React Js A-Z With Laravel - For Beginner to Advanced Level

68h 1m 33s
July 24, 2024

This React Js A-Z With Laravel Course will help you to become a Full Stack Web Developer. React has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools for building Web Applications. Top sites using React include Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, Airbnb, and more! This course is perfect for all who wants to start their career as a Full Stack Web Developer. This course will help you to build a strong foundation of Frontend by React Js and Backend by Laravel.


If you complete totally course perfectly you will be able to build any dynamic website with react and laravel. In this course i will create multiple complete real life project from scratch. I have design this course like that way first you will learn react Basic Fundamentals then you will Learn Laravel Basic fundamentals by complete one project. Then together React Js and Laravel how to create one custom authentication project i will show this with live example.

Also you will be able to understand how to create Rest API and also how to use this API everything i will show you with live example. So you will be not just learn from this course you will doing it.

What is the Best Part of this Course?

  • You will learn React Js Basic Fundamentals

  • You will learn Laravel Basic Fundamentals

  • How to Create API

  • Some Essential JavaScript.

  • Convert Html to React Js.

  • Create Custom Authentication  with React Js and Laravel

  • Build One Complete Real Life Dynamic Project.

  • And More..

Watch Online React Js A-Z With Laravel - For Beginner to Advanced Level

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 10:24
2 Need Your Help 01:21
3 My Mission For You 01:24
4 Stay In Touch 01:49
5 Development Environment Setup 06:35
6 Uses of Console and Comments in JavaScript 06:01
7 What is ES6 01:55
8 Declare a Variable 05:26
9 Uses of Let and Const 03:35
10 Primitive Data types 07:48
11 Reference types: Object (Basics) 06:59
12 Reference types: Array (Basics) 06:09
13 Reference types: Function (Basics) 09:50
14 Template Literals 06:07
15 Exercise - Person Object 06:22
16 Arithmetic Operators 04:52
17 Assignment Operators 07:29
18 Comparison Operators 05:04
19 Logical Operators 07:12
20 Equality Operators 04:13
21 Exercise Swap two numbers 04:36
22 If else 06:59
23 Switch case 04:32
24 Ternary Operators 05:08
25 Exercise Fizz Buzz 07:16
26 Exercise Fizz Buzz (With Ternary Operators 05:25
27 Exercise Our Grading System 07:28
28 Switch case with multiple logical operators 04:45
29 For loop 05:28
30 While loop 03:05
31 Do while loop 04:45
32 For in loop 06:45
33 For of loop 03:14
34 Break and continue 04:46
35 Infinite loops 03:11
36 Nested Loops 04:52
37 String Basics 06:18
38 String Methods: charAt, toUpperCase, toLowerCase, includes, startsWith, endsWith 06:39
39 String Methods: Search, IndexOf, lastIndexOf 04:43
40 String Methods: toString, Concat, split 08:15
41 String Methods: slice, subStr, subString 06:24
42 Escape Sequences 04:51
43 String Immutability 03:12
44 Object Basics with Dot Bracket Notation 05:46
45 Adding, Modifying Deleting Properties 07:45
46 Object Methods This Keyword 06:14
47 Traversing Object Entries 06:49
48 Exercise Total Salary 07:20
49 Object Destructuring 06:34
50 Cloning an object 05:50
51 Math Object 04:03
52 JSON Data Format 06:10
53 Function Basics 08:50
54 Default Parameters 03:50
55 Function as an Expression 04:27
