The Modern React 18 Bootcamp - A Complete Developer Guide

20h 35m 57s
September 24, 2024

In this course we will take you from a React 18 novice to a job ready engineer. This course is loaded with practical projects and examples so that you can truly understand and utilize React 18 in great depth!

We will be building five projects, each one getting more and more complex. We will end this course by building an Netflix clone with features like payments and user authentication. By the end of this course, you should have multiple practical example to show off your knowledge!


Here are a list of thing you will learn in this course:

  • The difference between pure Vanilla JS and React 18
  • How to utilize the all the different React hooks
  • Conditional rendering and mapping through a list of elements
  • Fetching data from an external API and handling the success, loading and error states
  • Handling user authentication
  • Building a Postgres database to handle complex relations
  • Utilizing TypeScript for bug free code
  • All the important ways to handle state (useState, useContext, useReducer, Redux Toolkit)
  • Handling subscriptions payments with Stripe
  • Scroll based pagination with the Observer Intersection API
  • Optimizing performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders

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# Title Duration
1 A Little Setup 02:56
2 What is React 04:55
3 Building an App With Vanilla JS 14:16
4 Discussing the Annoyances We Faced 02:19
5 Building the Same App With ReactJS 18:29
6 Creating a React App 12:32
7 Exploring the Files and Folders 09:52
8 State and Event Handling 08:51
9 Project Intro 02:59
10 Class vs ClassName 07:40
11 Building the JSX Structure 07:53
12 Listing Out Everything We Need to Work On 02:42
13 Two Way Binding 10:26
14 Defining an Array State 11:52
15 Iterating Through the List to Render Elements 05:26
16 The Key Prop 04:22
17 Computing the Quantity 05:14
18 Conditionally Render JSX Elements 04:09
19 Deleting an Item 06:24
20 Two Way Binding a List Item 07:38
21 The useEffect Hook 10:10
22 Project Introduction 07:28
23 Building the JSX Structure 10:07
24 Two Way Binding 08:24
25 A Cleaner and DRYer Way of Two Way Binding 07:13
26 Input Validation and Conditional Styling 08:21
27 Storing Store List and Map Through List to Render Elements 12:38
28 Installing Dependencies 07:14
29 Computing a New State 07:29
30 Project Introduction 06:58
31 Building the JSX Structure for the Home Page 12:55
32 Dividing Our JSX into Components 10:32
33 Passing Props to Components 10:51
34 Understanding Routing 09:46
35 How React Renders Content to the Browser (CSR vs SSR) 12:07
36 Installing react-router-dom 05:05
37 Defining Our Routing Rules 05:38
38 Adding Another Page to Our App 03:23
39 Nested Routes for Common Elements 08:27
40 Link Based Navigation 07:14
41 Defining Dynamic Routes 05:32
42 The useParams Hook for Extracting the Params 08:00
43 The useNavigate Hook for Programmatic Navigation 05:56
44 Where Will the Data Come From 07:01
45 Fetching Data From an API With Our React App 06:22
46 Iterating Through the Fetched Data 08:08
47 Encapsulating the Fetch Logic in a Custom Hook 05:33
48 Handling a Loading State 07:07
49 Handling an Error State 04:22
50 Querying for Data by Keyword 12:01
51 A Quick Fix 02:34
52 Another Custom Hook 07:41
53 Traversing and Rendering the Data 13:26
54 The Children Prop 06:42
55 Building the Recipe Info Component 08:12
56 Potentials Issues With the State We Defined 03:34
57 The useReducer Hook 14:19
58 Adding Query Params 09:47
59 Handling Error State with an Error Message 06:16
60 A 404 Error Page 05:24
61 More Nested Pages 06:28
62 Passing Data to an Outlet With useOutletContext 07:03
63 Wrapping Things Up 03:55
64 Deploying the Application 07:07
65 Viewing Our Deployment 01:30
66 React Has Many Hooks 03:23
