Pixel Perfect Figma to Tailwind

2h 40m 16s

This workshop is designed to help you achieve 'pixel-perfect' design implementations, bridging the fidelity gap between design and development. Throughout this workshop, you’ll be guided along essential steps—from analyzing Figma designs to implementing responsive layouts and learn advanced CSS techniques.

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Project Setup

Before implementing Tailwind in your website, it's essential to set up and analyze the provided Figma design file. This ensures alignment with design elements and sets a solid foundation for your project. By analyzing and preparing the Figma design file upfront, you streamline development and ensure your Tailwind website reflects the intended design accurately.

  • Semantic HTML structure
  • Color and typography integration

Mobile First

Prepare to bring your landing page design to life by focusing first on its mobile implementation, guided by insights from the Figma design file. Understanding the mobile layout is crucial before scaling up to larger screens. You'll dissect the mobile design into key segments: the content section featuring the logo, heading, and paragraphs; the arrangement of logo tiles; and the overall structural layout. By analyzing how these elements evolve across breakpoints, you'll gain a clear strategy for organizing your page effectively.

Responsive Design

Ensure your website maintains consistent quality across all screen sizes by implementing precise design adjustments specified at different breakpoints.

  • Current layout strength
  • Design-Specific adjustments
  • Attention to detail
  • Tools for precision

Art Directed Grid

CSS Grid provides a powerful feature that allows you to place elements in specific grid cells according to your design. By learning the placement of elements in a CSS Grid, you'll be able to create intricate and visually appealing designs with ease.

  • Grid cell placement
  • Precision positioning
  • Create complex layouts


Add interaction styles to the application to clearly indicate interactive elements such as links and logo tiles. The goal is to closely recreate the designs specified in the Figma file to enhance the user experience and clearly indicate which elements are interactive within the application.

  • Implementing hover states for links
  • Defining focus states using Tailwind's outline and ring utilities
  • Ensuring the implemented styles match the designer's vision


Explore how to add engaging animations by to our user interface using exclusively CSS keyframe animations.

  • Implementing a visually appealing role reveal effect on logo tiles
  • Creating a staggered animation delay for a stunning waterfall entry effect
  • Respecting users' preferences by providing a simple fade-in alternative for those who prefer reduced motion
  • Ensuring accessibility by considering users with motion sensitivity

Subgrid Alignment

CSS subgrid is a powerful feature that aligns a nested grid with its parent grid's cells. This section demonstrates its effectiveness in a specific design scenario, illustrating how it enables precise alignment and layout control.

Migrate to Tailwind v4

Discover the enhanced flexibility of Tailwind CSS version 4, which introduces a streamlined method for configuring your theme directly in CSS using CSS variables. This update simplifies the customization process compared to the previous reliance on JavaScript config files.

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# Title Duration
1 Pixel Perfect Tailwid Workshop Itroductio 03:15
2 Preparig for a Custom Desig 01:03
3 Ustyled Markup 00:36
4 Fuctioal ad Sematic Markup 04:02
5 Tailwid Theme Customizatio ad Cofiguratio 03:07
6 Customizig Tailwid CSS Cofiguratio for a Resposive Desig 09:50
7 The Foudatio is Built 00:33
8 Desigig for Mobile First 02:46
9 Structural Layout 00:34
10 Dyamic Layout Cotaiers 06:25
11 Implemetig the Cotet Sectio 00:39
12 Creatig Layo with Flexbox ad Grid 07:52
13 Buildig a Resposive Logo 00:38
14 Stylig Li with Flexbox & Grid 10:15
15 Mobile Layout Completed 00:12
16 Idetify Desig Chages Across Breakpoi i Figma 00:38
17 Implemetig Resposive Typography 00:39
18 Resposive Typography 03:46
19 Spacig Aroud ad Betwee Eleme 00:17
20 Resposive Spacig 04:42
21 Creatig Resposive TwoColum Layo 00:51
22 Resposive Grid Layo 03:31
23 Buildig a Structured Grid Layout 01:02
24 Resposive Grids with Auto Flow Colums 01:59
25 Resposive Desig Completed 00:11
26 Place Items i a Grid 00:26
27 Assig Coordiates to Eleme 01:55
28 Addig Grid Coordiates to Logo Obje 01:08
29 Lookup Obje for Grid Placemet 03:03
30 Dyamic Grid Placemet 06:59
31 Pixel Perfect Grid Completed 01:19
32 Addig Iteractio Styles 00:27
33 Stylig Text Iteractios 00:14
34 Accessibility with Focus ad Hover Styles 03:03
35 Logo Iteractio Stylig 00:24
36 Customizig Hover ad Focus Styles 03:55
37 Iteractios Completed 00:30
38 Creatig Egagig UI Aimatios 00:57
39 Add a Eter Aimatio 01:09
40 Cotrollig Aimatio Delays ad Fill Modes 12:11
41 Chage Aimatios Based o Breakpoi 00:40
42 Resposive Aimatios 02:59
43 Implemetig Roll Reveal Effect 02:10
44 Roll Reveal ad FadeI Keyframe Aimatios 08:12
45 Addig Stagger Reveal to Aimatios 01:36
46 Delayed Aimatios Based o Loop Idex 03:39
47 Aimatio Delay Adjustmet 01:01
48 Implemetig a Wave Aimatio Delay 01:31
49 Aimatios Completed 00:24
50 Aligig Grids to Paret Cells 00:18
51 Fixig Vertical Gap i a Subgrid 00:28
52 Maagig ested Grids for Orgaized Layo 01:47
53 Child ad Paret Grid Aligmet 00:11
54 Adjustig Grid Gaps for Seamless Aligmet 00:58
55 Aligig Eleme with Paret Grid Usig Subgrid 00:23
56 Maagig Rows ad Colums i Resposive Grid Layout 02:36
57 Cotet Placemet with the Grid Layout 00:30
58 Resposive Grid Colums 03:51
59 Aligig Cotet Withi Cells 00:15
60 Optimizig Grid Layo 01:48
61 Subgrids Completed 00:20
62 Migrate Tailwid v3 to v 00:50
63 Itegratig Tailwid v with Vite 00:39
64 Upgradig to Tailwid v with Vite Plugi 02:59
65 Customize the Tailwid Theme 01:46
66 Customizig Your Desig with Tailwid Cofiguratio 02:23
67 Fixig Fot Sizes 00:22
68 Custom Fot Sizes ad Lie Heig 02:22
69 Revampig Aimatios 00:24
70 Portig Keyframes ad Aimatios 04:14
71 Tailwid v Migratio Complete 00:27
72 Pixel Perfect Tailwid Workshop Outro 01:10

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