56 Arrow Functions 05:51
57 Rest Parameter 07:16
58 Array Basics 04:48
59 Adding Elements 05:48
60 Removing Elements 04:23
61 Finding Elements (Primitive Type) 05:07
62 Finding Elements (Reference Type) 05:08
63 Iterating an array 05:58
64 Sorting and Reversing an array 08:06
65 Testing the elements of the array 03:48
66 Combining and Slicing the array 05:22
67 Spread Operator 05:49
68 Joining Array 04:59
69 Mapping an array 08:01
70 Filtering an array 05:47
71 Reducing an array 03:57
72 Array Object Destructuring 08:17
73 Data Structure: Set 06:15
74 Data Structure: Map 07:50
75 Weak Set + Weak Map 07:45
76 Module (Import Export) 04:32
77 padStart, padEnd TrimStart, TrimEnd 07:33
78 Different types of errors in JavaScript 07:28
79 Exercise Throw Custom Error Object 03:45
80 Handle Errors with try, catch, and finally block 06:20
81 React JS Fundamental Introduction 02:12
82 What You Should Know 01:02
83 Let, Const Var in Javascript 12:41
84 Arrow Function of JS 12:51
85 This Keyword of Javascript 08:25
86 Classes, Object in JS 09:13
87 Project Setup 07:17
88 Project Structure and First Code 07:15
89 Babel ,Webpack 05:48
90 Components 02:17
91 Functional Components 07:13
92 Class Components 04:45
93 JSX 05:47
94 Props 05:31
95 State 09:14
96 Event Handler with Methods 08:00
97 State Manipulating 05:37
98 React DOM 03:23
99 UseState Hook 11:24
100 Two Way Data Binding, on Change 11:26
101 Stylesheet & Inline Style in Component 08:28
102 Single Input 05:27
103 OnChange 07:51
104 Another Way Onchange 05:20
105 OnSubmit 06:08
106 Multiple Input 06:38
107 Set Data to State in One Line 11:59
108 Form Validation 07:25
109 Error Showing 10:37
110 Textarea 06:55
111 Select Option 07:47
112 Lists 07:24
113 JSON Array List 07:18
114 Use Bootstrap 07:12
115 React Bootstrap 09:53
116 Routing 05:44
117 React Router DOM 06:01
118 Router Link Load Component 22:32
119 HTTP Request 06:39
120 Axios,Lifecycle Methods 03:28
121 Fetch Data From API 20:09
122 Link Load Component 08:46
123 Form Component 07:41
124 Http Post Data 13:15
125 ActiveLink 05:16
126 React Hooks 02:55
127 UseState , Class Component to Functional Component 10:37
128 Functional Component to Class Component 08:01
129 Template Project Setup 10:14
130 React Router 25:49
131 Home Component 16:20
132 About Component 14:08
133 Services Component 08:10
134 Portfolio Component 08:11
135 Contact Component 06:56
136 Blog Component 07:05
137 Blog Details Components 10:31
138 How to upload project in Cpanel 09:11
139 Essential Enviroment Setup 05:29
140 Laravel 8 installation 10:37
141 Discuss on Laravel Folder Structure 08:51
142 What is MVC and Its Benefits 02:14
143 What is Route 01:09
144 Laravel Routes 12:29
145 Laravel Blade Syntax 05:07
146 How to Make Controller And Get Url Request 11:47
147 Middleware 11:28
148 Laravel Url, URL to Route 10:32
149 Create Database and Configaration 04:11
150 Laravel 8 Authentication install 11:42
151 Laravel 8 Authentication Details 14:31
152 Eloquent ORM Read Users Data 22:59
153 Query Builder Read Users Data 06:02
154 Create Model And Migration 19:24
155 Form Validation & Show Custom Error Message 22:22
156 Eloquent ORM Insert Data 18:23
157 Insert Data With Query Builder 06:11
158 Eloquent ORM Read Data 12:21
159 Query Builder Read Data 03:33
160 Laravel Pagination 07:10
161 Eloquent ORM One To One Relationships 08:47
162 Query Builder Join Table 06:52
163 Eloquent ORM Edit & Update 25:33
164 Query Builder Edit & Update Data 07:34
