Systems Design Fundamentals

10h 2m 52s

The most important ingredient to success in systems design interviews is having extensive knowledge in the areas of distributed computing, reliability engineering, information storage, and systems architecture.

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Our design fundamentals course is intelligently organized into 20 modules, each covering a key concept and building upon the previous one. The result is a guided, comprehensive education that equips you with all the tools you need to successfully navigate—and ace—any systems design interview.

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction 03:40
2 What Are Design Fundamentals? 08:27
3 Client—Server Model 14:31
4 Network Protocols 28:56
5 Storage 17:40
6 Latency And Throughput 16:41
7 Availability 25:55
8 Caching 27:46
9 Proxies 17:14
10 Load Balancers 24:53
11 Hashing 37:56
12 Relational Databases 38:01
13 Key-Value Stores 10:49
14 Specialized Storage Paradigms 32:31
15 Replication And Sharding 29:25
16 Leader Election 30:25
17 Peer-To-Peer Networks 30:15
18 Polling And Streaming 26:01
19 Configuration 13:06
20 Rate Limiting 17:11
21 Logging And Monitoring 12:01
22 Publish/Subscribe Pattern 37:48
23 MapReduce 36:58
24 Security And HTTPS 36:06
25 API Design 28:36

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