67 The useRef Hook 01:45
68 Building a Mini Project With useState 09:45
69 Improving Performance With useRef 07:55
70 Referencing Elements with useRef 08:42
71 The useMemo Hook 13:14
72 Memo and Props 07:43
73 The useCallback Hook 15:01
74 An Intro to TypeScript 03:48
75 Creating a TypeScript React App 04:32
76 A Quick TypeScript Lesson 16:09
77 Exploring the Starter Code 05:23
78 State with TypeScript 07:03
79 Props with TypeScript 07:34
80 Params with TypeScript 15:41
81 Installing Packages with TypeScript 02:51
82 Major Project Introduction 08:45
83 Creating a TypeScript React App 02:31
84 Tailwind Integration 08:08
85 Building the NavBar 12:00
86 Building the Home Page 11:45
87 Building the Login Page 09:39
88 Building the Plans Page 14:57
89 Building the Browse Page 24:23
90 Building the Watch Page 07:50
91 Implementing Page Navigation 09:16
92 How Will We Get the Data? 06:46
93 Building an Express Server 09:21
94 Create a Movies List GET Endpoint 03:21
95 useReducer with TypeScript 15:47
96 Fetching the Data From the Hook 08:51
97 Consuming the Data in Our Browse Page 06:27
98 Fixing the Card Styles 01:09
99 Conditionally Adding a NavBar Background 04:21
100 Navigating to the Watch Page 02:41
101 Creating a Movie GET Endpoint 02:57
102 Fetching and Rendering the Data From React 08:53
103 Introduction to Pagination 03:49
104 Types of Pagination 05:17
105 Offsets and Limits 04:35
106 Returning Paginated Data From the Server 03:05
107 Intersection Obersever API to Detecting the Visibility of an Element 13:13
108 Appending the Data Instead of Replacing 06:14
109 Adding a Loading State 07:28
110 Prevent Refetching When Client Has All the Data 08:14
111 Introduction to Database Solutions 05:54
112 Spinning Up a Postgres Database 04:37
113 Raw SQL vs ORM 06:12
114 Defining Our Schema & Connecting to the DB 11:18
115 Writing and Executing a Seed Script 10:16
116 Refactoring Our Endpoints to Fetch Data With Prisma 09:12
117 Introduction to Authentication 04:52
118 Refactoring Common Endpoints to Separate Files 07:32
119 Validating the User Inputs 14:46
120 Validating That the User Doesn't Already Exist 04:13
121 Three Different Ways to Store a Password 06:21
122 Hashing and Saving the Password 05:39
123 Saving the User 02:34
124 Forming and Returning a JSON Web Token 08:32
125 The Sign In Endpoint 09:39
126 The Me Endpoint 09:04
127 Back to the Client 01:33
128 Fixing the Form Card 06:43
129 The React Hook Form Library 02:13
130 Setting Up the Form With the useForm Hook 07:06
131 Managing State and Two Way Binding 08:14
132 Validating the Form Input Values 09:24
133 Handling Error States 06:14
134 Bring Things Together 02:32
135 Creating a useAuth Hook 06:08
136 Making the HTTP Requests 07:06
137 Handling Auth Errors 08:55
138 Navigating to the Browse Page Upon Successful Authentication 03:36
139 Storing the JWT in the Browser's Cookie 05:42
140 Introduction to Redux Toolkit 12:38
141 Defining Our Global State 06:24
142 Persisting the Authentication State 10:48
143 Defining Private Routes 07:14
144 Adding the Logout Logic 04:44
145 Time to Make Some Money 02:53
146 Adding Products to Stripe 02:56
147 Connecting Our Server to Stripe 08:08
148 Defining the Products Endpoint 05:04
149 The usePlans Hook 12:38
150 Rendering the Plans 12:22
151 Defining a Session Endpoint 11:34
152 Purchasing a Subscription From the Client 12:34
153 Walking Through All User Flows 04:37
154 Show the Plans Page Only if You Are Authenticated 01:36
155 A Check Auth Middleware 11:49
156 Creating a My Subscription Endpoint 08:26
157 Redirect Users that Have Plans to the Manage Plans Page 14:16
158 Manage Page Redirection 04:47
159 Add Permission Logic to the Movie List Endpoint 11:05
160 Redirect User to the Plan Page if They Don't Have a Subscription 04:34
161 Premium Plan Permissions 09:36

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