165 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 1 17:14
166 Soft Delete ,Data Restore & ForceDelete Part 2 12:07
167 Setup Brand Page 20:51
168 Eloquent ORM Insert Image 26:47
169 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 1 12:29
170 Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image & Without Image Part 2 17:53
171 Delete Data With Image 07:59
172 Image Insert & Resize With Intervention Package 14:23
173 Multiple Image Upload Part 1 13:12
174 Multiple Image Upload Part 2 16:58
175 Update User Profile and Change Password 10:21
176 Forgot Password & Password Reset 08:57
177 Email Verify in Laravel 07:38
178 Middleware Auth Users Access Control 06:22
179 Admin Panel Setup Part 1 04:14
180 Admin Panel Setup Part 2 24:28
181 Admin Panel Setup Part 3 05:33
182 Logout Page Setup 09:16
183 Login Page Setup 12:12
184 Fontend Templete Setup Part 1 19:11
185 Fontend Templete Setup Part 2 06:16
186 Setup Home Brand Page 15:47
187 Setup Home Slider Page Part 1 18:41
188 Setup Home Slider Page Part 2 24:03
189 Setup Home Slider Page Part 3 12:03
190 Setup Home page About Section Part 1 16:45
191 Setup Home page About Section Part 2 15:51
192 Setup Home page About Section Part 3 15:03
193 Setup Home page About Section Part 4 04:50
194 Setup Home page About Section Part 5 06:43
195 Setup Home page Portofolio Section 11:02
196 Setup Portofolio Page 12:15
197 Setup Contact Page Part 1 16:15
198 Setup Contact Page Part 2 13:43
199 Setup Contact Page Part 3 10:43
200 Setup Contact Page Part 4 19:29
201 Setup Contact Page Part 5 09:25
202 Change Password Option Part 1 17:29
203 Change Password Option Part 2 09:39
204 Change Password Option Part 3 16:47
205 Chage User Profile Part 1 10:13
206 Chage User Profile Part 2 11:30
207 How to add Toster in Project 20:13
208 How to deploy Project in cPane 15:27
209 Remove Public from Deploy Project in Cpanel 04:12
210 Restapi (Api,thirdapartapi,Restfullapi) Introduction 02:21
211 Introduction Of RestAPI Section 04:14
212 RestAPI API Create Laravel Project 11:45
213 RestAPI MCR,First Route and Method 14:57
214 RestAPI Class CRUD Part 1 14:37
215 RestAPI Class CRUD Part 2 10:42
216 RestAPI Subject CRUD Part 1 16:49
217 RestAPI Subject CRUD Part 2 09:08
218 RestAPI Section CRUD Part 1 15:16
219 RestAPI Section CRUD Part 2 06:47
220 RestAPI Student CRUD Part 1 18:05
221 RestAPI Student CRUD Part 2 07:17
222 Section Introduction - What We Will Build in This Section 05:15
223 What You Will Need for This Section 05:04
224 Laravel Project Install and Database Configer 09:29
225 Laravel passport Authentication Passport Install 12:17
226 Laravel Passport Authentication Login 14:50
227 Laravel Passport Authentication ¦ Registration Part 1 10:55
228 Laravel Passport Authentication ¦ Registration Part 2 11:22
229 Laravel Passport Authentication ¦ Forgot Password Part 1 13:17
230 Laravel Passport Authentication ¦ Forgot Password Part 2 24:04
231 Laravel Passport Authentication Reset Password 22:28
232 Laravel Passport Authentication Authorization User 07:06
233 Laravel passport Authentication React Project 10:51
234 React Router & Component Setup 19:09
235 Laravel Passport Authentication Login Page 14:02
236 Passport Authentication ¦ Other Components 07:48
237 Passport Authentication ¦ User Profile Page 05:32
238 Passport Authentication Login Credentials Part 1 16:17
239 Passport Authentication Login Credentials Part 2 07:14
240 Passport Authentication ¦ Storage Token 08:33
241 Passport Authentication Login after profile Part 1 10:18
