | 10:07 |
416 | Fill the values of the right widget and create form to show and add categoire | 14:53 |
417 | Uploading new Category and creating arrays and labels for the app chart | 11:49 |
418 | Create new bar chart fro our application and use the data arrays from php in | 07:46 |
419 | Creating users registered table with block and delete user | 15:27 |
420 | Fixing the issue with redirect and create unblock and block functionality | 12:57 |
421 | Comments table, Unapproved and delete comments, plus adding and testing profi | 14:30 |
422 | Security!!!Action php, needs to be changed because is not secure | 12:41 |
423 | Refactoring action php and making admin site very secure. | 16:25 |
424 | Pagination, Sorting, Searching Crazy in one lecture | 14:31 |
425 | Update Admin details and plus change log in system to not allow blocked users | 14:52 |
426 | Congratulations! . Thank You ALL! | 20:42 |
427 | 1.Changes to Main Css, add overflow hidden | 15:06 |
428 | 2. Fix Security Issues From Profile When Deleting And Blocking Comments | 08:17 |
429 | 3.Making Changes To Edit Post And Delete Post In Profile Section | 08:32 |
430 | The Most Important Lecture, Files, Resources, Rest Of the Lectures! | 04:21 |
431 | 1-Laravel Introduction And Advantages Of Using It To Build Applications | 11:30 |
432 | 2. Tools Neded | 06:16 |
433 | 3. Create Our Project And How To Use Different Versions | 09:50 |
434 | 4. Ways We Can View Our Project | 11:17 |
435 | 5.Laravel Folder Structure Introduction | 15:07 |
436 | 6.Views And Routes | 13:18 |
437 | 7.Controllers And Methods | 15:43 |
438 | 8.Passing Parameters Into Views Using Compact And With | 14:13 |
439 | 9.Css And Javascript Scaffolding | 07:11 |
440 | 10.Blade Templating And Passing Parameters Into The View | 15:18 |
441 | 11.Migrations And Databases | 13:53 |
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