Remake Retro Games with JavaScript

7h 5m 41s
July 20, 2024

Old is gold. Let's get inspired by the classic games from the 80's and add our own graphics and game features. Explore the interstellar void and use 3 different weapon types to burn through swarms of space bugs of different types, some larger than the others.

We will start with a game loosely inspired by the classic Space Invaders arcade and we will experiment with different additional features such as boss battles, super weapons and different enemy types.

Let's explore object oriented programming with JavaScript and implement a useful set of basic 2D game development techniques such as object pool design pattern, sprite animation, timing and staggering techniques using timestamps and much more.

Don't forget to download all the bonus gifts. Students of this course will get a pack of premium quality 2D game art, this time in a sci-fi space theme. You can also download the source code from multiple stages of the project, as we gradually add more features.


We will implement multiple enemy types:

  • Beetlemorph - basic enemy, 1 hit is enough
  • Rhinomorph - armored enemy, multiple lives, multiple damage states
  • Mantismorph - massive boss size enemy, increasing pool of lives
  • Eaglemorph - when hit, it will sacrifice a body segment and it will spit it back
  • Squidmorph - unknown alien bug, use everything we learned to implement your own unique enemy type

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 01:03
2 What will we learn? (Project features) 01:28
3 Project Setup 04:25
4 Game and player objects 05:37
5 Keyboard controls 07:27
6 Object pool 13:02
7 Enemy waves 13:34
8 Collision detection 08:06
9 Counting score and drawing game text 12:49
10 Game restart method 05:47
11 Beetlemorph enemy class 04:51
12 Sprite animation explained 10:36
13 Animation timing 10:16
14 Player animation 13:09
15 Extra features: Armored enemies 00:58
16 Rhinomorph enemy class 09:25
17 Extra features: Boss battles 00:31
18 Boss class 09:28
19 Boss movement 10:23
20 Boss vs player collision 07:08
21 Extra features: Super weapons 00:44
22 2 laser classes 08:02
23 Laser damage 08:02
24 Resource management 07:06
25 Eaglemorph enemy class 06:56
26 Enemy projectiles 06:22
27 Projectile interactions 04:49
28 Squidmorph enemy class 09:19
29 Lobstermorph enemy class 02:31
30 Project Setup 03:19
31 Planet and Game Class 08:11
32 Mouse Position 06:20
33 Player Spaceship 04:43
34 A little bit of Math 07:48
35 Understand Canvas Rotation 06:16
36 Debug Mode 02:26
37 Object Pool 12:23
38 Player Projectiles 06:11
39 Enemy Pool 07:26
40 Collision Detection 02:21
41 Periodic Events 08:07
42 Asteroid Enemy Class 04:22
43 Sprite Animation 09:16
44 Lobstermorph Enemy Class 09:16
45 Game Text 05:27
46 Player Lives 05:10
47 Beetlemorph Enemy Class 01:37
48 Rhinomorph Enemy Class 02:44
49 Make your first mobile game 01:09
50 Project Setup 02:03
51 Make Everything Responsive 06:16
52 Enemy Class 08:00
53 Object Pool Design Pattern 03:36
54 Periodic Triggers 06:51
55 Mouse Controls 01:32
56 Collision Detection 07:51
57 Touch Events 01:39
58 Game Text 07:05
59 Start and Restart 03:35
60 Fullscreen Games 04:12
61 Simple Crew Members 01:31
62 Simple Enemy Type 04:24
63 Sprite Animation 04:21
64 Animation Timing 04:09
65 Debug Mode 02:10
66 Enemy Variety 04:30
67 Randomized Space Crew 03:48
68 State Management in Games 04:28
69 State Design Pattern 15:24
70 Sounds 09:50

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