242 Passport Authentication Login after profile Part 2 06:33
243 Passport Authentication ¦ Profile data 07:03
244 Passport Authentication Registration 16:06
245 Passport Authentication ¦ Logout 12:07
246 Passport Authentication ¦ Forgot Password Option 13:03
247 Passport Authentication ¦ Error Showing 10:49
248 Passport Authentication ¦ Reset Password 15:41
249 Passport Authentication ¦ Protect Url 05:02
250 Introduction 03:22
251 Important Note - Must Check 02:49
252 Before Start What You Will Need 04:06
253 Create React Project and Create Boiler Plate 08:09
254 Component Framework 11:52
255 Google Fonts 05:20
256 Favicon & Main Div 07:33
257 Add Project In Github 01:09
258 Top Banner Component Part 1 15:44
259 Top Banner Component Part 2 14:12
260 Top Banner Component Part 3 05:31
261 Service Component Part 1 17:06
262 Service Component Part 2 14:45
263 Service Component Part 3 07:49
264 Nav Component Part 1 08:30
265 Nav Component Part 2 16:24
266 Nav Component Part 3 08:47
267 Nav Component Part 4 11:23
268 Nav Component Part 5 08:57
269 CSS Placing 03:54
270 Chart Component Part 1 04:42
271 Chart Component Part 2 11:22
272 Chart Component Part 3 17:09
273 Summary Component Part 1 12:44
274 Summary Component Part 2 09:45
275 Summary Component Part 3 10:25
276 Summary Component Part 4 16:00
277 Count Animation 10:37
278 Project Component Part 1 10:52
279 Project Component Part 2 09:32
280 Course Component Part 1 06:47
281 Course Component Part 2 12:15
282 Video Component Part 1 07:41
283 Video Component Part 2 16:46
284 Video Component Part 3 07:23
285 Review Section Part 1 16:35
286 Review Section Part 2 15:19
287 About Me Section Part 1 11:10
288 About Me Section Part 2 14:38
289 Footer Part 1 16:26
290 Footer Part 2 13:07
291 Footer Part 3 15:04
292 Fixing Header Icon and Fotter Align 05:47
293 Formation Home Page 04:25
294 Formation Page Top 10:14
295 Formation About Page 11:46
296 Formation Course Page 06:25
297 Formation Portfolio Page 05:57
298 Formation Contact Form 11:04
299 Formation Service Page 04:48
300 Formation Creating Route 08:03
301 Routing All Page 11:54
302 Active Routing Link 10:09
303 Refund Policy Page 14:58
304 Terms and Conditions 06:43
305 Privacy Policy Footer Contact Footer About Me 09:09
306 Update Home Page Layout Part 1 18:28
307 Update Home Page Layout Part 2 25:19
308 Project Details Page Part 1 13:31
309 Project Details Page Part 2 16:49
310 Course Details Page Part 1 10:10
311 Course Details Page Part 2 24:17
312 Course Details Page Part 3 08:44
313 NavBrand Logo Route 05:28
314 Window Scroll For New Page Route 05:39
315 Install Laravel Project with Auth and Configer Database 14:14
316 Create Database Table Part 1 12:21
317 Create Database Table Part 2 08:27
318 Create Database Table Part 3 12:11
319 Create Database Table Part 4 09:32
320 Chart Data REST API Creation 10:45
321 Client Review REST API Creation 06:42
322 Contact Send REST API Creation 08:54
323 Course Home REST API Creation 15:03
324 Footer Data REST API Creation 06:16
325 Information REST API Creation 03:30
326 Services REST API Creation 05:42
327 Projet Home REST API Creation 14:10
328 Total Home Details REST API Creation 13:00
329 Install Axios 03:26
330 Axios Test 06:57
331 Axios App URL 11:52
332 Common Get Request 05:20
333 Rest API Real Server Deploy Part 1 10:55
334 Rest API Real Server Deploy Part 2 06:41
335 Home Top Title React API Consuming Part 1 16:12
336 Home Top Title React API Consuming Part 2 07:42
