The Creative Javascript Course

17h 46m 20s

Javascript is the most popular programming language in the world! This course is ideal for anyone who wants to get started in front end development. Learn javascript from absolute scratch with no prior experience. We build small projects, larger web apps, websites and more!

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# Title Duration
1 0. Beginning Javascript 00:32
2 1. Installing vsCode 03:12
3 2. Loading Javascript 04:12
4 3. Const and Let 13:57
5 4. Comments 02:16
6 5. Operators 04:36
7 6. Primitive Data Types 05:57
8 7. Concatenation 09:46
9 8. Prettier 03:01
10 9. Comparisons and Conditions 17:49
11 10. Truthy False Values 03:24
12 11. Functions 17:28
13 12. Objects 06:09
14 13. Arrays 07:21
15 14. Switch Statements 15:02
16 15. For Loop 12:23
17 16. For Of, ForEach 07:19
18 17. For In, While Loops 07:55
19 18. Guessing Game Final 13:37
20 19. Scope 15:55
21 0. Dom Intro 00:27
22 1. The DOM 02:47
23 2. Exploring document 02:18
24 3. Selecting in the DOM 08:54
25 4. Collections and Nodelists 19:05
26 5. Events 23:42
27 6. Event Bubbling 18:44
28 7. Session and Local Storage 13:14
29 0. Todo Intro 00:40
30 1. Set Up 06:38
31 2. Basic Styling 05:50
32 3. Generating Todos 08:52
33 4. Adding Todos 06:54
34 5. Delete and Mark 06:23
35 6. Animations 04:38
36 7. Filtering 14:40
37 8. Local Storage 18:45
38 1. Primitives Vs Reference Types 11:48
39 2. Callbacks, Higher Order Functions 07:46
40 3. Map 05:30
41 4. Find 02:57
42 5. Filter 03:12
43 6. Some and Every ( 04:07
44 7. Ternary Operator 03:33
45 8. Arrow Functions 09:56
46 9. Sort...weird 11:21
47 10. Creating Copies 06:27
48 0. Objects Intro 00:47
49 1. The Global Execution Context and Hoisting 10:26
50 2. Callstack 13:21
51 3. This Keyword 20:10
52 4. Bind, Call, Apply 10:53
53 5. Constructor Functions 08:28
54 6. Prototype 12:31
55 7. Prototypal Inheritence 12:03
56 8. Classes 08:14
57 9. Fun Stuff With OOP 13:21
58 1. Project Preview 02:29
59 2. HTML Setup 13:54
60 3. CSS Setup 11:40
61 4. Creating Our Sound Loop 16:50
62 5.Let's hear the sounds! 08:59
63 6. Quick Fix 01:01
64 7. Play and Stop 10:01
65 8. Changing Sounds 10:00
66 9. Muting Sounds 06:49
67 10. Adding Tempo 11:14
68 0. Coloors Intro 02:41
69 1. The Project 02:28
70 2. Creating the HTML 15:15
71 3. Style It Up! 12:38
72 4. Generate First Color 11:27
73 5. Checking Contrast 02:40
74 6. Coloring our Inputs 17:58
75 7. Updating the BG 09:56
76 8. Updating Text and Contrast 05:38
77 9. Fixing Our Broken Slides 05:03
78 10. Updating Slide Values 07:17
79 11. Live Slide Update 01:49
80 12. Copy To Clipboard 10:25
81 13. Open Close Adjustments 05:49
82 14. Generate Button 05:52
83 15. Lock Feature 03:31
84 16. Open Close Save Palette 14:56
85 17. Pushing to Local Storage 05:44
86 18. Dynamic Library UI 13:32
87 19. Picking from Library 06:58
88 20. Finish 10:36
89 21. But wait there is a bug 08:12
90 0. Creating Dynamic Websites 00:51
91 1. Project Intro 01:33
92 2. Adding HTML 09:15
93 3. Adding CSS 14:30
94 4. Diferrent Scroll Effects 19:13
95 5. Adding GSAP 12:24
96 6. Scroll Animation Overload 15:36
97 7. Cursor Animations 13:29
98 8. Toggle Burger 06:26
99 9. Another Page 12:04
100 10. Page Transitions 29:44
101 11. Scroll Effect On Other Pages 07:49
102 12. Bug Fixes and Mobile View 14:21
103 1. Deconstruct 07:30
104 2. IIFE 02:27
105 3. Closures 01:58
106 4. Modules 04:44
107 0. Async Intro 00:29
108 1. Ajax 03:42
109 2. Async Behind The Scenes 09:45
110 3.Callbacks and Callback Hell 08:54
111 4. Promises 06:00
112 5. Promise Refactor 04:57
113 6. Promise All 03:21
114 7. Async Await 04:43
115 8. Fetching From our first API 08:56
116 1. Photon Intro 01:35
117 2. Api Key 03:25
118 3. Creating the basic HTML and CSS 06:58
119 4. Fetching the Images 09:35
120 5. Search 07:40
121 6. Refactoring 06:35
122 7. Search Clear 04:49
123 8. Finishing the style css 05:34
124 9. Finishing it up 10:20
125 10. Thank You 00:33

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