337 Home Service Page React API Consuming 14:56
338 Home Recent Projects React API Consuming 14:22
339 Home Courses Page React API Consuming 14:10
340 Home Client Review React API Consuming 06:59
341 Home Chart React API Consuming 07:14
342 Technology Description React API Consuming 11:03
343 About Page React API Consuming 06:46
344 Information Page React API Consuming 08:45
345 Footer Page React API Consuming 13:01
346 Video Section React API Consuming 07:56
347 Post Data From Contact Form Part 1 09:00
348 Post Data From Contact Form Part 2 12:57
349 Post Data From Contact Form Part 3 11:34
350 All Coruse Page API Consuming Part 1 06:43
351 All Coruse Page API Consuming Part 2 05:37
352 Project Details Page API Consuming Part 1 07:11
353 Project Details Page API Consuming Part 2 13:04
354 Project Details Page API Consuming Part 3 14:51
355 Project Details Page API Consuming Part 4 07:11
356 Course Details Page API Consuming Part 1 13:21
357 Course Details Page API Consuming Part 2 19:22
358 Course Details Page API Consuming Part 3 04:57
359 Collect Loader Animation 06:08
360 Create Loading Component 06:13
361 Set Loading Animation Part 1 07:58
362 Set Loading Animation Part 2 11:15
363 Set Loading Animation Part 3 10:07
364 Set Loading Animation Part 4 11:10
365 Set Loading Animation Part 5 02:17
366 API Failure Manage Part 1 06:35
367 API Failure Manage Part 2 20:50
368 API Failure Manage Part 3 05:20
369 Use Animation in Site Part 1 10:56
370 Use Animation in Site Part 2 17:29
371 Use Animation in Site Part 3 11:54
372 Site Responsive Part 1 06:40
373 Site Responsive Part 2 14:42
374 URL Not Found 404 Not Found Solution 11:04
375 Deploy React Client Application Real Server 11:45
376 Before Start This Section 11:10
377 Setup Admin Theme 15:59
378 Dashboard Page Segmentation 06:28
379 Refreach Admin Template 11:45
380 Admin Logout Option 09:23
381 Customize Login Form 11:49
382 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 1 17:05
383 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 2 18:41
384 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 3 10:58
385 Admin Profile & Image Update Part 4 18:02
386 Adding Toster In For View Message 09:54
387 Admin Profile Change Password Part 1 10:17
388 Admin Profile Change Password Part 2 14:35
389 Create CRUD for Information Part 1 21:22
390 Create CRUD for Information Part 2 10:23
391 Create CRUD for Information Part 3 09:15
392 Create CRUD for Information Part 4 17:10
393 Install Image Intervention 05:46
394 Create CRUD for Services Part 1 10:29
395 Create CRUD for Services Part 2 27:01
396 Create CRUD for Services Part 3 16:50
397 Create CRUD for Services Part 4 04:25
398 Create CRUD for Project Part 1 12:55
399 Create CRUD for Project Part 2 23:23
400 Create CRUD for Project Part 3 13:43
401 Create CRUD for Project Part 4 03:04
402 Create CRUD for Courses Part 1 01:34
403 Create CRUD for Courses Part 2 12:47
404 Create CRUD for Courses Part 3 17:10
405 Create CRUD for Home Page Part 1 16:08
406 Create CRUD for Home Page Part 2 07:55
407 Create CRUD for Home Page Part 3 11:18
408 Create CRUD for Client Review Part 1 10:18
409 Create CRUD for Client Review Part 2 07:30
410 Create CRUD for Client Review Part 3 13:14
411 Create CRUD for Footer Part 1 06:52
412 Create CRUD for Footer Part 2 14:15
413 Create CRUD for Charts Part 1 05:19
414 Create CRUD for Charts Part 2 09:32
415 Get Contact Form Data 13:01

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